Stella Dimoko Eniola Badmus Says She Is The Kind Of Lady A Good Man Will Not Let Go...


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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Eniola Badmus Says She Is The Kind Of Lady A Good Man Will Not Let Go...

For the ace actress, Eniola Badmus, any good man who has the chance to meet her would not let her go for a simple reason....

.....that she is a very hard working woman. She noted that although she was rejected when she initially began her career as an actress, she never let the disappointments weigh her down.

“When I started, I was rejected a lot and people attributed it to my body size; they were wondering what I had to offer. But I was focused and steadfast with what I was doing because I have a very high spirit. I was focused and that’s why I am excelling. No matter what comes my way, I don’t even think about it. I only think about fresh ideas because when you begin to take things personally, you get distracted. I was trained to be a hero with a lion heart; I am brave at heart. A good man will not want to let me go because I am a very hard working woman and I believe in making money,” she said.

Speaking of her weight loss, the actress told Saturday Beats that she had never thought of going under the surgeon’s knife to shed weight.

She said, “I have never thought of doing surgery to lose weight because I get involved in a lot of fitness activities like lawn tennis and the likes because I believe it is very important to stay fit.”

Citing herself as an example, she urged up and coming actors to stay focused and keep their eyes on the prize. “My advice to up and coming stars is that they should get education and stay focused,” she said.


  1. LMAO.... hahahahaha.. ok o

    1. I agree with her nothing can weigh her down, not with this size.

  2. Nice one Eniola,just keep fit that's all.

  3. Best advice
    Get education and stay focus

  4. That's how you people will be claiming hard working meanwhile one big God is painting your account rainbow colours

    Tomorrow Don't come and say your weight made you depressed 😒😒😒

    1. If Eniola get big god e no good??

    2. 😂 😂 😂

  5. Try reduce your carbs and do more vegetable/friuts, it will help.

  6. Before and after pix of the alleged weight loss abeg.

    1. Ode learn to read and understand. She said she engages in physical activities like play tennis to STAY FIT. She didn’t say lose weight.

    2. You are very stupid For using Ode on your mother

  7. I like Eniola Badmus alot, she's a strong woman and she's hard working too. I wish I can get to meet her someday soon. Keep it up ma'am.

  8. Once we don key into something for this Naija sha. Eniola has always been big and she cannot come and go and kill herself for anybody. Her kind of fat can only be permanently taken care of by surgery. What if she dies in surgery? The same people will ask who sent her the same way they asked when Stella Obasanjo died during her tummy tuck surgery. A friend of mine was always fainting and sweating profusely last year when keto was reigning. Na God save her. Everybody cannot be lepa or have that hourglass shape. Let fat people drink water and drop cup abeg. I have fat and slim relatives and I don't know exactly how I'd look ten years from now. Let's not be the reason someone is depressed about their body. Wunmi Obe married one of Nigeria's most handsome men and it's been over twenty years. She no even lose weight one day. And there were slay mamas in that time too when Tunde chose her. Eniola, live your life and just dress appropriately for your size. Your own man will find you. Nothing does you jare.

    1. You deserve everything good for this.

    2. The best comment here.👌👌

    3. I remember my Keto days, that was about 2 years ago.I didn't know what happen one night, I just passed out and ended up in the hospital only to find out i have electrolyte imbalance secondary to keto diet. Na God save my life. Now I just go to the gym at least 3 times in a week, and portion conttol. I cannot come and die.Keto diet is not for the faint-hearted.

    4. @Sue: God saved you o. Keto is truly not for everybody. My friend learnt the hard way.
      @Lacey, StellaMaris and anon:
      Blog hailings to una

    5. The body needs carbohydrate, I cannot reiterate it enough.
      People always looking for short cut to success and following the bandwagon. All the classes of foods are important. What should be done is portion control and a bit of exercise.

    6. If you’re doing Keto, Electrolytes replenishment is a daily goal. Because your body no longer has carbs to bind sodium, potassium and magnesium, you lose them each time you pee and so need to replenish. Sole water( with losalt and pink Himalayan salt - if possible) is very important, extra salt for your food, magnesium supplements to take care of leg restlessness and cramps.potassium you’ll get from your greens.

      The FB ketogains and ketogenic dieters follow the keto diet the real way y should be , thank God I left all those Nigerian groups. I followed the above groups and did not even get the keto fly cos I replaced my electrolytes from DAY 1. It’s been 8 months and I am no more diabetic, no more hypertensive, from a size 24-10. Keto saved my life...

    7. With all that una nyama nyama agbalumo fufu, cabbage cereal.
      Your head go dey pain you as you dey chop but una go dey for 'yummy' for everybody.
      Nigerian's no dey ever use sense when una jump on bandwagon. Una go jump with una head. Mtsheew.

  9. Its not about working hard, there are many things that can make a man kick you out of his house.

  10. #Confidence is not ‘they will like me’. Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine, if they don’t'.

  11. Enter your comment...hmmm


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