Stella Dimoko Thursday IHN


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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday IHN

Hello Everyone....Got a bite for me?Havent had even Break fast

Amebo no be work?you can say that again! #foodie


I've been holding myself back from doing this because I'm a shy type. I'm Prisca, a serving corps member in Bayelsa. From Delta State. My twin sister introduced me to this blog way back in 2013 and I come here often but I've only commented a couple of times. This is me saying hello to everyone, and to you Mrs Stella keep up the good work. And yes!!!! 

This is my natural hair!!! Lol

Your hair is something!!! which one are you?you or your twin?LMAO



Pls I am in urgent  need of hard working experienced bike riders  for a delivery company living around Yaba and lekki axis for immediate employment. 
Kindly send  CV to or whatsapp 07030672156.



I need serious minded graphic artistes who are greatly skilled in Photoshop and Coreldraw.
Education is not a barrier; if you are good you are good. The pay is attractive. Kindly mail me at or call 09068548244



I've been married for almost two years now and ttc ,hubby have been supportive but of recent he is been behaving some how towards me like he really needs children, I don't blame him though cos he has really spent a lot on medications for me.

I'm tired of life, loosing sleep and can't get focused. Can any one who has ttc and found a solution around calabar environs help me out, I'm thinking of IUI has it worked for anyone please? Especially some where not too expensive, cos I've borrowed small money to fund myself. Please refer me my fellow blog visitors, cos i'm loosing my mind already,Will be expecting useful comments. Thank you all and God bless you. 

Madam take it easy..just two years and your mindset is like this?what will you say about people waiting ten years and still with a very positive attitude?Please change your mindset and stop thinking this way..maybe something else is bothering your man,why think its cos of a child?



A fast paced processing and packaging food company seeks to employ a machine operator with a good electrical problem solving skills, and also with experience in  mechanical solving skill. Applicant would be responsible for managing processes involved in the factory.  Minimum of 1 year working experience with machines. Qualification -OND Electrical Engineering. Interested candidate should call Linda - 07056512337. 

Deadline for this job is Friday 18th May 2018



Stella good day 

I want to share the experience I had this morning.  I went to Lagos Island on official assignment, as I reached Marina one fair lady approached me and said God ministered to her concerning me though I did not want to give her attention because I was late but on hearing what God said, infact I stood and eager to hear the next statement because I still believes God do speak despite so many fake prophets and prophetess out there. 

The next thing I heard is "God said I should tell you by this time next month, you will travelled out of the country and that is where you will find your helper... I said to her "Thank you madam" if it is truly from God it will come to pass.  As I was about to leave she said no don't go that God said to her I should sow seed of 5k. I told her I don't have such amount she said, 2k I kept on saying I don't have,she brough it down to 1k from 1k to 500. At that point I left her and I was going my way she kept on following me at last she demanded for breakfast money even if is 200 naira I have I should give. 

Who told her am looking for helper, who also told her have not travelled before? Even if is Ghana I travel to is still abroad.... Lol. 

Stella I was shocked how some people can lie using GOD's name. 

Please help publish so that people will know their antics.  

Hahahahahaahha so you couldnt even give her bread money?hahahahaha



Hello guys, how are you all doing? Well it has been a while since I typed epistles so I will try to make this as clear and straight forward as possible.

This is about the lady that was accused of stealing a laptop for the office she used to be a staff of. Please read on with an open mind.

Please note that the company is a growing one that kicked off on a great background, indeed we were employed as operational staffs but it was made clear that we would also need to contribute to the development of the company. So when the EFCC issue began to affect our business, plans had to change and I totally understand why; I put myself in my employers’ shoes. Boss had a meeting with us and explained calmly what had happened and the next big step. The option of staying and work inline with the plan was not mandated, we had a choice to either leave or stay. Runo chose to stay, so why complain.

Now I will throw a little light into her kind of person and the remote causes that precipitated her line of action.

Runo is the kind of lady you will naturally fall in love with on meeting her for the first time, she has got charisma and so full of grace, she can be regarded as the perfect specimen of a customer care agent, however there are little hitches to her character. From the very first day we both joined the organization Runo somehow felt I was out to get her on the wrong side of our bosses and eventually get her fired (Why would I do that; it’s not as if her pay will be added to mine) so she started throwing shades.

As the operations manager, I am responsible for everything and everyone that works in the office asides my CEO and President and this structure was communicated to everyone but the said lady found it hard to submit herself to control. On no day has she resumed work by 8am or even 8:30AM, she comes in anytime after 9am or 9:30am and she’s always the first to take off immediately it’s 5pm on the dot not minding her uncompleted task for the day. The day I tried cautioning her on her lateness she looked me in the eye and said “Oga I do not report to you” so I took the matter up to them ogas at the top and introduced attendance booklet. My friend, Runo saw this as a first attack and yet her lateness continued.

On several occasions my boss complained about her turn-around-time on tasks assigned, it was clear that her work ethics was nothing to write about; she will always want to get the job done at her own time and comfort.

My ogas are not aware of this; This lady has fought with atleast one person in the offices we share floor with and even with our landlord’s staffs, the last kong fu she had was with the same lady that was pleading on her behalf yesterday when she heard about the fingerling-laptop saga (This is the same lady she opened up to about taking the laptop). What am I trying to say?

1.       She has zero work ethics

2.       She is too proud to take instructions from her supervisors

3.       She has anger issues hence her knog fu with other organisation’s staffs

And a very bad mouth (there was a day she called me a small rat in the office, Chei! Man like me. I wanted to cry) I guess she used that bad mouth on boss and now shes sugar coating it here.

Apologies for the long remote causes, try not to get bored. Now read the following carefully as it will explain what happened on that day, I do not expect you to believe me but it is what it is.

That very Monday morning, I messaged Runo that I have to go treat myself at the hospital (Weda na tru or na lie, na u sabi), I knew I will be running late so I had to keep her in the loop, the mistake I made was not informing my CEO about this; I mean it was a Monday morning, bosses do not want to hear “boss sorry I can’t make it to work or I will be coming late” they want to hear numbers, prospects, so I lied, I agree. I was jejely on my hospital bed enjoying my drip when I saw my boss’s message on our staff group chat came in, she was cautioning Runo about her manners to her superiors. The next thing that happened was a call from oga and my drip and heart stopped moving at the same time. Chei what do I do? I gathered courage and answered the call. The following was our conversation.

Boss: Are you in the office

Me: Yes ma

Boss: Where is Runo ? Put the call on speaker I want to speak with both of you.

Me: Boss I will call you back

Apparently boss had been calling her with no response to the call so I called Runo and told her boss wanted to speak to both of us (I was going to enter fast and furious mode to the office) but my colleague started shouting on top of her voice “LEAVE ME ALONE, I DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO ANY BODY, AM I A KID BLA BLA BLA” I mean who the f are you to reject your boss’s call or say such to someone paying you. She hung up on me. At that point they began to suspect I was not yet at work so I called oga jejely and reported via call that Runo seems to be in a bad mood and does not want to talk to anybody, Runo went ahead to tell oga that I was not yet in the office. 

As soon as I got to the office around 1pm I placed a call to boss and put it on speaker phone so she could speak to both of us. I jejely confessed, accepted my sin and was waiting for judgment day. So boss then asked my colleague “did you yell saying you do not want to speak with me?” You need to see the way she denied yelling, I died inside. I was now the devil telling lies against a fellow, a lie I knew could lead to termination.

As God would have it, He decided to be on my part that faithful day. I looked around and on her desk I saw that in the process of demonstrating her anger, Runo tore her contract letter to pieces littering everywhere. Naso I carry am as evidence and told ogas about it. Runo became numb. Boss kept asking her questions on phone and she refused to say a word and so she was asked to go home that her appointment had been terminated.

The initial plan was to give her 2 weeks suspension for speaking rudely to boss but the lie about not yelling, rejecting to speak to oga and thrashing of her appointment letter in the office made everything worse for her.

Now this is where the laptop saga happened. Runo knows fully well that the said laptop is mostly in my custody, she also knows that I was the one who purchased the laptop for the company and so she knew if it got missing I will be to blame for it.

I had no strength that day because I was ill, the half-past dead malaria in my system began to regroup because I did not finish taking the drip before I left the hospital (I am sure they are still looking for me there, cos they don’t even know how/when I left. Dad must have gotten the bill by now, it’s a family hospital). So I did’nt notice when she left. After some minute, I don’t know if it is the holyspirit or another kind of spirit that prompted me to look around, naso laptop enter ghost mode, I called oga and oga was like “that’s your problem” I knew I was in trouble. I called Runo she no pick. I died again.

The following morning, the security guards (guards not guard i.e more than 1) on duty told me Runo came to them the previous day when she was leaving, she told them she was sick and needed to go home, she also requested that they give her a nylon bag so she could put her clothes in. I mean how many clothes do you ladies take to work that you will need a big poly bag for? abi una dey change 5 times a day for office? In the process of trying to hide and put her supposed clothes in the poly bag the missing laptop somehow found its way into the nylon and she left not knowing the guards saw her.

Now some of you were asking yesterday that why didn’t the guards stop her, here is your answer, they were not aware of what had happened upstairs, they are not allowed to question/search occupants of the building (staff or oga).

My bosses called her, she denied taking it, my other colleagues called her, she denied taking it until she got a hint that the guards saw her take it away and then she confided with her frenemy in the next office. That’s when the excuse of the company owing her money came in.

Guys please ask her, on termination of her appointment did she request for the 14 days payment she had worked in May and the management said no we won’t pay you?

I believe we are experienced with work ethics and guidelines, this lady is a contract staff so the organization reserves the right to terminate anything or anyone at anytime without pay but that was not even the case here, our ogas were graceful enough and willing to pay her for the 14 days she had been at the office in May the same time everyother staff will be paid i.e month end.

My Conclusion

It was just bad blood that made her steal the laptop, not that she’s a thief or needed it, she just wanted to put me in trouble, she wanted me to go down with the ship. She was angry and I understand that but what happened to her was her own doing.

She sent me a message on whatsapp yesterday afternoon and finished all my ancestors and unborn generations with curses with a conclusion that “I will send a courier guy to return the rotten laptop you people claim I stole” later on a guy came in with the laptop claiming he was from a courier service, I threatened that one with police and he confessed he works for Runo’s husband that he was just directed to bring it in.

I called bosses and informed them that it has been returned to the office by a strange fellow, she asked me not to receive it, I think she was going to take it up with Runo. I was the one and I repeat I was the one that pleaded with oga that we should receive it and let by gone be by gone.

Runo I love you and wish you no harm, learn to control your temper and do not be in haste to make decisions when angry. Also never blame anyone for your downfall instead, make a plan, re-group and move on. And please stop giving the wrong impression that that the company owes you, we all received April’s alert in full.

 Have a great day guys 

Read the accusations HERE
The accused defends herself HERE

I think the former Boss should arrange a meeting and you all should meet and settle this amicably......

I dont know how to do this kind of drama or ISH ..please lets settle.
Those of you putting petrol and fire BACK OUT!!!


Lovely footwears available in whole sales and retail, you can also contact me if you are interested in starting online clothing business. Whatasap or call 08032269967


Beautiful and Comfy Unisex sneakers for sale for chikini money. I'm selling at a giveaway price of 1500/pair. Size 41 - 45. Different colours and they're so cute. BVs can even buy for the 1500, add little gain and resell. Location is Lagos but I can waybill to any state.

Call: 08143765811
Whatsapp: 07082708241.



Are you in Enugu,Anambra or Ebonyi? 

Are you a small business owner who has little knowledge of book keeping and accounting? 
Are you still keeping your business records manually? 
Do you need an Accountant but can clearly not afford one? 


I have just recently been inducted into the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and already have years of experience working with a leading Audit Firm. 
I just want to use this to appreciate God for His mercies upon me. 

The package includes setting up an Accounting system for you, teaching you how to maintain the system already set up and straightening your records for the last accounting year. 

Please this is on a first come, first serve basis up to a maximum of 5 Companies or businesses as I will juggle this with my regular job. 

Kindly whatsapp me on this number 09035333958 if you are interested. 


Gift Someone Chicken For Ramadan And Have It Delivered.

Healthy matured broilers up for sale at VERY affordable price. They weigh between 2.8kg and 2.5kg. Please send a message to @florishfarm on instragram or WhatsApp 08167561826 to make your orders or for further enquiries.
You can buy it live or we kill and clean up for you at no extra charges. We also make deliveries. Location is Lagos.

Prices varies depending on what you can afford and the size of the chicken you want.

It depends. They weigh 2.8kg-3500,2.7kg-3400,2.5kg-3200,2.2kg-3000
However if you are buying in bulk, you will enjoy extra discounts.



People often talk about others and judge their actions without first taking into consideration what might have led them to do the things they did.

In this narrative, I have taken some time to say why we should  always get things clear before we attack or condemn others.

There is a strong factor responsible for every action of an individual. That factor is called 'MOTIVE'

It is impossible to act without a motive behind it. As  humans, we should first and foremost look out to  the possible reasons (motives) in peoples action before passing judgment.

A story was once told about a woman whose husband committed a crime and was sentence to life imprisonment. So sad, but there has to be a way out. This woman gave all she can to see her husband wasn't thrown into jail. She gave in  into adultery that got her husband out from the pit and sentence. Such a woman!

Yes I will agree with you that her action was morally wrong but on the other hand the motive was for a better purpose for the family.  Don't you think so?

Until you walk in a man's shoes, you never can understand or tell what the next person is going through in life. There is an unseen struggles and battles people are going through in life, that sometimes you need to see and be lenient with them.

Forget about the hyped, the pretence and smile they put on, its all but a show. Only in their closet that you will see their real identity if opportune.

When people gossip about others to you, malign,  and attack them, always find out what their motives are before taking side or pass judgment. Most people do that for selfish reasons and ulterior motives

Finally, understand that motives and actions could be conflicting. An action may be wrong but the motive for a good purpose,  also could a motive be wrong and the action right.

Listen extensively and understand beyond all reasonable doubts before you condemn. And even in condemnation remember this, some justice are served in leniency.

(Teejay Publication 17th May 2018)

Teejay has started watermarking his articles..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha 



 I have a vacancy for the position of a male and female hair stylists at Nnewi in Anambra State. The person must be good in making different Weavon styles, wig caps and braiding. There is an accommodation for the person. Anybody that is interested should send an email to


Iman Give-Away For the Month of Ramadan(2018)

Hello Big Sister

 We would like to assist four Muslim families for this Month of Ramadan..
We gonna pick 2 families within now to 15th of Ramadan by giving out 5k to each of them and pickup the remaining 2 families within 16th to 30th of Ramadan..

I Am Sure this will go long way for the Sahur and Iftar..
So any Muslim family here that Really Needs it should Send mail to With Proof!!
Ramadan Kareem!!!

*Thank you darling Ayyub and you both for being Angels on this blog...



  1. Hi !!!



    1. You too don join strategic marketers with marketing strategies?

    2. @Beloved Why na. I did everything possible to be first today. Wetin happen?

    3. Where is Moses picture Na.make e complete,we've seen the employer and the Ex employee's picture.

    4. Good day bvs! Welcome ihn

    5. Those shoes are absolutely gorgeous. I love the pink mules

  2. Replies
    1. Close. E remain small. Try again tomorrow. If you get am tomorrow I go send you card 500 😁

    2. You try dear but Beloved won't let you hahaha..

    3. Really @currious Cat. I will do my best. @Beloved please shift for me tomorrowoooo

    4. All I gathered from your narration is that you are an office sniche. The type that wants to be in the good books of the boss so you go about telling the boss everything that goes on around the office.

      Don't get me wrong, Runo may have anger issues but you are also a terrible person. So they didn't see her tear the contract letter but you had to tell your boss??? She didn't want to pick the phone and you still had to tell your boss? I hope you get promoted for this special task oh , best employee of the year, alainironu.

      Stella, this guy is annoying and so petty jare. I worked with people like him. If una sneeze or fart for office, boss go hear. Some of my colleagues way back will record the conversation after leading you on to talk.

      The company had issues and you slash someone's salary from 70k to 25k and you expect her not to be bitter? nonsense people.

    5. This guy is just the root cause of this ish going on and i hope he gets paid for this childish behaviour.

    6. Moses see eyes at you..
      Good man..

      Best staff for the year..

    7. Anon 15:34, you have said it all. Moses, you're a very terrible person. I've worked with your type. You're a snitch, a gossip and a catalyst for trouble. Runo, you'll be fine dear.

    8. I dunno why I came to the this post late but frankly this moses' account reeks of lies.

      But do we really expect him to be truthful seeing that he still works for the 'mean boss'????

      Una want make dem fire am?

      If u didn't employ me as a marketer, don't complain when I complain or grumble about u giving me marketing tasks.

      This woman should carry her yeye 25k job go one side make person here word. A lot of private businesses are rubbish

    9. Oh my!! I hate workers like you, so you expected them to lie for you about not being around but you can report her own offense. Please stop that character it’s deadly, your kind of hubby would report his wife to his family and the whole world. Are you short? Cus it’s usually short people that have this kind of character o

    10. So most here (mostly ladies I suppose) are supporting Runo, even when it's obvious that she did wrong and could be arrested for "stealing a laptop" . Ask yourself, if you and someone is put on the spot, who are you going to save first?

      It's just funny, it's only the guy that carries all the blame on here.

    11. And she did first ratted the guy out to the boss to start with. Why judge if you are not going to be fair.

      Both of them could have handled the situation better. 8701

  3. Good day BVs
    Anyone dating or married to a younger man? How do you cope with the age difference?

    1. Leave that small boy alone
      We no wan read the kin chronicle wey dey organize
      "He is a beast, he chop me dump . .. bla bla bla"

    2. We just zero our minds and cope😎😎😎

    3. Anon, everybody must not have a rotten mind like yours.
      We're in our twenties and age difference is less than 2 years.
      I asked this question because he's been talking about marriage and somehow, getting married to a younger man is not my ideal.
      If you care to know, we're not having sex. Put your "chop" in your pocket and move to the left

    4. If he likes you and he's talking marriage, why not? You just have to respect him and not hurt his ego. Let the age difference be between you too and treat him the way you will treat older men.

    5. You can't marry someone younger than you but you can date him. I heard someone saying "the meat wey you no dy chop, no use teeth cut am". From the way you are sounding, your ego wouldn't allow you to be submissive.

  4. Chubby Ladies are known to be kind, gold hearted, sincere, loveable, most forgiving.

    The rest are heart breakers, liers, nd deceivers 🏃✌️✌️😂 😂

    1. Which book and verse you dey quote from?

    2. You mean fat ladies 😎😎😎

    3. Lol....fat BV sighted. No curse me o. Me sef fat 😁

  5. Replies
    1. That cometh forth as the morning rising

    2. Fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array

    3. My soul glorifies the Lord...

    4. And my spirit rejoice in God our saviour.

  6. Prisca,your natural hair is bae! Come and give me some.....Good day all

  7. The day before Easter my man gave me some money to arrange things(food) we will need on Easter day.

    So, after buying the things it reminded a balance of #1500 which I was to use and hangout with my children's on Easter day.
    Towards afternoon as we were sitting outside of our house, my children's school security man(an elderly man) approached me and pleaded I should borrow him #500 that he want to go meet his son to give him money cos the school didn't pay salary before that day.
    That he was going to give me back in the evening.

    I gave him the money hoping he would give me at least before we set to go out in the evening.

    I didn't see him that day so I used the 1k and flexed with my children.
    Reaching on Wednesday, the day they were to take their results, he saw me and said I shouldn't be angry oh that as he went to his son's house his son and wife were having issues so he couldn't get anything, that if the school pay him that day he would give me. I said no problem.

    When they resumed school for this term, he saw me and was coming to explain then I asked him not to worry that he should forget about the money.

    From that day, whenever he sees me he starts like worshipping me and I don't like it. It's making me feel so uncomfortable that whenever I see him I just greet him and walk past him with full speed.

    Please bvs, how do I politely get him to stop it?
    Seriously, he needs to stop it.

    1. Well you cant blame him for being forever grateful, only God knows what he is passing through. May God bless your kind heart dear.

    2. Whenever you see him...worship him first before he do, prostrate on the floor or raise your two hands up and be shouting 'Tuale baba, Tuale baba!!', believe me he will be confused and stop. I did the same thing to the area boys in my hood, since then dem nor dey beg me money..infact na me dey even ask dem to find me something...."Bushmeat don catch the hunter"

    3. Lol! Poster this is what you get for being kind. Just tell him you dash him the money that he should stop worshiping you.

    4. Hahahaha Skywhite, you are wise.

  8. IHN Sannu de zuwa.. Lemme go read up.

  9. Replies
    1. how will his illiteracy ass licking ass allow him know basic Enlish

    2. @Loloideato I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed. It is obvious this guy has issues with the said Runo. His response reeks of arrogance and self satisfaction- like he is happy she is out of the way.

  10. Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King.

    1. Moses Mr manager this is for you

    2. Who exactly am i hating on?

    3. In every organization,you must see a Moses,some record your conversations and go to replay for the boss,this type of Moses speak ill behind the boss and quickly run to tell them,the little you chip it.

  11. Good afternoon great people.

    This is a long read. Trying to hide and read so that they wont be at my back and watch me open blog instead of working. May God help me.

    They should settle this matter once and for all.

    Loveyly day all

  12. Prisca your hair ia cute,i wish i have such a lovely hair. Welcome IHN, hope i am the first today.

    1. How will you have such hair when you attach dead human hairs?
      And don't you see prisca's own don dey recede? She is also using
      those things. Just like in 2 years, she'd go bald if she continues.

    2. Mine is cuter. My twinny is cute sha....

  13. @Papi games,thanks for your comment, really appreciate. Thanks,TEEJAY.

  14. That quote:

    How about the girls that flush their own out?
    Lives end.

  15. Just got back from my meeting. Cime n join me in my spaghetti bolognaisr

    1. Lol...abeg try go Google find the real spelling of this thing na. In the morning different spelling. Now again different spelling. Lol

      Lolo d lolo

    2. NNE send some over..I will be waiting around Osborne.. Lol

      Bv ada-lagos

    3. How will I eat something I don't know how to pronounce.

  16. The woman looking up to God for children,please calm down,i understand it can be very frustrating.So far you have a supportive spouse, don't give up and down get desperate.May God answers our prayers this year in Jesus name. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

    Please,employees and employer,you all should cease fire.The matter tire me abeg.

    1. Amen ,thanks dear

    2. Hi sis🙌🙌🙌🙌 its been a while

    3. My dearest baby blu
      Missed you faaa
      Will call you soon 😘😘😘😘

  17. Apt and great,
    good day all.

  18. #That awkward moment when you can't remember what you were going to do, but you do remember you were going to do something 😁

  19. Office drama. 3sides and 2sides against Rino. Girl learn and move on. Twinne your hair is on fleek. Angels, God bless

  20. Moses in my own opinion you are the cause of everything. You are the operation manager, You are not suppose to be running to your Boss and be telling her everything that happens in the office. Your boss called and you lied that who are in the office, Why call her back to tell her that Runo is in a bad mood? You would have reported yourself that you are not in the office instead of painting Runo black. 'TOBI THINGS'(NDI IGBO SI OHU HURU MBE EJI MBAZU ELI OHU EBIYA ONA ACHI OCHI, YA MARAKWA NA OBU OGU KA AGA EJI ELI YA. CHike please come in for the interpretation). Una good afternoon.

    1. No mind the eye service manager

    2. You took these words right outta my mouth. Moses is the kinda colleague one should pray never to work with. Such a selfish human... Rada rada...

    3. Moses is the real devil......The boss no try @all
      I hope you learn from this @Runo


    4. Hahahaha you try dear but truth is that we don't explain adage in Igbo land. If you know you know.

    5. Honestly thank God he told us his side of the story so we all know the kind of person he is.

      People like him should not be in an office environment. I shame for you, your mouth does not have control. How old are you cuz you sound like a minor? Low life manager on top less than 100k salary.

    6. Moses if you were able to tell your boss that you where not in the office i will understand you. But you lied to cover your ass, but when it have to do with Runo you will report her to your boss. you even showed your boss pieces of her employment letter, for what purpose? It is colleagues like you people should pray against. Can you also tell me why you interviewed the delivery person? one thing is certain she did not steal the lap, if she did your company could have reported her to the police, not come to social media to shame her. Remember the word of God says curse be a man who takes reward in slaying orders.

    7. If Moses worked in my company he would have been sacked for lieing. Period.

    8. Teejay shut up! You too do. She said interpret not expkain! Yeye. Abeg move!

  21. Prisca,all I see is your hair goalssss,nice , healthy hair

    Laptop palava,all of you are just childish,boss and all workers your work ethics is zero, mtsheeeeew

    TEEJAY,we hear you,I hope you practice what you write 😎😎😎

    TTC woman,I understand where you're coming from but you need to take things easy, sometimes anxiety might even refuse the eggs to fertilize,relax and have sex,know your ovulation calculator,learn if you don't know how to calculate it,with drugs and prayer it will happen,better still you can adopt medically assisted fertilization,but have in mind that none is 100% guaranteed 😎😎😎😎

    1. Lady bug you don dey join the epistle gang small small o. No let people begin think otherwise o.

      If you know you know.

    2. Thank you ladybug

    3. Curious Cat are you scared to tell Lady Bug not to apply for Ramadan giveaway.oya look into are eyes and repeat after me "Lady Bug don't write epistle because of giveaway".she will not kukuma

    4. @curious cat 😂😂😂😂😂😂,I just say make I yarn small,if I here say I join epistle gang😂😂😂😎😎

    5. Lol.....Dave Dee you no serious.

      Lady bug ok o. I don hear you.

    6. Lady bug, it’s HEAR not here!!!!!!

  22. Mose, are you sure you are man with dick between you legs? From your write up and tone of it, I can tell you are a very very messy queen. I can’t stand messy queen

    1. I just shake my head for him..... this one naa the real licking mouth yeye man

    2. lol.....werey re ooooo......... When you get to my level, you will know what it is to be responsible for colleagues like Runo. I have had the opportunity to be the manager in several companies and I know how to handle operational cases as this. LEG OUT

    3. Moses did I just read when you get to my level? which level? lol,,delusion of grandeur.
      You must think everyone here is a low life or earning less than 100k. I wonder what you will do if you get a job of 400k.You go dey go babalawo place ni yen.Jekuredu manager!!

    4. Moses you are a horrible person. Insult me, I don't care!

    5. Oga it doesn't change the fact that what you did was all shades of wrong. She might have been having a bad day or you don't know the discussion she had that put her in that mood,it was wrong for you to tell your boss that and even show them the appointment letter. To what end was that For?it just shows you don't like her

    6. Manager in several companies' and you could not put one in your linkedin profile. Horrible, manipulative, unscrupulous oaf.

  23. Nothing could be true as the sign out meme up there. Surely great things begins from the inside. My take is that all parties involved in the called out should settle amicably and move on. I kinda believe what moses said but again apportioning blame here will do no good. Each of them acted wrongly in one way or the other. Life has to go on and so they should keep it moving. Like my quote above "Even in condemnation, some justice are served in leniency".

  24. What!!!!! Another giveaway don landooooo. @Yori ebi like say I go turn muslim at least for todayyyyy

    1. I dey shame for you, God have mercy on you since you find pride in begging a lot.

    2. hahahahahaha abeg turn to muslim oooo, you need this giveaway

  25. Moses you're an ass and a sorry excuse for a man. You said we should read that trash up there with open mind and trust me, I did but what I saw up there is just pure hatred for Runo. Just look at urself.

    If me wey no dey the same office with una fit feel the bile from here then of course Runo also felt it.

    I know ur type na. Mr operations manager. Small stinking role una go dey form chairman. She won't have a problem submitting to ur authority if you were a good leader. But I'm 100% sure u were trying to force it down their throat. Oga respect is earned and not forced. Go read up on how to be a good leader. Anu mpama.

    Everybody don kukuma know say you go side your boss so we're not surprised. Before u go lose that mumu manager role wey them borrow u.

    You could not tell ur Oga that you were not in the office but you could open that your gutter infested hole on your face to tell your Oga that she said she doesn't want to talk to anybody and you could also carry that your busybody self and look for torn contract so you can report as usual. Oga sorry o but u no get sense.

    oya she don leave the job for you. Go chop am. Miserable low life. You no see as you be for your dp? Abeg f**k off.

    I f**king hate snitches.

    1. you are the real deal . .... I love you for this comment

      You people tarnish the Lady's image over what now haba


    2. Curious cat, you are entitled to you misguided opinion, however the truth is if 1, 2 or 3 people are complaining about you then you need to check your person. Several times I would call this lady to advise her on how to go about anger management but the devil in her will not allow the words settle. Anyways i hope you burn.

    3. Pathetic manager flexing muscles. Of course he caused this whole confusion, useless cretin.

    4. have you finished advising yourself?

    5. Moses you also need to check yourself. So many people on the blog can't applaud you. We have listened to both the employer and the employee side of the theory as well as yours. And most of us have concluded that you're a snitch. A wicked one at that. You ignited the 🔥 in other to save your ass.

      Even if Runo will have to work on her temper, you MR REPORTER should also work on your licking mouth and stop justifying yourself.

    6. Moses I can't burn.....u know why? Cos I'm not a snitch like u. I pray one day this your snitching attitude will lead to heavy beating so you'll have permanent tattoos to show for it.

      So now that not just 1, 2 or 3 people but everyone on this page has complained about your smelly attitude, I hope you'll also work on yourself? Rubbish.

      See who wan teach person anger management. Abeg swerve joor.

    7. Moses, if we check well maybe the 1, 2, 3 persons complaining about her were incited by you.

    8. Castle Windsor. Very very correct Ma'am.

      I know this type of colleagues na. They will spread false stories about you to your other colleagues and always present you in a bad light to the boss. And be forming hardworker and kind person infront.
      You say the Ogheneruno is a bad person abi? Her full name has been up on this blog for 3 days so far. Not one person has come here to say anything negative about her, not neighbour, not school mate, not ex, not former colleagues,not former boss. None. Not one negative comment. And there are blog visitors here that can use car boot and open someones' nyash. See the lies you were just pouring out, 'you had malaria', 'stood up from bed after taking drip' and rushed to office',(as the superman that you are) 'family hospital', 'you are sure your father now has the bill' yada yada. Are you not ashamed of your stench? A whole manager of several companies, family hospital is sending daddy bill for malaria treatment. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwa
      Oghene better sort out what issue you may have before you enter another place where they will use you for fodder and destroy your career kpatakpata.
      When you are among wolves, you must be more cunning than a fox.

    9. This moses thing, you will rot in hell for making Runo lose her job and tarnishing her image.
      See your dirty face, your type don't live long. Fool!

  26. Lovely Natural Hair.
    Employer/Employee,forgive and let go.
    TEEJAY, nice one.

  27. You dt guy talking abt Runo n d laptop issue, you are a very bad n wicked man. U actually added salt and pepper to the whole drama cos she said you were not yet at the office. I hate to work with men like you. Talking like a woman. You sound like a man dt likes amebo more food. Mumu man. Idiot. I hope ur happy now dt she has bn sacked. And no! I'm not Runo. In case you will think she's d one trying to defend herself. I hate men like you for real.

  28. IHN don land! Una good afternoon. Please is this thing am doing healthy? Like i will be seeing my menstrual cycle on the first day & i feel like having s*x on the second day, I will just drink hot tea, the Milo & milk type & boom my period will seize, like i will not see it on the second or third day, then next month it will come out again. Is it happening to anyone here abi na only me waka come

    1. Then stop taking Milo and milk during that period please. You need that thing to flow uninterrupted.

  29. Please sm1 should summarise that Moses story mbok...I no get strength for a lengthy reading

    1. Lol....I go help you summarize am.


  30. Moses. Na wa o. See as you finish her. It's okay sha. Las las una go dey alright

  31. I have read Moses side of the story and I believe him.. .Runo, why do you behave in such manner? you took what does not belong to you and lied?

    And some of us here were ranting yesterday calling your employer names. You need to change from such attitude or else no one will employ.

    You lack respect.. You disrespect your employer infact your attitude is appalling according to what I read now.

    1. SHut the fuck uP! You know nothing about what happen. I'm sure that yeye moses supported the boss so that he won't be kicked out of his Job. Moreover, he talk like a loose gossiper. I hate men like that.

    2. Anon I am not supporting my boss, i am supporting ethics, guidelines, protocols and structure. She dug are own grave the 1st week she joined the company and besides loosing my job is not even an option on the table.... you can not understand. You think a man like me will setle with just one means of income? in this 2018? Receive sense

    3. Stfu ugliest pat! What do you know?
      Can't you see he snitched on her? Mtchewwwwww

    4. A man like you? Who are you?
      Miserable ugly piece of trash, be thinking highly of yourself when you're a nobody

  32. Beautiful hair prisca,God bless engr ayyub and family.
    Meanwhile I'm already panicking, two weeks ago I had a flight to enugu (5pm flight), I drove from vgc at 1 to Maryland where I usually park my Car.
    it was 3pm and the traffic was terrible,can you imagine that okada charged me 2k to the airport.
    I'm not taking such risk again this weekend,I will leave here at 8am and spend time in Maryland till 3pm.
    The fear of Lagos traffic is something else.. #runningtodrinksomefura

    Bv ada-lagos

  33. MICHAEL you're a bastard and God will punish you mightily.. youwrote that epistle to bad mouth the runo girl because you still work for that foolish woman and want to be on her good side.

    ypure just a pussy of a man.. better start a business and leave that 80k operation manager job. see how you typed like A he goat... i hate men like you...

    she has zero woRk ethics but wasnt sacked till the marketing saga. you are a COMPOUND RAT without bearing

    1. I love you Lolo... Some people read and digest with their anus..... As in am pained

      I hate snitch in curious cat voice


    2. Hatred is allowed lolo, why are you guys saying i bad mouthed her, you all asked for my side side of the story and i reported it just the exact way it happened. If she had calmed down and listened to me when i initially called her none of this would have happened. Not that i care though. Only if you know how many shits have had to cover up for her.

    3. listen to you as what??see yur sorry ass... i pity the unfortunate woman that'll end up with you. so disheartening.

      sorry runo. May you find a better job free of uglu pussy men

    4. Lolo Idiot-to! Must you insult him before you pass your message accross to him? Even though I don't support him, but you insult just portray you as a nagging Idiot-to wife.

    5. Akinbiyi, yes we asked for your side of the story and we can't help but insult you. Your side of the story is annoying. No vex oh.

    6. Well sentiment is allowed, she's a female so i get why everyone is on her side. Do me a favour, visit our office building and just ask random people about her person then may be you might have a second thought. Idiot sorry Ideato do you really have to bitch on this?

    7. I believe your own account of the story, Moses.
      I know her type
      I can relate
      I'm a woman too, trust me when I say I know her type.
      You and she are the one involved in this saga, people here may not understand.
      Although it's wrong that your employer hastily rushed to SM for briefing.

  34. SDK I wish to plead that you don't post anything on this Laptop accused thief saga again. Let it be. Everyone will be fine one day.

    This Moses. I wish you are around me. I would have told you my mind. I know your type. You want to be in the good book of your employer by all means. What ever you do to another, someone will do same to you.

    See the way you are running mouth here as if you are a better person. You went to hospital and lied that you are at work. If you are really in the hospital. Why lie about it. When has it been a crime to be sick. Why will you want your fellow colleague down?. If she tear her appointment letter, what is your business?. why take the pieces to your boss. Is it your appointment letter?. What happens to minding your business in a work environment?.

    Did I hear you are a man. Man gossiper. You are the cause of all these saga. You see your life?. Runo did not report to your boss that you were not at work yet you went ahead to report all the negative things she said to your boss. Not trying to support Runo but my dear, its not everything that one say that you report. What happens to being your brothers keeper. You want her out of your way that is all I can see. She has gone, know that you will not work in that company forever. If am your boss, I will fire you soon. Those who tell you about others will also tell others about you.

    As per the employer.. My dear, be careful of staff who gossip other staff to you, Most of them do it for negative reasons.

    To Runo, When you are tired of any thing. Be it job, marriage, etc. Walk away peacefully, no need for drama. life goes on. Its not the end the world.

    1. Gbam!👍 Zaram you are right on point

    2. I love you ZARAM
      We really have sensible people on this blog.... . Olofofo o gba Egbe enu ope lomo meaning :A gossiper will not receive a special gift than thank you 😂


    3. Very immature somebody. His response pissed me off big time.From the whole explanation he escalated the issue. Rattling your colleague to your boss and you call yourself a man for 25k job that they will soon chase you out of too. No one is indispensable. Just wait for it, yours is coming.

    4. Every one keep on blaming Moses, analyze the epistle and you will see the iota of truth in what he said.

    5. @Cutest thank you ooooo, she left me no choice, i begged her to calm down (I didn't even know what transpired between both of them) i was going to do a group call where we would all hear ourselves.

    6. Hahaha omosexy, I gbadu your proverb.

    7. Since you didn't know what transpired why didn't you keep quiet? Why did you tell dem what she said and about the appointment letter? Your type can't keep secrets oo! Your mouth dey leak. You were wrong so stop trying to justify your actions cause if you hadnt told them that this issue won't have escalated

  35. Ihn is here.
    Ttc lady why not try baking soda finger when ovulating? You can browse about it, I tried it and it worked for me. God will bless everyone trying for a baby

    1. Thank you dear,please explain better for me

    2. Get baking soda from the pharmacy about 30 minutes to the time o intercourse wet your finger and dip in the baking soda, then carefully insert in your vagina. Don't allow it touch your cervix it can cause a burning sensation. Try it on your ovulation not randomly. I used ovulation strip to know mine cos my periods were not regular. Like I said browse it, you will be more guided. Just type baking soda finger to conceive. You will surely testify. Amen.

    3. Adele pls help, is it the same baking soda use in baking?

  36. I agree with you Stella, they should have a meeting and settle amicable..
    Mr Ayuba God bless you..
    Teejay,na small small, soon you'll be as Reuben Abati,🏃 🏃 🏃.
    Face of IHN, your hair is fine, dash me some Na..
    Enjoy the rest of your day, beloved BV's...

    1. Sophie you too like Teejay..give him a chance if you are single. Who knows...!?

    2. Sky you are my brother but pls no play reach where Sophie dey hahaha. I take God name beg you. Is it your like? Pls don't make her shy or run away. I am planning something already if you know you know so just calm down.

    3. Sophie thanks so much! I want to be great and more than Abati.I strive everyday for perfection, it's not easy but attainable.

    4. Sophie, please give TJ a chance... who knows Twins might be in the picture. Like someone said in my dream that both of you look alike.

    5. Sky white u de hustle to be best man, that your suit u wan dry clean am?
      Teejay plan well, I am watching you in 4D. Plus I pray an excellent spirit for u, you certainly wish achieve your dreams someday.
      Anon 16.22 I see dreams too, we no nearly resemble.

  37. To the TTC woman speaking from experience what exactly is the Doctor's report? IUI is almost like intercourse your ovulation is timed most times with medications. What are your fallopian tubes like? Are they free? Do you ovulate or you use drugs? The uterus hope no plenty fibroid? IUI chances are slim but am not discouraging you it works. In all your husband attitude find joy remember his human too. Has he checked himself? In all be happy it will end in praise.

    1. Amen, thank you. Yes my tubes are free um ovulating and on drugs too

  38. Prisca I loooove your hair 😍.

    I've read the sack, rejoinder from the sacked girl and the support writeup by Moses and the bottom line is would not have cost the employer to settle the matter without ruining her online. A sledgehammer has now been used to deal with an ant sized issue.
    This life is deep, and because of this trival issue she now has this stain that can't be removed. Future employers can easily see that info, embassies during visa checks, banks during loan applications name it!!!
    Moses if you're my staff, I will sack you also. You have a staff reporting to you and you can't even control her excesses thereby costing me money in lost time and manpower and how can the security not be alerted if a sacked staff is leaving the premises? Anyway the person with the biggest L now have a bigger cross to carry.
    Ayub and wifey...the couple with a big heart.

    1. I have chosen not to comment on this issue from the beginning and I still won't cos I've seen things like this happen. Your second paragraph just got my attention cos I also checked her profile when it all started, and if I can, those authorities you mentioned up there can. Life is really deep.

      Lady, I hope you're reading this? Pray this brouhaha doesn't stand against you in future.

    2. And what if the internet doesn't forget, did she murder anyone? Must she seek for employment, seek for loan etc? Runo, this should push you to build yourself by yourself. Channel your brilliant mind into building an empire. When you're successful, which embassy will refuse to grant you visa? And if they refuse, to hell with them. Na heaven? Don't feel bad or depressed. The future is bright.

  39. Sdk how can we back out for what na we are a family here and we will not back out especially when one of us has been labelled a thief ? Oga Moses you seem like a man who can gossip sha, sharp sharp u have quickly gathered the torn contract to show as evidence just so u will gain some kinda cheap favours from ur oga abi? You are an evil man and wanted her outta there bcoz she kinda of threatens you there Or bcoz she dint want to bow and kiss ur feet as you tot she should. Some how I feel u are part of the reason for this drama, you bad mouthed her to her oga which is why she called u small eat hence this drama. Now she is gone and u are hell bent on tarnishing her image on this blog or trying so hard to be in the good books of you boss just so u can keep ur job. I no trust u rara. You are evil that it and if I were ur boss I will fire u too.

    As for you Runo is not like you are free from guilt oooh, so u carry the same bad mouth u people use in SDK to ur work place abi? OK NA shey I keep asking u guys to try and be nice but no u all won't listen now see what ur bad mouth has caused u.

    What is there to settle SDK? She has been fired or should i say fired hersef and has return the laptop in her possession. They should just move on and face their front.

    1. Wow! So you can give advice like this? I'm impressed.👏👏👏👍👍👍

    2. All well said , thank you

    3. 1000 likes for this comment. Moses should be a man, a man doesn't go about snitching on a fellow employee. How can you after torn pieces of contract paper and you are so glad to say it. Haba. A man doesn't go about telling his ogas a college is yelling. You should be mature about this things. Yes, Run could have a very bad attitude and her being fired was probably imminent but you should not have used your snitching to hasten matters. Last last, you go still be alright .Runo, work on your attitude. Learn to be respectful to your bosses. Moses,learn to be a better employee and a real man and not a snitch that you are

    4. Thank you. This Moses is the reason the whole matter escalated.

      Is that how to manage a situation, by picking up torn appointment letter, to prove what exactly? A dutiful servant? On top 25k? What will you do when you get a 250k job?

      Tomorrow, this Moses will marry one poor lady and nag life out of her. I pity your wife! You are a man, briddle your tongue. You are a gossip and also possess an evil heart. Change oga!

    5. 250k job, he will kill.

      And no, I'm not joking.

  40. @ the Lap top saga. Why didn't you tell your boss that you were ill and taking treatment when she called to speak to both of you? Rather, you decided to tell her that Runo is not in a good mood to speak to her, making her look like a bad employee. You later confessed about your reason for not being in the office when you knew your boss is already mad at Runo and won't pay attention to your case. This was not a fair thing to do brother.

    I'm not trying to take sides with anyone but I had to point this out for you to also see your fault in all of these. Runo is not a saint but neither are you in this matter. There are somethings you should ignore and not report to your boss sometimes and be diplomatic about how you do things so you don't get people fired unnecessarily as a superior.

    Runo, I wish you'll adjust your behaviour as well to avoid issues like this. It never good for ones image. I wish y'all well.

    1. very irritating swine,manager my foot.

  41. I said it yesterday that both employer and employee did not say the cause of their problem. Moses from your narrative all I can say is that there is no peace among you guys. you people don't work together as a team.
    my advice is that you people should pay Runo and let peace reign.

    @Bv Whateverinsdkblog
    our people said "atuolu omalu,omalu mana atuolu ofeke ofenye is I na ohia"
    " onye atulu ilu ma kowakwara ya, ya mara na ego ejiri luta NNE ya Nara na iyi"

    Chukwu gozie GI nwanne mmadu. ka odi oge ozo na ogwugo ka oha mu na onu.

    1. Chike o'tua koo di.Nwa amu sirike ki bu. ezigbote nwa afor ki bu. Onye nkem ya gazere gi.

    2. @Teejay amaghikwam na ibu nwafor, Chukwu gozie gi

    3. Hahaha @whatever, nwa afor ka'm bu. Bukwa nu onye echiri echichi na ala Enugu state.

  42. Lovely hair prisca...don't know between yours and mine which is long and thicker. Natural hair is bae.

  43. Beautiful afternoon everyone, the lady TTCing, don't loose faith, God can do anything even @ the eleventh hour. My sister gave birth after 5yrs and believing God, my other sister is going to be blessed too.

  44. I just read the post on the agent being handed a very long sentence for duping people. I read comments like 'its barbaric,he did not kill anyone' and so many more saying nothing is done to our politicians that steal everyday. Stella even you too said something like this. It is VERY WRONG to justify evil. Evil is evil irrespective of the perpetrator. Do you know what it means to be duped? Like have your whole savings wiped off? Do you know how many people die as a result of that? The shock,pain and trauma? If our leaders are bad to us must we be bad to ourselves? Why not go and dupe the people you think are thieves and not innocent people trying to make a living. If you were one of this mans victims will you feel this same way. Please let's learn to speak and support the truth. The sentence is too small sef,he should have been killed by the firing squad. Families have been ruined and some may never recover. This is my rant,couldn't post it there cos I'm not sure it will be seen.

  45. TTC woman please take it easy, get your mind off this thing, pray and let God be God. Ndi Employer- Employee, you people will be alright last last just try and resolve this ish amicably. Prisca your hair is beautiful.
    Olori mi hope you are good. Yori yori darl pls dont let them catch you oooo, dont want anyone carrying your matter on the head like gala.

  46. Moses I put it to you that you only wanted to be the only person in your boss' good books. I know people like you.
    Not trying to justify Runo's actions though, but Moses as guy man you no try.
    Las Las una go dey alright sha.

    Ehen... Olivia silk please come here and tell me the type of black soap you use to wash your face. Thank you

  47. The TTC woman. Calm down my dear. I understand its not easy. Kindly google
    "trying to conceive a child on nairaland" Its a forum for Nigerian women who are TTC. You will see thousands of women in your condition. Feel very free to ask your questions there and you will get an honest answer. God bless you. It will end in praise.

  48. whatever we sow we shall reap... Runo my advise to you is to learn not react whenever you are angry

    to the employer there is an adage that says "Be fast to hear/listen but slow to respond /react.. I hope I tried

    And to Mr Moses it is well with you ...


  49. This Moses guy is an idiot. I know his type, ass lickers, always trying to be the good one and putting others down. Quick to point out other people's mistake but hiding his and being happy that others are being scolded. Sorry excuse of a man. Agbaya oshi

  50. Moses or whatever your name is, may I never meet someone like you in my entire life. At a point I had to make sure this story was written by a man and not a lady... . That been said, the damage has been done., only God can redeem this lady but in the presence of man, she has been ridiculed except if she's going to be her own boss.

  51. How did your boss find out that Runo yelled and refused to pick her call? I guess you are still a small boy. Don't think of toasting/ having a girlfriend with this your manner/attitude,grow up boy.

    1. Really, boy??? ok na... i called Runo, i begged her to calm down and lets talk to boss, i was going to put the call on a group call so we could all hear ourselves. I wish you guys could hear the way she was shouting on phone. I was fucking left with no choice, io had to tell boss something and i damn knew it would also require me confessing i was not in the office. Only if Runo had listened to me

    2. Stella please post my comment o,

      moses I put it to you that your a very bad and bitter person,Stella asked for clarification on the laptop event,no one asked you to say how bad Runo character is, your company has already tarnished the poor girl's image,you only described her in those words so you can paint her black to the readers, but guess what you failed, now let me put it to you that your company is a scam,what type of company would employ someone like Runo with the character you painted above? Its either your recruitment process is rubbish or your company is,now if you say you Didn't observe her supposed bad character while recruiting what happened when she started work? Every reasonable organisation has a probation period, why was she not cautioned or sacked for bad behavior, let's say you all decided to be goody good shoes and not sack her, when the company did a downsize and salary was restructured she should have been told to leave but no you people didn't because you obviously needed her, what type of company would have issues with efcc, what type of company would deal with issues in this manner, in the letter of employment ain't there rules of disengagement, and approach to take when issues occur? If runo tore her offer letter its hers to keep whatever she does with it is not your company's problem,it should even be to your company advantage as she can't prove to be a staff should the issue be raised in court and if you tell me its the company's copy of the offer letter she tore that would only explain to me how disorganised your environment is, for Runo to take the laptop home that means it was never a stay in office laptop,and I put it to you that its not the first time that laptop has left that building, you are a farce of am operation manager you need to go on training on how to deal with staffs and your employer, Runo if I were you I would get a lawyer to sue their ass for defamation of character and for them to put up an article apologising for not first given due deligence to investigation before judgement.
      Moses watch out the same treatment that was meted out to Runo you would get in quantum its not a curse o its just a fact because soonest you would fall out of the good books of your employer and they would treat you like any other

    3. Runo, self control is not cost.

      Moses I don hear...OK take care, be an ambassador.of Jesus there.

  52. Hmmmm...Moses you no try at all. You caused the whole saga, so what's your gain now? An Award of a good person?

    1. They will add 5k to his salary.

  53. Princess Iyabeji17 May 2018 at 16:40

    TTC woman please God is still in the business of doing miracles.

  54. Moses the ass licker, continue ...know that no matter the ass you kiss or how long you kiss it ,the boss would eventually toss you aside .as colleague we are supposed to cover each others short comings while correcting and teaching gently, .she had anger issues have you called her gently to talk to her (as you claim she is your friend) take it easy .in my office i left people understand that this(office) is not the bus stop for any of us ,we are just passing thru .

  55. Best Staff Award goes to Moses.

    1. Hahahahahahahaha.
      Would never hire this kind of person.
      Just full to the brim with lies and someone who will stop at nothing to achieve his aim.

      Please note they've sent in another vacancy up there ooooo. Hmmmm.

  56. So because the Oga did not treat her well and Moses would not cover up for her, she should “mistakenly” take laptop abi? Look Nigerian youths, if we are serious about turning our country around. Acts like this should be greatly discouraged. This culture of covering up and expecting people to cover up for us is the foundation of Nigeria’s problems. All our leaders are covering up and people are covering up for them. 80 percent of comments I’ve read condemned the act of whistle blowing. Please guys, if our children believe that good people should cover up for them and bad people should not, what is the future of our country Nigeria? I really sympathise with all parties involved here. I can bet Runo may not know the act of taking that laptop was wrong and could land her in jail in another country. The society has failed her. Moses is the Operations Manager and was performing his duties of escalating issues to his boss. Oga is a Nigerian business owner and wants her business to work and make profits. She needs loyal employees. Please Nigerian youths, lets all try to build a sane society.

    1. Moses, if you’re reading this, always make sure you continually improve yourself ok? Use your salary to go for professional courses and exams, like Prince 2 or PMP. There are also some free Harvard courses. Stand up for what is right . All the time. The person you owe your loyalty to in this case is your boss. I’m tired of seeing Nigerian businesses fail because of Staff who are working against the interest of the business.

    2. Moses is the operations manager but covered his own ass. why didn't he tell the boss he was on admission? He ran from the hospital despite being very sick according to him because he was excited the whole brouhaha had to do with Runo abi wetin be her name.

      No one is justifying what she did but why run to sm to call her a thief?

    3. Thank you sir/ma for this comment, anony 17:25.
      Almost all the comments here tilted towards aiding and abetting.
      That's Nigerian culture.
      I feel so sad reading through comments here.
      None of my bros is coming home to look for a wife in Nig. Never!!
      Majority of persons supporting the lady for taking the office laptop are women.
      Tomorrow you guys would be blaming your leaders.
      Sooo sad.

    4. @anon 18:16, Thanks for the way you laid down your points even though it differed from mine.
      I sympathise with Runo especially if she did not actually steal the laptop. But dear, I’m just really tired of our Nigerian work ethics. More than 50 percent of IT jobs in the world have been outsourced to India and other parts of Asia. Same with the fashion industry and all. While we wait for our government to create an enabling environment for jobs to to be outsourced to Nigeria - can we youths at least get our acts right? Don’t go late to work and just do your jobs. Let’s all try to incorporate discipline in our lives and at our work places. Moses lied but it looks like he has learnt his lessons. He has come out to say it at the expense of all the bashings he would get. But I think a lot of Nigerians are supporting Runo because they would do the same.(If she actually deliberately took the laptop)

  57. Princess Iyabeji17 May 2018 at 17:27

    @ Moses I donot expect you to be responding to all comments. You have given your own explanation so move on. The fact remains that you didn't act well.

  58. Good afternoon Stella and lovely BVs.
    I'm here for Runo. My dear, just move on. I want you to see this challenge as an opportunity to be your own boss. The Lord is your strength.

  59. Stella of course Moses account of events won't be objective, someone that is still collecting 25k. When they do him the same thing he will come back to start complaining. Some employers don't know that God tests them with a little breakthrough to see how they will behave before promoting them to where they really need to be. From the actions of this madam, she will run herself down. Ordinary 70k salary and you want to turn yourself into an idol abeg park.

  60. A lot of employers and employees need to go for anger management courses. Imagine if citizens are allowed to freely buy and carry guns?

  61. Happy thursday. Ttc woman, God will answer you in Jesus name.

  62. Moses is a pussyclat

  63. You say they should have meeting? Meeting for what exactly?
    The lady's reputation has been damaged irreparably.
    No meeting can change that.
    In this situation (God forbid) I know exactly what to do. But that's me.
    Let everyone face front and hopefully learn from the lessons here. Even those of us on the outside have lessons to learn.
    Moses as you have sown so you shall reap. It is an enternal law, whether you worship God or Sun or river goddess.

  64. Moses I must say that your a very bad and bitter person,Stella asked for clarification on the laptop event,no one asked you to write an epistle on how bad Runo character is, your company has already tarnished the poor girl's image ,you only described her in those words so you can paint her black to the readers, but guess what you failed, now let me put it to you that your company is a scam,what type of company would employ someone like Runo with the character you painted above? Its either your recruitment process is rubbish or your company is,now if you say you Didn't observe her supposed bad character while recruiting what happened when she started work? Every reasonable organisation has a probation period, why was she not cautioned or sacked for bad behavior/late coming , let's say you all decided to be goody good shoes and not sack her, when the company did a downsize and salary was restructured she should have been told to leave but no you people didn't take that step because you obviously needed her, what type of company would have issues with Efcc, what type of company would deal with issues in this manner, in the letter of employment ain't there rules of disengagement, and approach to take when issues occur? If Runo tore her offer letter its hers to keep whatever she does with it, is not your company's problem,it should even be to your company advantage as she can't prove to be a staff should the issue be raised in court, and if you tell me its the company's copy of the offer letter she tore that would only explain to me how disorganised your environment is, for Runo to take the laptop home that means it was never a stay in office laptop,and I put it to you that its not the first time that laptop has left that building.

    You are a farce of an operation manager you need to go on training on how to deal with staffs and your employer, no employee can use those above words you said to her boss on the office irrespective of the fact that he is not her direct boss if Runo actually talks to you in that manner that only means in that aspect you both are not saying the whole truth because no boss would take that not to talk of a snitch nigeran boss like you,

    moses if you could come to the office by 1pm on the said day that means your also guilty of late coming and its not the first time you sugar
    be late now I don't want to know if you were sick because if you were truly sick and on drip there is no way on earth you would leave the hospital to work also you would have informed your boss at once even before the said time she called you of your situation, by lying you only portrayed to me how untruthful,cunning and wicked you are),

    Runo if I were you i would get a lawyer to sue their ass for defamation of character and for them to put up an article apologising for not first given due deligence to investigation before judgement.

    Moses that you were not sacked in this issue is still a surprise to me, watch out the same treatment that was meted out to Runo you would get in quantum its not a curse o its just a fact because soonest you would fall out of the good books of your employer and they would treat you like any other.

    (Just in case there are mistakes bv's please correct with your mind o I typed this in anger) #Barbie sugar


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