Stella Dimoko CHRONICLE Of Blog Visitor Narratives...


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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

CHRONICLE Of Blog Visitor Narratives...

Na wah!


Good day house, I sent in a chronicle about the small blokos and libidinal excesses wahala. I am here again to seek for serious and candid advice. The guy came to my house yesterday and asked me to marry him. The point is that, we have not broken up but I am in love with someone else who is also in love with me. I no longer have feelings for Mr P,  Mr P insults me at any slightest mistake I make instead of correcting me. Because of his high thirst for sex, he   sometimes rapes me whenever I refuse him sex. But he is a very caring and loving person, my people like him and his people likes me too.

 Please Bv's i don't know if I am doing the right thing cos I told him I will think about his proposal. Help me with advice on how to turn down his proposal without hurting him. Thanks in anticipation. Much love



Good day Stella God bless you for all your doings...I have been reading your blog for some time....straight to my story
   My name is Princess(not real name) am 26.i describe myself as a gentle,nice and understanding girl who has had boyfriends but it didn't work out with any because of one reason or the other,still I wasn't desperate but I was hopeful to meet someone soonest.

   Sometime last year I met a guy through one of the social medias,he had a very good sense of humor and sounded lively when we talked.i fell instantly for him (vise versa)though I was skeptical about it at first because he stays abroad and he might not be the serious type,but then again I thought to myself this could be it....we talked every now and then through Skype calls about anything.

he wondered how a lovely girl like me could still be single,then I told him about my past relationships of how I was treated badly,of which he told me of his,he begged me to be open to him that he came to make a change and he made lots of promises never to hurt me and thanked he's stars for bringing us together.Stella I was happy again everything seemed right once again.often times my sister spoke with him reminding him of his promises to me since she noticed how happy I was with him.during this whole period he was everything I wanted and dreamt of,he advises me,we fight and make up,he supported me the best way he can,we gossiped about stuffs inclusive of stories on your girlfriend advised me not to be too emotional with him cos he might turn out to be fake but I insulted her then told La Boo about it,he cried and professed undying love for me.

   At a point my mum kept asking to see my boyfriend of which I told him and he promised to see her,this then made me promise my mum that on her birthday which is month end he'll call her to think of the fact that he might even be around.

   La Boo has been working on he's expired papers to come back to Nigeria and he finally got it after much struggles,Trust I couldn't wait to see him after so many months of just talking,you needed to see how the preparations of his coming was for me.

   We got talking some days back and as usual and he told me he needs to say something that has been disturbing him that he knows I might not talk to him again afterwards,my heart was pounding so hard and fast cos I thought I had done something bad,only for him to tell me he has family in Nigeria that it's best he lets me know now bla blah bla.

Stella for a second I felt he was joking or I was dreaming I was speechless and almost freezing in this hot weather,I begged him not to pull such a joke and he swore to be serious,at this point I started crying and asking why he didn't tell me from the 1st instance,he said he fell in love with me and was scared to hurt me cos I warned him from the beginning that now he had to summon the courage to tell me what am into so we can find a way out,saying that he those not mind keeping me or bringing me over then he's family can be here,I couldn't say a word I just kept on crying and crying,this is someone I gave my all to,someone that calls me his everything.someone that has been so over protective of me going out or meeting with my female friends cos male friends are not allowed to call or even come visiting Because of how jealous he is.

Stella I was faithful to him not minding the distance or male distractions.meaning I was being fooled all along.he has been been calling to beg that we should sort things out,like its so easy for him.
   And I kept asking if it's a crime to love?
   Can I ever love or trust again?
   Why should it be me?
   What should I do?
   Can't concentrate on anything am really heart broken and still in pains as I type this.
Please I need your advice on what to do before I go insane or do something drastic to myself 


  1. Replies
    1. Job less Estate Surveyor20 April 2016 at 16:42

      Permit to borrow space here.
      Women and wahala.. A dude rape and insult u. He come get small pennis ontop. What are you still doing in that relationship... Stop the caring aspect just tell us u like his money

      Poster 2 dont worry GOD will fix it just forget about him and move on.. From experience posseive and jealous people are usually the worst when it comes to relationship

    2. Poster 2, your English is so baaaad! Maybe that's why the nigga wants to leave you. Wtf is Vise Versa??? Or "am 26"??? Did you go to school at all? Be crying over a married man when your itibolibo ass should be in school polishing your written English and spellings!

    3. Poster 2, here's to you.

      You're in a very cheap relationship... Loyalty and all to someone you've never seen before?

      Come collect your e-slap

    4. Good women always fall in love with the wrong men

    5. In attempt to expose some elses flaws, you expose yours? Is it that you have never come across vice versa or that she used it in the wrong context? Either way, I use of vice versa is correct.. Imagine!!

    6. @Anon 17:59, no one is perfect. You can as well make mistakes if you are in such situation or something similar. To the poster 2- next time don't get so attached in a relationship where your partner is not physically available...lots of secrets involved. You ll surely find someone far better or better still someone better will find you. Okay? The best is yet to come.

    7. PoST 1,
      You cannot afford to be emotional when it comes to the matters of the heart. Marriage lasts for a life time. Once you are in , you are in. Plus a man who would rape you has no respect for you. Just tell him you are moving on.
      POST 2,
      I feel for you. Altleast I know what a heart break feels like. I also no that no woman wants to be a second wife. Also what gives that he. Won't fall in love with another lady else where and do the same thing. Move on girl Your very own man is about to find you.

    8. Anon 19:26, you don't get it. She spelt vice versa incorrectly.

    9. Anon 18:46 just borrow brains. So she shouldn't be loyal because she hasn't me him before? Not all girls are sluts and people like her prefers to keep the cookie as long as the relationship is transparent.

      Poster 2, you'll find love. He respects you, that's why he informed u before his arrival, some will come and eat the cookie before confessing.

  2. Poster 1: simply tell him u have prayed n its not him...ur happiness n peace of mind matters mbok.

    1. So dt ur end time Lee boo wants to have u as a second wife?
      Poster 2, thank your stars that God has finally saved ur ass from this end time covetous man.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I thought someone told you to holla yesterday or day before? Or you need another one?

    2. No contact details?

  4. Poster one tell him you cannot marry him very simple.

  5. Poster1..u dey craze..u ave answers to ur question already..

    Mc pinky

  6. Poster 1
    There's no way you are gon do this and not hurt him so just do it and get it over with na.

    Poster 2
    Awwwww...sorry dearie.
    As difficult as this sounds, you have to move on. Love will find you again.

  7. Poster 1 you need Jesus!
    The last time or only problem was the size of his penis but now it's the fact that he talks down at you and forces you to have sex yet you keep staying with him behind closed door alone but you don't want the sex o.
    You suddenly noticed these things before or after you met this new guy you are in love with right.
    Let me tell you, marriage is not by force and not every guy you date must be factored in as your husband.
    Once you're able to do that maybe just maybe you'd be in relationship to enjoy it first rather than let marriage thoughts cloud your judgement.

    Poster 2 please move on and thank God he told you himself rather than find out on your own.
    To heal faster please stop all communications with him. Nothing good can come with of it. It won't be easy but you wouldn't know until you try.
    Sometime's God is only protecting us when bad things happen.
    Next time trust no one but yourself, you can only vouch for yourself. Men will say anything at all to keep you.

  8. Poster 2
    What kind and colour of advice do you need? Abeg swerve... someone told you he has a family and you are here looking for advice.
    Ok, marry him as a second wife. Yeye dey smell. Women sef!

    1. You want to do drastic things to yourself over someone u never met. Common u have been played, move on.

  9. Where's quicksilver??

    Poster1: you're doin the right thg by following ur heart, if u marry him, you'd cheat on him constantly.

    1. When a guy decides to be truthful, you ladies get hurt and call him a liar.

      Well thank God you enjoyed the phone relationship while it lasted... Now move on. @poster2

    2. Meanwhile poster 1. Tell him you can't marry him. It will definitely hurt, so no need making more difficult than it is already.

      Poster 2, I knew the end of the story before you finished, so am not surprised. You sound like you committed too much, as long as you've not shared nude with him which I doubt, there's NOTHING to worry about, just stop communicating with him.

  10. Poster, please just tell ur Mr P dat he has small prick. And u can not manage.
    It is better u let him go. instead of cheating on him in d future . with a guy with long big big dk like me

    1. Are u sure u arent the Mr p?

    2. Lolzzz... Maybe he is Mr P sef

  11. who is raping who @poster 1?
    Na your 'horseband'?
    What was your kweshon???

    poster 2. Stop falling in love anyhow.
    This love of a thing sef...

  12. U r just 26, kindly gather d broken pieces of ur life. Single n Mingle is on Friday, best of luck

  13. Poster 1,
    You are doing the right thing!...
    Please RUN for your dear life!..
    Don't marry mr P...

    Poster 2,
    You are a Mumu girl!...
    So you want to go insane because of a man? must be mad already!...
    Don't you read my advise here?...I keep on telling you girls here to stop putting all your eggs in one basket to avoid stories like this but mba,you guys will not listen...
    Common dust your self and move on!...
    Infact,use this opportunity to milk his pocket dry!...
    Tell him you have accepted to date him again and request him to send money for your visa and ticket!...
    Then,chop the money and use it to start up something for your self!...
    Stop picking his call after that...don't lose on both sides...shine your eyes!...
    Thunder fire him there!...i

    1. U too like money.i pity ur husband

    2. You be real Jezebel, your daughters ehh,cant even imagine d kind of up bringing they will be unfortunate to get People dey this life o

    3. Chop knuckle for this ya comment the Queen...poster 2 I like d advise wey dis babe give u ooo...u ve been deceived, follow deceive am, collect money help will find u.

    4. I concur with this advice oh,although he might be reading. That's why I don't love unless you're spending money,yes oh. These guys are not royal, you spent your love and emotion and time on some idiot you probably was just having fun.ladies don't be a fool.i hope guys now understands why women's love are for sale these days. We can't be loosing all round. Since your heart can't feel the pain you put another person yhrough,let your pocket feel it.

  14. welldone sis stella such a wonderfull story line.

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  15. Stella, your eyes and ears must have seen a lot! these chronicles can breat hearts mehn.

  16. Poster two you need to grow up, how do people fall deeply in love with someone you have not seen before?

    NNE, biko move on with your life. Forget about that fool, you will fall in love again. Just open your heart and channel all your energy on reading the word of God.

    Stop online dating, abroad guys are one chance.

    1. Shut up dear! I'm in love with someone I've not seen. He's the best so far, and he can't stand me broke l, though I work but he sends money when I request

  17. Poster 2:

    "I was faithful to him". were you faithful to God who created you and who gives every good and perfect gift including husbands? This is the question you should ruminate on and correct if it is otherwise. Else, you keep running into brats like these.


  18. Poster 1, he's caring but he insults and rapes you and you still dey here dey ask mumu quession. This is pay back time baby... Dump that nigga publicly let him feel the pains he's caused you

    Poster2, you want to do something drastic to yourself over a married man? It hurts, I know been there before...but hurting yourself won't make you feel any better or change the fact that he's an asshole for lying to you like that. Funny enough his wife will be some where bragging 'my DH can never cheat on me', I will teach any side chic that comes close to my DH a lesson meanwhile Na the mumu man dey chase the babes o.
    Cry, starve yoursel, curse all men, put Adele's songs on repeat all day, mourn him sef. It might not stop the hurt the hurt immediately but it will eventually. Take heart dear.

    1. Not Adeles "Hello"..... Ure not accepting him back.

  19. #2, LA boo.. lol! Falling in love with someone u never met. Learn to control your emotions

    1. What's d biggie? We find love anywhere

  20. Poster 2,which advice r u looking for? Desperate mumu girl

  21. Narrative 2: Why should it be you?.......before, who was created to bear heartbreaks.

    Ladies in love, everyone is not a frenemy or is envious.
    Slow down and investigate properly..... hold some feelings back always so it doesn't break you when it packs off.
    Every relationship contracted via social media is a "scam" untl proven....really proven otherwise.

    Finally, Madam, in your next relationship......never tell a guy how your ex hurt you or what they did to you... you only will be handing them the format to break you when the "chemistry" turns "physics" or when they get bored.
    Every past relationship was fantastic, it didn't reach the altar coz it's not God's wil.....fullstop.

    Shut your big mouth when they form understanding and tell you "no secrets between us" and "baby, talk to me....let's walk through the pain together"........if you spill, you kill the mystery and awesomeness.....yep, guys see it as....A trash has been made out of my assumed treasure.....and we will read your see-finish induced chronices here.

    Oya, will survive.....isn't it heartbreak?
    Learn your lessons and live.
    It might help to magnify his bad sides shred the perfect inage you had of this guy in your brain...You will love again.

    Poster 1:It will hurt however you want to do it.
    Come out clean, tell him you love him with the love of christ....but you see no future with him, and, you will always pray for him........shikena.
    Do not hear the pleadings, do not regret your words, ignore the pressure and refuse to read the hurt in his eyes. It's marital come first......and so does your happiness.

    1. Lol@ love of christ! But u are good. Learnt something very important today again from poster 2 advice. Thanks

    2. Glad!!! So true dear

    3. I love your advice to p2... It's so true

  22. Poster two your story is exactly the reason y I told myself I won't do long distance relationships anymore. Some guy will make you chase other guys away by being over jealous and protective and in the end you find out he's not who he said he is.

    Dust yourself up, move on with your life. Too many men out there. Do things to distract you. You made a mistake by letting him to talk your family members without you guys meeting. Next thing now your people will be looking at you with pity. Another man will come along don't worry

  23. Poster 1.... Since you dont love him and his thing is small, better tell him NO in a gentle manner so that he will not strangle you. This one that he rapes you when you say NO.

    Poster 2... I will not advise my enemies for internet love. Just gather yourself and move on. You are still young. 26 is not a death sentence. Love will meet you as you grow older. Dont put yourself down or you want to kill yourself for stupid man

  24. Poster 2,serves u right. I no u hv been doing shakara for men based in this country.
    Lmao. U want marry person wey dey oversea.

    1. Lwkmd am very sure girls don do u strong thing

    2. Lwkmd am very sure girls don do u strong thing

  25. Poster one, You don't have a problem please ctrl shift biko.

    Poster two, Please be fast about doing something drastic to yourself. Shebi oyibo bobo bin dey shark your head? You even made a fool of your friend because of someone you've never met... you try jor! Clap for yourself.........

    You better stop crying and move on with your life. Your type will always be looking down on Nija men because they don't spend with hard currency. I'm sure our guys here have been asking you out but you turned them down several bec of jand tins lol. I wish I can see the face of that your friend you did that stuff to. I'm super sure she's in smiling/laughing mood now.

    Women don't understand that men are highly deceitful. That period they are crying, is the period you are suppose to be at alert for a big blow to your head/face. I know these men oh! I be area mama when it comes to men's drama bec I've had my own fair share of their deceit. They will kneel down, shade crocodile tears, call your family members to beg you, call their friends to beg you, give you gifts, and even stalk you. Otu aburu azhi (None be true). I hope I got the Igbo spelling well lol. Men will always be men especially when your toto dey make them run mad heheheheehehheheehe.

    Make I retire here till next chronicles come.

  26. Poster 1.... Since you dont love him and his thing is small, better tell him NO in a gentle manner so that he will not strangle you. This one that he rapes you when you say NO.

    Poster 2... I will not advise my enemies for internet love. Just gather yourself and move on. You are still young. 26 is not a death sentence. Love will meet you as you grow older. Dont put yourself down or you want to kill yourself for stupid man

  27. Can't people just stay out of trouble..... Why is it that all the chronicles are about marriage and relationship

  28. Poster 1: a guy rapes you and insults you and you are still asking if you are wrong by ending the relationshit.???

  29. P1 u knw who u want P2 forgive me but i must say this first ,u r senseless for insulting ur friend and telling ur bf what she said. That being said,leg him go except u want to be a second wife.

  30. Replies
    1. Just wen i tot d two posters for yesterday were beyond foolish dese ones today just reached a new height of stupidity. Poster one he has small peepee, insults u den rapes u and yua considering his proposal hian! B like say brain sef don scarce among other things.

      Poster two continue hearing his pleas and fake pitiful tears u hear no leave am sho gbo. Be waiting for BVs to tell u d obvious.

    2. @Poster 2. Honestly I know what you are feeling right now. But do you know the hardest thing is letting go off painful experiences like the one you're in now. But do you know the sweetest thing is falling in love again. Do not give up on Love. We fall only to rise again. You just have to let gim go and move on. And pave way for a fresh love. No matter how tired the heart is, its never tired to love again. All the best Cheers.

  31. Poster two! Na today? 'I love u' sometimes is just to shine congo! Just move on or whenever he comes, break his head, ur choice.

  32. That's how one married idiot in yankee was disturbing me as if he was for real. The wife sent me photos telling me not to be deceived by him. I blocked him immediately!

  33. Poster one, upon his small blokos he's still insultive? Lol! Count ur teeth with ur tongue, hopefully ur current shiner is worth it.

  34. Poster 1- There's absolutely no way you'd turn down his proposal and expect him not to feel hurt but hey, we can't accept every ring, right?

    Here is a man who rapes and abuses you, you have enough grounds to reject his proposal, except you're ready to live a life of being raped and abused constantly

    Above all, you've found somebody better, twerk away and don't look back!

    Poster2- That guy is a manipulative time waster!

    His family has always been there and will always be, he's just looking for a side pussy to rinse his palate anytime he's around

    My advise? Ruuuuuuuunnn!!!

    Like your life depends on it cos it does.

    He has no plans for you (no GOOD plans), he'll have sex with you and them dump you when he's satisfied or finds a new victim.

    And this guy right here strikes me as a pro, a master manipulator, you can never win him at this game, walk away gurl.

    Why do men go all out, meet a woman's friends, even her ancestors, all the while knowing it's just for sex?

    This, I will never understand.


  35. Poster 2 he has family in Nigeria and so what??. How is that hearbroken ?? I don't get your thought he was a citizen or what. Gold digging bitch Beg swerve...all these he doesn't stay in Nigeria chronicles...a begii

    1. Dondi!!!!she meant married.

  36. Poster 1: are u stupid? Leave Mr P alone. Turn him down.

    Poster 2: lmao. Eyah. Sorry. Just try and forget him. It will be hard but try. Sorry

  37. Is poster 1 they french woman?????

    Oluwa please fix it

  38. @poster 1,if you want to end up with a man who rapes and insults you as he pleases,go ahead and stop asking stella stupid questions!
    Your heart and mind are trying to warn you but you are still thinking of what to do...its your life anyway!

    @poster 2
    Shit happens,learn from this and stop making a man your center of happiness.
    You are not the first girl to experience heart break,move on.God will heal you if you let him.If you like commit suicide because of a man!

  39. Be strong.
    Ur own is coming soon.

  40. poster 1, i dont understand your story mbok.. #2, Since u decided to try ur luck with Ego Mbute n hes got u real bad. tell him to fly u abroad as he suggested n uhmm.......U know d rest nah. winkx.

  41. He rapes you and you are asking stupid questions. Wait and get married to him, until he starts being violent with you or raping your kids then you will know

  42. Cunny cunny advert .

  43. Guys with crayon sized blokos can like to gbensh and rape for Africa, u don't know if dat is dia own consolation prize. Poster 1 if u don't love him run!, even if u love him still run!!!, a guy dat does not respect ur feelings cannot love u.
    Poster 2 sorry e hear, but I keep telling people don't put all ur eggs in one basket until u r sure d basket is tested, trusted and allergic to falling. Pick up d pieces of ur heart and move on except u want to end up being a baby mama or a second wife. You are not yet too old for love to find u, but as u dey wait make e find u, nne shine ya eyes

  44. Poster 1 I don't understand your story.
    Poster 2, welcome to adulthood and d world of dating / relationship / marriage. Thou I feel your pain. But pls don't beat urself too much abt it. Luckily uv not met and he hasn't slept with you. Don't believe his lies, he just wants to sleep with you, he has no intention of divorcing his wife nor bringing you abroad. It's all lies, if I were you I wld cut off from him. The demon is a time waster. You are at d prime age for finding a soulmate, dis guy will keep you as mistress, waste ur time, keep promising you, till you enter Age 35. Participate in d next single n mingle if possible. You don't need such at ur young age. I know a lady a guy started dating age 25, he was married but his family was in Canada. He kept deceiving dis lady that he will file for divorce when all his kids are over 18. She kept waiting for 15yrs. Now she is 40 and all of a sudden, d guy is claiming his now born again and has such can't divorce his wife. Don't let dat be ur case.
    Next time you meet smone, ask properly. Are you married? Are you in a relationship? Do you have kids? Let them swear to you. Snoop on his Facebook, Instagram etc.
    My dear uv just been played, it has happened to d best of us believe me. Pls move on.

  45. Poster 1,Never settle for less,unless you want to live in the rest of your life in regret. Poster 2:Don't waste your tears over that selfish Nigger.Truth is that dude never loved you,if he did,he wouldn't have led u all along without being truthful. Wipe your tears,carry your shoulders high and leave his sorry ass.

  46. Poster 2: there is nothing to sort out. Except you want to be second wife... I have seen things like this over the years never ends well. When you get reach the so called abroad, he will add "girlfriend" to the crew. 1st wife, 2nd wife and multiple girlfriends...
    Time to put your grown girl panties on and make the right decision. No need for further discussion.

  47. no answer for both posters#smh#

  48. Poster 1, you are confused at your age. How can someone who hurl insults and rape you be loving and caring? You have no sense worth at all. Poster 2, stop crying over that looser, move on and severe all ties with him. God is your strength.

  49. 2nd poster I feel 4 you be strong it's going to be fine I promise big hugs


  50. Wow poster 2, men are all like that, I don't believe in long distance relationship so just cheer up and move on thank God he told you the truth

  51. Poster 2 you be real maye, so even after the guy told you that he is married you still dey ask this foolish questions? See let me tell you this man is keeping you, so that when he comes to niajia he will be fucking you for free all in the name of relationship. You better borrow yourself sense and quit. You are even lucky he told you about his marital status.

  52. @2...don't allow love lead u astray

  53. Ballotiniplatini20 April 2016 at 16:02

    Poster1: call him and tell him tht considering the fact tht he insults u and rapes you that you can't marry him cos u can't live to see ur husband treat you bad,dont ever make the mistake of letting him know u hv someone else.
    Poster2:Now that he is married pls what do u want us to tell you? You wan be concubine abi 2nd wife abi baby mama. Its best he hasn't slept with you. Just move on block him everywhere and delete all his contacts and pictures.shit happens nne and life must surely go on.

  54. @poster2, same thing happened to me. I gave him my all only to find out that he had a family with 2 kids. I was mad, speechless, cried, lost appetite and avoided him like a plague. He apologised to me several times saying he knew I would leave him should he have told me from the start that he was a family man. My dear, it's a good thing you found out now since you ain't married to him yet. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage they say. Forget about the love he claims he has for you and forge ahead with your life please. Unless you wish to be a second wife/ option which is not ok by me. Well, the ball is in your court. I wish you all the best. Some men sha, smh.

    1. Funny enough, we met online too. On badoo to be specific. We would always travel together, do things together, play and have minor misunderstandings sometimes which we would always resolve and smile again. But at last what happened? Singing" this is super storyyyyyyyyyyyy..."
      My dear, like I said forget about him. It won't be easy but with time you will get over him. Just keep him at friend zone incase of assistance in future. Take heart dear. It's well.

  55. Poster2 na wa o... How do you even fall so deeply for Someone you have never Seen really.... And you cussed your friend out over a guy...

    Irks me when I see girls that talk shit to their friends just koz they tried to air their opinions.... Any way nothing spoil.. All you need to do for yourself now is stay away from that man.. Stop taking his calls.... Forgive yourself breath and you will be fine....
    Learn to put boy matter by the side of your head so anyhow it turns it will easily drop.. Koz if u put it at the center when everything begins to fall out the load itself will want to gum there.. It is well go out more often meet new people u will be fine...

  56. Poster1: continue contradicting yourself u hear?he is loving and caring but he rapes and insults you sabi.

    Poster2: why you no go cry your eyes out cos you heard he stays abroad. You get luck he even tell you the truth. Pick yourself up and try again, keep trying till something happens. But remain to tie your legs and pretend to be a mermaid.

    To avoid another chronicle from you.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Poster2 my advice for you is too just be yourself,, God will grant you your own man,sns do work for some but me I have done faceless relationship twice and did not work,please face your work and commune with God to grant you your heart desires,social network relationship is a no for me.

  59. Poster 1: just tell him that u can't marry him...simple, its not that hard.

    Poster 2: "before u do something drastic to yourself" Are u serious?? U wanna hurt yourself because of a man??? Go ahead naa, what are u waiting for? Just be disgracing us up and down u hear, its girls like u that make men hurt us and take us for granted, cos they know we will end up hurting ourselves, if they leave us. Ewu!!!! Tell me how many men have hurt themselves cos of a woman. Mschew!!!

  60. Poster 1. Just find a way to tell him gently but since he is the violent type then just tell him through a long emotional text msg.

    Poster 2. You want to harm yourself coz of some guy you've chatting with online for a few months? You're are not serious. You should be thanking your God that the guy told you the truth, some ladies I've dating married guys for years without even knowing & expecting a ring. Biko, stand up and dust yourself, you dodged a bullet. Make sure you don't compromise and act silly just let go completely.

  61. Poster 2, heatbreak happens. The key is to guard your heart and emotions like your friend advice you to, so you don't hurt too much if things don't work out. Be grateful he didn't waste your time longer than he did.

  62. Dear poster 2, I can understand your hurt,as I had a similar experience early this year, but what helped me was, I thought of when we met, and how long we had be deceiving ourselves saying we were dating. then I remembered my past relationship that broke me almost completely. when I realised I survived that, I just wiped my tears and said to myself, nothing in this world would break me. besides, this is somebody you haven't met one on one, so see as a blessing and move gradually. soon you'll look back and remember this day, and laugh your heart out.

  63. Poster2 Ur own is even better that he told u.have dated a guy for close to 2yrs without knowing he is married.his wife n kids are in another state.he made me bliv he wants to marry me n promised heaven n was sombody dat saw his pix on my phone dat told me to run for my life.d person gave me all his details.i confronted him n he still insists he loves me bla bla dear i dumped d my advice for u is Runnnnnnn!My question now is how do we know guys dat are not married????

  64. Poster1: the man rapes u okwaya. Pls he is a rapist,
    poster2 Online love gone wrong.

  65. Poster one is funny sha...
    He rapes me when I refuse to have sex with him.and insults me when I make mistakes but he's so caring. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I saw these contradictions...poster one leave mr p the small blokos rapist alone...

    Poster two, tell your sister the guy is married, that way , when you try to allow him deceive you again she'll be there to re-arrange your brain and face for you..


  66. Poster 2: I will advice you move on with your life. When I found myself in that position, what really helped was listening a lot to nice Christian music and I also kept thanking God for revealing it, what if we had gotten married before he mentioned it. This is because I generally like doing that. Try and look for something u enjoy doing a lot, cry in your closet a lot because you need to release the pain and ask God to help you. You will be fine.

  67. Poster 2: I will advice you move on with your life. When I found myself in that position, what really helped was listening a lot to nice Christian music and I also kept thanking God for revealing it, what if we had gotten married before he mentioned it. This is because I generally like doing that. Try and look for something u enjoy doing a lot, cry in your closet a lot because you need to release the pain and ask God to help you. I'm sure you will be fine with time.

  68. Poster 2 invite him to eat your pussy as punishment

  69. Poster1, why are u even worried about someone who rapes you... Nawa for some people o

  70. Poster 1, no matter how u say it he will be hurt, so maybe u can say you are not ready yet.
    Poster 2, thank God he told you, it must be ur mum's prayers..imagine d plans he had for u, he doesn't mind leaving his family in naija.Just imagine that.
    You deserve better girl..don't even think of crying anymore.. Truth be told, he doesn't deserve ur sweat let alone ur tears. Pls block him on social media, sever ties with him. Am 26 too and I have faced something like this.

  71. Poster1, u sef...abegi

    Poster2, calm down my dear. I know how it feels to be hurt by someone you gave your all too.. thank God say you never straf the guy that one go be another matter. My advice to you is this please try not to fall so deeply in love with someone you have never met before. Am sure its your mom's prayers that worked all those kind of prayers that God should eradicate timewasters form the lives of their daughters:

    trust me I was once in your shoes and my whole world seemed like it was crashing down right before my eyes but hey! I took it to God in prayers and He answered me just when I needed it the most! you will fid love again my darling. Do not stop hoping...big hug from me to you

  72. I met somone on social media.we started dating and i fell for him but with my head.i noticed he wansnt all he professed,i left him in my mind but didnt ttell him,he kept begging and promising heaven on earth,then i told him to send me money and stuff,he promised to do it but he didnt do it.later oneday,he called and said hes in a mess,he needed 200k and i should send it to an account number in Nigeria and he will pay me next day,i laughed and told him not to bother cos me i dont have such amount.he reduced it to 100k and when i said i dont have,he reduced it to 50k,immediately i knew this is what this guy does for a living.I imagined lot of girls he has tricked .in all, some of these guys are fake.Open your eyes and use your head when dealing with will definetly see the signs.Then i noticed theguy was complaining about money everytime.

  73. #1 - I don't know what you want us to tell you when you have the answer already.

    #2 - Move on and serve the Lord faithfully not man.

  74. Poster 1, why do you want to marry him bcos of your family. The ball is in your court. You know where d shoe pinches
    Poster 2, why do u want to be 2nd wife, if u are in the 1st wife position will u be happy. Mind u whatever a man sow thou shall u reap

  75. All these Men! Can't you just make do with your wives

  76. P1 - always settle for what makes you happy. If u enjoy being raped and reduced to nothing, stick with him then. " of course no one would? "
    P2 - mbok move on with ur life.. he doesnt deserve a tear of yours.

  77. Abeg posters u guys receive sense already!...bloody time,mb n fuel wasters!..mtcheeeew

  78. poster 2

    first of all its very difficult to read your message.the amount of gbosh is unthinkable...ok to the story

    i am trying very hard not to insult you.the guy has a family already ;what advice are you looking for.he told you he will bring you abroad with him while his family stays in Nigeria. did you think while typing at all?

    he is overprotective of you.LOL not allowed to have girlfriends or any friends or even going out.can u listen to yourself? he turned you to his slave that solely exist to serve him alone and you are not allowed to have a life apart from him.

    you are 26 for goodness sake, get some sense and wake up from this have your whole life ahead of you. break it off with that low life fool already and allow yourself to find someone that will treat you right.

    i hardly comment on this blog but yours is a sorry case and i had to give you a piece on my mind

    i rest my case

  79. Poster2 play along make sure u he gets u travelling passport nd d rest, nd dump him, aleast gain something meaningful from him befor u break up.

  80. *I AM* Mumu di ka gi..


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