Stella Dimoko Pastor Mobiyina Oshoffa Set To Receive Meritorious Service Award At Makoko’s Annual Harvest


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Monday, July 25, 2016

Pastor Mobiyina Oshoffa Set To Receive Meritorious Service Award At Makoko’s Annual Harvest

 “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching,” -1 Timothy 5:17.

Pastor and Spiritual Head of Celestial Church of Christ, Worldwide, His Eminence, Mobiyina Friday Oshoffa, is set to  be honoured  by an organization who has taken it upon itself to promote and celebrate  the core values and teachings of the Celestial Church of Christ alongside the sheer dedication of notable priest, elders and other parishioners, who have decided to continuously uphold the doctrines and ensure that the flame of the church keeps glowing  as charged by the founding pastor of the church, the late Pastor SBJ Oschoffa.

To set the honour rolling, the very first of the award will be going to none other than his eminence, Pastor Mobiyina Oshoffa with the Meritorious Service Award for his dedication, leadership skills and an all-encompassing wide accommodating arms to have steered the ship of the church out of turbulence to  its present enviable status against all odds. The event is slated to hold on Sunday 7th, August, 2016 at the National Headquarters, Makoko, Yaba area of Lagos under the leadership of Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Avis Kiki, Shepherd-In-Charge.

Pastor Mobiyina, ever since he was ordained as pastor and spiritual Head of the church on Wednesday 25th day of December, 2002 in the Holy land of Celestial City, Imeko, Ogun State, with the huge acceptance and undeniable goodwill showered on him by elders and followers of the church, has brought about the peace that has taken over the church.

Born Friday 25th of December 1948 in Republic of Benin, after his first degree, he got his Master’s degree in Animal Biological Science at the University of Biological Science, Nancy in France. As a mark of excellence, the then Mr. Mobiyina got an award as best scholar during his second degree in Nancy.

Pastor Mobiyina, for those who didn’t know before now, is a multi instrumentalist, multi linguistic who speaks French, Dutch, and English. He also speaks some local dialects like, Egun and Yoruba, the First Child of the late sage, pastor, founder and carbon copy in every aspect of life, Rev Samuel Bilehou Joseph Oshoffa, (Emmanuel Mobiyina Friday Adebowale Abiodun vihan Oshoffa is a recipient of the Meritorious Service Awards to be presented by H/S/E Ajala Kayode, Editorial Adviser for Celestial News Online (CNO) an online news service provider aimed at propagating the work of God in the church to the global audience.

About Celestial News Online.Com
Celestial News Online-CNO is an online news service portal aimed to propagate the work of God in Celestial Church of Christ and stand as a credible and unbiased site to highlight the doctrines, divine orders, teachings and the truth governing and concerning the church as a spiritual body which many parishioners do not understand or are not aware of.

  It is also geared to serve as a medium for the correction of so many misconceived notions and myths concerning the Celestial Church of Christ as erroneously  perceived by other denominations about the church's activities, doctrine, tenets and her members.  CNO is a sister establishment of Mindsgate Media, publishers of The Celestial Magazine and


  1. May God double his anointing to lead his people

  2. Congrats to him.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

  3. I thought another person is the head of CCC worldwide. .. Na wa oh

    1. How can you think when you don't know Hian, I must comment by force

  4. Stella na Halleluya you dey go now? Halleluya to all the celestial BVs o

  5. Well-deserved! He is a man of peace&one that represent what a celestial being shud look-like , not those fake white garment churches parading themselves as celestial churches.

  6. Pastor Mobiyina Oshoffa is an icon and a good man. He deserves any and every award be gets. God bless you sir. May you lead us to the promised land.

  7. Celestial church ⛪ has lost her values over time. Enough of these cheap publicity. Why did his father never nominated him before his defunct? Studying 🏫 bilogy speaking multi lingue. What has that got to do with his calling. Wrong publicity ay wrong hour.

  8. Why can't all the men of God, Rev, Pastors come together and pray for Nigeria! Pray against bad leaders and leadership! A lot of homes go to bed on empty stomachs! The level of suffering now is so bad!

  9. God bless you sir. Your anointing will never run dry

  10. Congratulations to him.
    God's grace always.

  11. Great man of God. Honour well deserved sir.


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