Stella Dimoko Former Beauty Queen Iheoma Nnadi Talks About Being Pregnant As She Celebrates Daughter’s 1st Birthday


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Friday, August 31, 2018

Former Beauty Queen Iheoma Nnadi Talks About Being Pregnant As She Celebrates Daughter’s 1st Birthday

Ex-MBGN, Iheoma Nnadi and her footballer husband, Emmanuel Emenike celebrated their daughter’s first birthday on August 30th.

The Ex-beauty Queen who shared photos from her maternity photoshoot revealed she didn’t know about her pregnancy until the 11th week.

I broke that Pregnancy story and I am surprised she is saying that she didnt know 


  1. Replies
    1. Well, lemme use fear gree she didnt know she was preggy for that long since she mentioned she had irregular periods.
      Happy first birthday to her baby girl.

    2. Don't they all LIE??? All bunch of airheads with no substance

    3. Stella, both my pregnancies I was at least 10weeks gone. Had no idea because I also had irregular periods. Morning sickness didn't start till about 11weeks, that's when I figure maybe I should take a test. Funny thing is everyone else around can see it from weight gain to mood swings and I have no idea. I wish they said something to me or my husband.

    4. - Maybe true
      - Maybe lie (she knew and kept it a secret from footballer so he won't force her to terminate it. A case of I hook footballer, he slept with me, he must marry me.)

    5. If you don't have irregular periods ,you wouldn't understand her.And yes!! It's possible she didn't know.My first pregnancy,I didn't even know I was preggo.Everyone around me saw the weight gain,but I thought it was just food weight and I always had irregular periods.The only thing that took me to hospital was waking up with terrible sharp pains and it started getting worse I couldn't bare it.At the hospital ,I was asked to do a PT first.I thought the doctor was crazy or something because this pain wasn't related to pregnancy in any way.I even argued with the nurse on duty that I am not pregnant.And the test came back positive.I was pregnant!!! And after series of test,it was found I had UTI(urinary tract infection) reason for the pain.I was treated and everything was fine.So yes! So many women,especially first time moms don't know when they are pregnant.

  2. Lol. The question to trend is real. Congrats anyhow

  3. Happy birthday to her little cutie..

  4. That source might be a womb watcher.

    1. Im sure she may have been suspecting she was pregnant but maybe waiting to get confirmation from her own doctor, but you know some ''aunties'' can see pregnancy mere looking at someones face.

    2. Confirmation from doctor? When you can do a pregnancy test at home.

  5. Happy birthday to little princess

  6. And the sources are her friends o, God save us from frenemies around us.

  7. Keep her face for as long as you wish,honey no one caressssss.Happy birthday and long life to the little one.

  8. Happy birthday to her princess.

  9. Nna mennnh I read the 2016 comments and I πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Some bvs bad mouth , no bi today e start ooh. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. I can totally relate with her story.


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