Stella Dimoko Pastor Tony Rapu's Strong Memo To Married Women....A Must Read.


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Monday, July 21, 2014

Pastor Tony Rapu's Strong Memo To Married Women....A Must Read.

Pastor Tony Rapu just rocks meeeen..last week he gave men here tips on how to treat their women and I am sure that series was so successful that he had no choice but to address women....well done  MOG,God bless you and yours!

I disagree with one or two though but hey,different strokes for different folks.

How is girls night out a risky thing?My married friends and i do girls night out often and it just rocks,so i am confused here.

Women you heard what he said up there?Stop going through your husbands phone or text messages,it is not worth it at all!
How many of you agree with his messages?
The part of submitting always to sex na wah,cant a woman say no sometimes?

TEXT message not TEST...thank you BBC


  1. Ride on Pastor. Nice one. *thumb up*

    1. All these talk about being always sexually available for your husband is getting me horny!

      When will I get married ooo???

    2. Horny Belle God go do am for u. his time is the best. Shine your eye these days o. Your husband might just be your next door Neighbour and you nor go know

    3. BUSYBODY CORRECTER21 July 2014 at 11:44

      Dearest SDK: *TEST message?????
      ONE LOVE!

    4. What an intelligent write up flowing out from the lips of a noble man of wisdom! I quite agree with you pastor, your words provides intellectual succour to marriage institutions! But I'm a little bit pained that women have to give in a lot to get their marriage working! Nice points though, but I don't think I agree with you on the issue of women checking their husband's phone! I personally will make sure I check it everyday! to a certain extent, it help to curb crappy stories that touch to that might emanate in the near future. Secondly, remember Pastor, that what worked for A might not work for B. Auf wiedersehen!

      Pepper ose oku

  2. Oriegwu!!...
    I disagree with Tony this time around...I don't do half of what he wrote and I go through my husbands phone...I know every name and person in his phone contact...infact,I sleep and wake up with his phones...
    And my marriage is as rosey as ever...what works for Okeke cannot work for Okafor...its better you study your husband very very well before applying any tips...

    1. You obviously didn't read all of the memo or you didn't just get it... Apply common sense madam

    2. Linda, your own is good now, my hubby once told me to leave his phone alone, wedaa I know weda e get phone wen no dey eneter house? That I should relax and stop snooping, since then I left him and his wahala! Me I can't fit come and die young o....

    3. Don't mind dem.
      Let dem be busy giving people who care laws they don't even abide by.
      I didn't bother reading

    4. Linda you hit it with "what works for okorie will not work for okafor" my mum's favourite mantra!!! Meanwhile MTN is advertising for us to subscribe to daily tips on how to tell if your husband is cheating.... hahahahaha so I will now pay N50 or more to find out.. really now MTN??? the fact that his phone is passworded is enough to tell me something smells funky on his cell phone. O_o

    5. Abeg this pastor should take 3 seats back row nd sitdown,he sounds like a Damn chauvinist! Abeggi! My husband saw this and was almost late fr work cus he was laughing crazily"he said""my beautiful wife stop reading this kind of things please,you made me into d man I am today with ur guidiance" this man shd not cum nd destroy our 11yrs o! Lmao...whch kain slow pastor be dis sef! abeg me too I'm a pastor,what's good fr d goose can nvr be good fr d gander o!

      Na wa o!!

  3. I want to hammer on that "Physical Intimacy" Women, Make Passionate, MindBlowing sex ur No1 priority, don't be waiting for ya husband to initiate sex everytime, do it too, Be his Wife outta da bedroom, but be his Slut in d bedroom, leave the Mummy nd Daddy kinda sex 4 da Grannies, Make ur man feel very lucky anytime he hits that "P", the Jones is urs, use it Anytime, Anywhere. Hehehehe. The rest, i Totally agree too.
    Bless u pastor!

    1. Pastor, please stop being a chauvinist. I no gree with these things wey you talk. Have you dished any for men to abide by? Nna, I sorry for your wife because if you can use the Bible so cleverly to imprison people, only you, her and God know how you manipulate her...#sad.

    2. I don't envy you at all. You really need help, cos you're in trouble and don't know it.

    3. Mr Fantastic, the pastor isn't chauvinist. He actually wrote a similar memo to the married men last week, and a lot of ladies were singing his praises and attacking the male blog visitors who dared to complain. Don't rush to criticise till you have all the facts, keep an open mind.

  4. The 50-50 deal is d tuffest rule.
    Personally I like, to dish ppl exactly what dey deserve.(Am working on it doe.)

    BTW eesah online,
    Hi and howdydo?
    Beta late dan neva!(Am sorry, I kip forgetting)

  5. Mama Stelz, the man even said even if u tire, you can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you bahahahaha.. The other one that I seem to disagree/have a slight problem with is the servicing yarns. "Serve your husband even when it seems he does not appreciate your service" Na housegirl he want na no be wife. Maka why person go de do all this na? E go hard oo#fatheriaskforthespiritofsubmissionbcosallthesetoohardforme

    1. Well said and highly noted. The guy sure knows it all. I hope his wife does all this (if he is married).

  6. Interesting but I don't totally agree. But nice one anyway.

  7. Spot on Sir! Well said! May GoD continue giving us d Grace o and d Strength oo.LMAO @ u can do all through Christ who Strengthens u" dis dude is Hilarious....kikikiki

  8. so basically, be the perfect perfect wife without flaws. haaaa. odikwa risky though. God help us.

    1. Hi Leona, where have you been?
      Welcome backkkkk :)

    2. These are guide lines, you aren't expected to practise all. Do the best you can and leave the rest for God. Marriage isn't meant for the faint hearted, even blissful marriages need a lot of work. As for checking your hubby's phone(s), I wouldn't encourage it because it causes more harm than good. You really think it's your "close marking" keeping your hubby in check? What about the Anenih's case where Tony allegedly told Esosa to her face of his intention to marry a 2nd wife? Just pray to God to keep your hubby's heart stayed on you, work at being the best woman and wife you can be. Most women I know who snoop around their hubby's phones, ended up depressed and resentful and filled with the quest for vengeance most of which backfired big time! So what about the pre-mobile phone era, how did the wives "close-mark" their hubbies? Some of you haven't met some smooth operators who keep a private line for their babes locked up in their office drawers. They operate a 9am-5pm call time with babes who know the drill. Then they go home with the regular phone wivey knows about. My dear you can't stop a player who wants to play and enjoy the game. You'll just give yourself unnecessary stress.

    3. Well said Ronalda. Ur message is for people like Linda, am very sure her husband Is a player and knows how to play his game thats why she can't find anything on his phone. By the way Linda eze if you can fuck outside as u always claim here why not ur husband.

    4. Best comment @Ronalda

  9. He's so right...I agree wit him

  10. And d girls night thingy....errrr....I and ma girls do it once in a while....and it was d General that even cajoled me go in d beginning.and I have babies,no dinner,no worries...and my best part?driving back home on d freeway with almost no car on d road n me blaring my music...dere's Something magical about it...den getting home n hitting d room and u know d rest....* winks_


  11. Most men will always cheat even if the wife gives him sex 24/7. Its in their blood. give Sex to hold a man? lol i laff in french

  12. In one word, your husband , his feelings and his sexdrive is very important, no matter how tired you are after going to work and taking care of the kids, still come to bed and open your legs .. I agree with some but not all... If I continue talking this page will not be enough..

    *am out*

    1. Evie, abeg I gree with you. The Asaba pastor never talk the thing wey dey worry am. Perhaps, his wife has started to revolt against his Hitlerism and so he has brought the manipulation to Twitter. Only God know whobdey serve am SINCERELY.

    2. @Evie: nice point. You typed more dan one word tho'. Lols *runs away*

  13. Sterrina i tire oo lol!
    Anyhow nice advo *rme*

  14. So true,powerful message,so inspiring......God bless my future home and makes it heaven on earth for me.........@stellakoko,wen a woman freely gives in to sex from her hubby and decline politely ones in a while due to weakness or wteva,d man is gonna understand and even cuddle her to sleep cos he knows the wife wud nt refuse him sex witot a concrete...,sex would only become an issue when the woman continuously and knowing denies the husband sex just to make him submit 2 her demand.....pheWWWW.......

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER21 July 2014 at 11:50

      Anonymous 10:48:
      Line 3: *MAKE* not *MAKES*

  15. So true,powerful message,so inspiring......God bless my future home and makes it heaven on earth for me.........@stellakoko,wen a woman freely gives in to sex from her hubby and decline politely ones in a while due to weakness or wteva,d man is gonna understand and even cuddle her to sleep cos he knows the wife wud nt refuse him sex witot a concrete...,sex would only become an issue when the woman continuously and knowing denies the husband sex just to make him submit 2 her demand.....pheWWWW.......

  16. So true,powerful message,so inspiring......God bless my future home and makes it heaven on earth for me.........@stellakoko,wen a woman freely gives in to sex from her hubby and decline politely ones in a while due to weakness or wteva,d man is gonna understand and even cuddle her to sleep cos he knows the wife wud nt refuse him sex witot a concrete...,sex would only become an issue when the woman continuously and knowing denies the husband sex just to make him submit 2 her demand.....pheWWWW.......

  17. Nne ehn, idi ku egwu o. Dis women's own is too much na. I read his advice to men and it wasn't half as long. Clearly, women do 3/4 of the work in marriage.
    I beg to disagree with him on the sex part. If I had to make love to my hubby as often as he'd like, I'd be long dead.

    For Pete's sake, these husband's need to realise that we also have house chores and the kids to deal with. Always wanting to pound at the slightest opportunity.

    Thanks Pastor, we need these reminders every now and then.
    And for those believing God for spouses, may they receive the very ones that gladdens their hearts and may all our marriages be "till death do us part".

  18. Lol..........laugh don almost finish me, sha am nt married, nw over 2 big aunties in d house....mak me learn. *winks*

  19. Nice one pastor. I picked a few things. Thank you.

    I sha don't understand why he is emphasising so much on physical intimacy like men' s life depends on it.

    1. @Genny abi o. Just picked few words too.

    2. Who knows if he is trying to send an indirect message to someone........... Lol.

    3. Hahaha,Cynhams u just might be right o!

    4. Asinnn eh. It covered 60% of the advice hian. What if your hubby is not the sex type nko

  20. Nothing new,just hope women listen

  21. Nne eehn Orikwa egwu o,even when the woman is sick and tired,submit urself..
    I quite agree to some extent,these rules n regulation is damn too much.
    Ignore! see yousef ignoring mostly everything

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER21 July 2014 at 11:53

      *These rules and regulations ARE...* not *These rules and regulation is....*
      ONE LOVE!

  22. Great pastor Tony,this is a beautiful and thought revealing piece.

    1. Yes! I know all the men will be dancing alingo for this piece.
      Una wan use f***k wound una wives. But e be like say this pastor too like "the thing". The emphasis on it is just too much!
      Marriage is just beautiful when you're with the right person sha. *running to twitter to follow pastor Tony Rapu *

  23. I always say it! Leave your mans phone alone. Them dey gree? Your happiness shouldn't be dependent on the content of that device. Only you can make yourself happy.
    Dr Rapu is one man of God and a half. God bless Dr Rapu, God bless TPH.

  24. Good advice. There is no pleasing some men though no matter what you do.

  25. Thank you pastor ! Best wait oh so be a case we are wives we should now come and go and kill ourselves . Hmm may God strength us for this great task .

  26. Replies
    1. Governess na only u waka come? Best o, beht o, no one kuku correct. Dont even understand ur first long sentence. Oya run back to school.

    2. Do you know the meaning of Governess?

      Just asking...cheers

  27. Half of what hr was saying had to do with sex. Hmmm,that's how sex is important to you all? Please sex is important in a marriage but it isn't the basic.

    I didn't see him talk about wives communicating with their husband tho.

    I check my hubby's phone o,once in a while and he doesn't even know I check it cos he feels his password is safe not knowing I know the password and my marriage is good.

    Okay,others I agree with.

  28. Sex,sex,sex is that all men think about!!!if they use half of the time they use to think about sex to think about the needs of their wife the world will be a berra place....must women always be the ones to always give,I tire ooo,whatever happened to men loving their wives the way Christ loved the church???was Adam not always listening to Eve???cant men of today learn from their ancestors???hian!!!!

  29. Great words of wisdom from him...altho, i disagree with some points. Noone's perfect!
    Is he trying to say that it is ok for a man to exhibit his flaws and still be loved unconditionally and a woman aint allowed to be herself too??? There's no perfect man or woman xept d man's lookn for a househelp, d woman is also allowed to exhibit her flaws and be loved unconditionally....It's a two-way street.

  30. All these tips just make marriage seem tough and un-interesting abeg. Nice tips though.

    1. Lik u said dey r tips,pik d ones u want,no1 is perfect so we can't possibly do all dis bt yrs marriage is tasking,its continuos work,wen d kids come d work continuos,its endless so my dear nt for the fainthearted

  31. buahhahahahhahahaa..chai!
    umu nwanyi! me inclusive.
    when he posted memo for men, 95percent screamed 'ride on pastor'.

    he has posted memo for us, I see grumbling faces through comments.
    me sef follow grumble for some sha....

    dia riz God o

  32. I love attention ftim my man soo much , thst I pray that I font vome out as bn too needy cus am really not.thanks pastor, noted!!!

  33. WOMEN oooooo, hear word.
    WOW! WOW!! WOW!!!
    GBAM! GBAM!! GBAM!!!

    1. Has already been loaded. Who loaded it na?

    2. Awwww,lucky me.thanx Jagbajantis.God bless u.I jst got d etisalat recharge.

  34. I ain't no superwoman, I'm only human, blood runs thru my veins. I'll try but God knows I can only abide by 50% of the "rules" on the list.

  35. Yawnsssssssss###

    e-book for learners##

  36. For all you ladies/women who harden your hearts towards satisfying your husbands, please be informed that "Joy and Peace" shall remain far from your home. And when when you have "Joy and Peace" far from your home, struggles with finance and life become the order of the day...

    Marriage is all about joint communication and discussions. Never harden your hearts wives, Never. Except you do all these, and your husband remains defiant and hardened; but thy heart shall bear you witness that you played the role of a modest and submissive wife..

    Sex is prime in a home.. It must never lack.. Experiment with ur husband, prepare yourself for love-making, keep your privates clean and sweet smelling at all times for quickies becos they are much more pleasurable than "prepared for night sex"..

    These are my words... Andrew is my name .. Married and resident in Abuja.. Cheers

  37. Funny, my man just called to say he found a sex shop in Asaba and asked "babe what do I buy for you" I simply said please buy me a vibrator. He responded "do you still want another one, how many do you want to own, don't you like the two you have @ home" I said... To be continued

    1. Please continue now I hate teasers

  38. I agree with some but not all, all these tips like the woman is from mars abi Jupiter and is not human.

    I know of women who leave their homes at 4.30 to 5.00am and the earliest time they get in is 10.00pm.
    Won't she be exhausted when she gets home?

    I had a friend who after delivery through CS her womb got infected .Despite being in serious pains, the husband still wanted to have sex in that condition, abegggi!

    There is no hard and fast rule and just like Linda said what works for her may not work for me but in all of this , the woman is not a spirit and she is human, it is easier said than done.We can only try, God help us

  39. SMH!... Women!!!

  40. Amazing this write ups always hammer on women providing sex, spice it up , be a slut in the bedroom ...... Question o what about a man that is clueless in d bedroom , that is selfish in d bedroom and too arrogant to learn ? What is d point of having sex with such ? Am yet to meet a woman who gets correct sex from d hubby and not be ready to anytime even if d quarrel . Pastor abeg go back to the husband own write up and add the importance of providing good hot sex to d wife , if d don't know let dem read , research make it an important thing in d marriage cos it is for d wife. D shld check d ego at d door and get down to pleasing thier wives

  41. Nagging they say a wife shldnt do , A man that criticizes almost everything his wife does and has at least some thing negative to say about absolutely anything , even when others are praising her for the same act gets major resentment from the woman. So all these be dis and dat for your husband works and genuinely comes from the woman when she knows and FEELS loved and appreciated . Other than that men shld remain single and get a housemaid period.Continue sleeping around with women that consider them a paycheck, one of the jons in her list of "clients/boyfriends" 5 mins after you leave her she cleans her self up and gets ready for her next boyfriend and repeat same "special words " in bed she just gave you 5 mins ago cos she is about the paper ...while you go home feeling special and to abuse the one woman that kept herself for you...but that aint my problem lol

  42. A 100 rules for the woman and 50 for the woman, he is just a typical male chauvinist who thinks all the work in a marriage belongs to the woman..... I have told my hubby to get a divorce instead of dogging around and expecting me to tolerate all his bullshit.... If u are no longer interested get a divorce and stop sleeping around while your wife cannot.... Better to know where u stand than living in limbo.....some men r just not worth the trouble

    1. He is now a male chauvinist bc he passed tips for women to learn . Most of u arrongant ladies suppported her write up last week abt men now 70% of u feel he is talking nonsense. Well he is a man and knows what works for men more than u. You are even too arrogant for ur man at home to stay a day with u to be happy. What u are faced at home now most be ur doing but u never know until u change urself. Read what u wrote and u can see how pained u sounded. Go through those tips because u need it more than ur husband. The way most of u communicate at home with ur men Is the major problem most of u are facing in ur marriages.

  43. what works for A might not work for B.So study your man and know what works for you both.

  44. Do all things without grumbling and complaining....... But the man can do what he likes cos he is god abi? So sad some of these pastors do not even know the word of God.... They just heap their egoistic chauvinistic opinions on people.....u expect the woman to be super human while the man just does a little.... Why did he not tell the men marriage is not 50/50? Till men begin to love their wives as Christ loves the church then marriages will begin to last..... A lot of divorce happens now cos women are no longer ready to remain oppressed in marriage like those days.....most relationships find the women giving their all yet the men just treat them anyhow......pastor am sorry but a lot of your points are just too biased and puts more work on the the men I did not see him tell the men to pray for their marriages.... Are they not the head of the homes? That's y u see most churches and vigils filled with women praying about hubby and children.... Men of God start teaching men to be true heads and how to love like Christ loves the church

    1. Supported
      He wants women to die in Silence

    2. Did you read his memo to married men? If you didn't , read both memos side by side or one after the other, you'll see it isn't as one sided as you think. He equally advised men not to force themselves on their wives when it's clear their wives are exhausted instead the men should settle for cuddles and kisses. The memo to the men has some serious stuff too. If only both parties could practice majority of the guidelines, we wouldn't be here analysing whether or not the rules are fair.

  45. SEX SEX SEX 2 days ago my hubby cudnt even wait for my period to dry up and requested for sex and when i gave him,i noticed blood i decided to stay off till am completely dried up.
    and yesternite he came again,when i told him he shud wait to the next day,he asked me not to touch him again.
    i asked if i can give him BJ but he refused,i just had to grant him his wish before someone will start giving me attitude.
    Men's Life Revolves round SEX

    I DNT agree to all wat the pastor says mbok
    if you want a perfect woman make yourself perfect

    1. Hmm obdi egwu. BTW does having sex when you are almost done with your period JumpStart the period again?

  46. SEX SEX SEX 2 days ago my hubby cudnt even wait for my period to dry up and requested for sex and when i gave him,i noticed blood i decided to stay off till am completely dried up.
    and yesternite he came again,when i told him he shud wait to the next day,he asked me not to touch him again.
    i asked if i can give him BJ but he refused,i just had to grant him his wish before someone will start giving me attitude.
    Men's Life Revolves round SEX

    I DNT agree to all wat the pastor says mbok
    if you want a perfect woman make yourself perfect

    1. Your hubby sure is selfish.... Get pregnant and he is banging outside...... No matter how much u give when they want to stray they will.... Women stop falling for the trap that only sex keeps them at home.. Lies

  47. The man has his man cave but the woman cant have her girls outing

  48. So a woman cannot say NO to sex when she does not feel like having it???? Too much rules and regulations jare...

  49. Anony 5.32 ,whoever you are,God bless you for this comment.well said!!!

  50. Our ladies re feeling cheated with the message today about them, last week everyone supported his message about men but today most feel cheated. Just choose the write up that favours you and leave the rest. @Linda your hubby must be correct saint ohh pls I need to know him I need a mentor like him @Miamie my sister what happen to your DH? your comments the past weeks about men look like a woman in pain, please take it easy on you.

  51. Cassandra baby21 July 2014 at 19:55

    Anon 5.34pm pls dont kil me wit laughter,,,

  52. Hmmmm,pastor Tony but it true men love sex my hubby at times can make love to me 5 times a day now he is complaining am always tired I don't make love to him like when we met,d annoying part is dey don't know dis sex hurts if d man has a big dick. But wat can I say we re already in it. He says he is loyal to me no side chicks cos all dis diseases every were so I must submit when ever he calls and if I cannot he mastubates

  53. Ode..u check ur husband's phone .what if he sleeps with prostitutes.. how will u know that from his phone calls record.


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