Stella Dimoko Saturday Spontaneous Post


Saturday, December 07, 2019

Saturday Spontaneous Post

#knowyoucanbewhatyouwannabeifyouarepaitentenough #bambinosinschooltoday #donthatethemessengerhatethemessage #saturyaaay

Good Morn..
Wetin dey play?Hope say you sleep well?Straight to business.........

Some of you have started attaching phone numbers to your blog IDS and selling emergency products that you don't have....well done...your comments will go missing if you try it cos this blog is not where you come and be looking for Christmas 'Customers'.

If you are a blog visitor and interested in the Santa giveaway...please send a mail to my PA stating your email and blog ID and your account number....please also attach a comment you made three months ago with your blog ID so that we can know..please also note that old blog visitors will be given preferential treatment.

My PA will sort thru the mails and send me the names of old ids and their account details and you will hear from me....i don't have any number of people in mind so it will go with what i have to give........

If you are interested in Playing Santa,please contact me privately and i will send you some of the verified blog IDS and their account numbers....

I am sure this method will work for me and you...Thanks!

I watched a movie on Zee One and discovered that in India even if you have fixed a wedding date,if you get pregnant,it is a big disgrace for both families and this really the case or just for movie purposes ?I am really surprised at this though....

Errrr....The Chronicles folder is empty,please send in your Chronicles.

Have a really really nice day



    Angels are giving out special gifts today. In The Name of Jesus Receive!! In your home, finances, job, health, education, marriage, spiritual growth. Hallelujah!

    Rhapsody Today!!

    Understanding Christianity!!
    1 Corinthians 6:17


    "Christianity is not a religion at all; it's the active life of God in a human being"

    "When you really get to know this, everyday of your life, you will be so full of joy"

    "The Word won't work until you work it. You are the one to work things out, by His power working in you"

    Today's Confession!!

    Christ is alive in me! I'm not ordinary, for I've been called into the fellowship of the God-kind. Therefore, everyday, I manifest the pulsating life of Christ, exercising dominion over sickness, disease, failure, lack and everything that's of the devil! Hallelujah!

    1. Happy Birthday Pastor Chris.

    2. Is he on this blog to see this?

    3. Happy birthday Pastor Chris

    4. Happy birthday to you Pastor Chris

    5. Amen. Happy birthday big PAPA. Thank you for all you do and God bless you richly

  2. Good morning my lovelies 😍😍😍😍 Happy weekend.

    1. Applied for data and giveaway,the response I got is'one or more recipients can't be recognized ' is it only me? I have praying for fortune to smile on me.

    2. Anonymous 09:20, maybe the email you sent it to is not correct. Go back and check

  3. Happy weekend bvs
    Christmas decorations all over the place. May we all live to celebrate it in good health.

  4. Anonymous 6 December 2019 at 12:16

    @ perxian and @veteran side chick pls I'd appreciate your input.

    Could you pls suggest/recommend what I could do/take to combat vagina dryness.

    Hardly enjoy sex. Barely reach orgasm.

    I'd love your help. Thanks alot.

    Hi anon, Vagina dryness is mostly associated with aging and menopause but in reality... it could be a sign of serious hormonal problem , abuse of douching/use of vagina wash , too much acidity in the vagina, dehydration and birth controls.
    You are not enjoying sex let alone reaching orgasm because you need to produce enough mucus.

    If you do not have any of the issues mentioned above then do these:

    * Engage in heavy foreplay before penetration, make sure your partner knows what gets you in the mood.

    *Drink water before sex. The feeling of getting pressed (urine) forces your body to prepare for wetness.

    *Stop cleaning out your vagina every damn time and washing out the good bacterias. As long as it doesn't stink, allow the mucus to build.

    *If you are using birth control, it will mess with your hormones and cause dryness.

    *Soy based foods and estrogen supplements help to build up wetness.

    *Sex is supposed to be enjoyed so if you are not enjoying it, stop until you get your groove back.

    1. Bacteria not bacterias.

    2. 8:46 Thank you.

    3. 😂😂 hunter has become the hunted

    4. pls and pls do nottake estrogen supplements without a doctors prescription, you might be working yourself up for breasts CA. plz engage in lengthy foreplay, taking enough water, watermelon and especially pineapple , (take pineapple for 7days.give it a trial) can never be overemphasized. hottie mum

  5. I asked my employer for a raise and she finally did, above the amount I was even expecting.

    She was apparently afraid that I'd leave so she unwillingly upped the pay.

    Felt bad when I heard yesterday because I was thinking that she herself wouldn't have any profit if she paid me such amount. I guess although I want to be paid higher, I didn't feel I deserved much more.

    Reminding myself today that I deserve the very best and do not have to settle for less, and also I do not have to feel bad for demanding what I want.

    A colleague even told me that I shouldn't think about the owner of the company, but only think about myself because they will not think about me the way I'm thinking about them. #NoteToSelf

    Growth is constant!

    1. You deserve the very best dear... Enjoy your salary increment and make sure your give your best to your job.

    2. Seems you work in an SME. So why you all emotional??

      Even she is a good employer cos some employers will call your bluff and ask you to go find another job in the present economy of Nigeria. And sometimes, you have to leave to prove a point that you know your worth. Let things crumble so they can value your kind next time.

      So, acknowledge the raise by doing your best because she appreciates you too. But no sentiments or emotions just work with passion and commitment. The day God blesses you with a better job, appreciate her, ask her what you can do in the interim and resign honourably. Shikena!

      And it works everywhere. The people who beg employers are usually the ones who either dont know the value they bring or dont do a good job. So it's good for you as an individual to develop yourself, be an undeniable expert in a particular field, plug into that with passion within your organization, do it wholeheartedly and results will speak for themselves. When you need a raise, you will request with pride. If you follow this rule you would get this same reaction anywhere you work, even in a multinational organisation. Good luck!

    3. Chikito.
      You were the one I was even thinking of when I made the request. Your comments have pushed me and given me courage to fearlessly go after my goals.

      I'll keep this in mind.
      Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

    4. Thanks, Mrs A.

    5. Thanks Chikito, I learnt something from your comment.... You're wise and an asset.

    6. You're welcome o jare, anon. Not everyday useless comments, some days we like to see sensible life comments on here.

      Someone will just open SP and see:
      "I fucked my husband last night and came three times"
      "I slept with 5 girls back to back I dont have energy to go to work"
      "My boyfriends penis is not standing. Help!!"
      "My vagina is smelling"
      "My vagina is dry"
      "My husband/boyfriend complains that vagina is wide"
      "My side chic/guy fucked me silly last night and my spouse is coming back today"
      "I'm pregnant I dont know who the father is"
      "I'm sleeping with mother, daughter and cousin"

      Sex, penis, vagina, breast, nash... that's what they will line up and dance makosa for. Oshisco!

    7. Just bookmarked your comment for reference, Chikito. You are a gem. 👌🏻

    8. Awww! Chikito, your comment just made my day.. Thank you

    9. Chikito u have spoken well o.. Something happened recently at my hubby work place, he joined d company 6 months ago. In just 3 months my husband was well known, he was sent to another branch of d company to do some installments and he delivered perfectly that when he got to the head office, the chairman invited him to his office and was so pleased to have him in his org. Any management meeting my hubby will be invited to give his contribution. Recruitment nko, my hubby will be asked if he has CAPABLE pple that will be able to work on some machines etc.. Any one he recommends, after interview, the person will be employed, my husband is so committed to his job that he doesn't need anyone to supervise him. He puts in his best eh.. Oya probation of 6 months has ended without any raise despite HR told him they will give him a raise before he accepted the appointment letter.. It was really a tug of war o.. HR declined.. My hubby fearlessly walked to d chairman's office to complain.. And told the chairman if nothing is done, that he would resign because that wasn't the agreement he had with the HR.. Even me sef, was shivering asking hubby to forget this issue because I didn't want him to lose his job. My hubby stood his ground o. After 2 days, chairman called my hubby to d office and gave him increment that my hubby couldn't even believe till today. The chairman in his remark said Mr W.. U have been of great impact to this org, pls still continue to put in ur best. Nna eh, I have been so happy since last week. God I am so grateful.

    10. Awwwww Chikito love! Honestly if you know how i enjoy reading you eeh, wow great stuff up there. You are cerebral nne. Jisike oooh. Nwa amuru amu.

  6. Good morning all. Have a beautiful weekend.

  7. Good morning everyone, have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Stella you mean no Santa post again?
    My head o

  9. Pls anybody knows what causes constant waist pain at 36?am I lacking in nutrients? Today's own is worst can't even get up from bed

    1. are you a man? Think of the type of work you did before(hardwork) that may be affecting your waist now. I know someone whose work was offloading drums of oil for many years and now complaining of constant waist pain

    2. How tall are you?
      Tall people usually have waist pain..but, I'll advise you go see a doctor.

      Exercising can help relieve waist pain.

    3. No I'm a woman.. Started having it after my last child.

    4. Go to YouTube, there are recommended exercises to do regularly, nigerians only start exercising when they gain weight, which is wrong.

    5. I was told that excessive drinking of cold water causes waist pain too

  10. we that our phones can't screenshot our comments nko how do we prove we made the comment

    1. If your phone can leave this comment here, then, it can as well screenshot your comment.

    2. hehehe..Ms A you won't understand it's za oza type of phone oo the unscreenshotable one .hope you get now

    3. Ms A, there are small phones that can leave comments even my former small Tecno used to leave comments but does not have screen shot feature

  11. good to know about the giveaway


  12. Oh Santa, I just want 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 For Christmas 💃


  13. Good morning Bvs
    kindly follow the above instructions of my boss

    Send mails to
    thank you

    1. Lemme Goan find my old comments

    2. Which one is jubrila, stepper, again? All these strange IDs that only pops up on giveaway posts. Play store, its only during giveaway period that we see your comments here every year. Jisike. I trust Stella to do the needful. Thank God she cancelled the Santa post. All the strange blog Ids should go and rest

    3. I have done it.. Thank you so much

  14. Anonymous6 December 2019 at 22:26
    am I the only one who get offended by men who say hi, what's your name and the next thing is what do you do? Like I feel there are so many gold diggers walking around.

    Somebody posted a comment like this few days on sp. Guys why? Abi is it the economy?

    1. well maybe because we are Nigerians and that's not acceptable but the american movies I've watched when a guy meets a girl for the first time they both ask themselves what they do for a living. I watched one yesterday the guy first asked before the lady

    2. Do not be offended,
      Permit me to explain a few things.
      1. Guys do not want jobless girls again. So many guys are single “ as in single” and they want something serious but not with a girl that will put all her burden on them so they don’t hesitate to ask what do you do so as to know if they are to stay or make a move.
      2. Secondly, Some guys just want to be sure that the girl isn’t just sitting at home doing nothing, it’s not a must that you have a job to some guys, they just want to know how you have been using your time pending when you get a job no matter how small it is.
      For instance, I met a girl not quite long, she told me she’s a ghost corper, so I asked her what have you been doing so far, she said what can a corper do? Nothing! She doesn’t go to her PPA, she does nothing and she was posted to a Local Government in Lagos.
      I suggested that she learn fashion or other stuff tht she has interest in and she said she will start next year, mind you she will finish her nysc February or so... I also asked her to send me her cv so I can assist her send to some offices and she said which company Employ people in November..... right there, I knew she does not have a focus or a plan for her life. I told her I just rejected an offer in a big IT firm in mid November, which means the offer would be given to someone else that same November or December sef.... that was our last conversation. We just want to know if the person has something doing no matter how small..... please pardon my typo....

    3. It is the right question to ask. I do not see the reason to be upset.

    4. Their nothing wrong with the question provided it's not asked by a gold digger.

  15. Good morning bvs. One love everybody.

  16. Good morning Stella and beautiful bvs
    A church member is getting married today, I'm just thinking if I should go or not. I have so many things to do today. Let me finish washing clothes first.

  17. Last thing i remembered last night was Chinwe was about to minister and i woke this morning it's 6am.. i cannot do night vigil again 🙄🙄🙄🙄 na wah o!!!

  18. Good morning everyone. Happy weekend. Christmas in the air

  19. Its the weekend🎅🎅🎅🎅

    I have a wedding to attend today. Who's bored? Let's go together

  20. #22daystogo
    Hello Wonderful Bvs
    Time to support our own!!!


    Kindly follow instructions below;
    Click on 'NOMINATE NOW'
    directly enter this link
    Under Nomination category,
    Enter your email address
    Enter nominee name 'STELLA DIMOKO KORKUS✔️
    Select category 'BLOGGER OF THE YEAR'✔️
    Enter your valid Instagram account then

    Thanks so much
    Let's do it the SDK way again ✔️

  21. God bless you Stella ❤ and other santas on the blog.

    Sending my mail right away😀

    1. Please what's the new PA's mail?

  22. Beautiful morning. Let's enjoy today.

    Experience should stop bringing commendiens to place of worship. I did not see it in the Bible. I am still wondering why no commendiens in Mosque. Why do pastors bring this people to mock Christianity and God, not good.

    Anyway my opinion. Stella thanks for the announcement. God bless you.

    It is still a good day. Givers always on top

    1. The part I hate about The experience.

      Hubby was just commending them for not bringing comedians, the next thing we heard MC Abbey 😂😂😂

      It's also becoming a political gathering. I Don tire jare.

    2. Stella this your new PA slow sha. Ordinary to compile name for data is taking her almost one week. I hope the Christmas giveaway will not enter next year.

      PA abeg sit up

    3. when the church is entering the world don't you expect the world to enter the church?..very bad the place of worship is gradually turning to a place of entertainment..trying to do God a favour when it is not God's will

  23. He ( my husband) left a big vacuum.
    Three years today 07/12/2019....but just like yesterday.
    We miss him so dearly,😭
    May his soul continue to rest in his Maker till that Resurrection Morning.

    1. So sorry for your loss!
      May God continue to grant you strength and may He send you someone to fill the vaccum your husband left behind.

    2. It is well with you.may his soul rest in peace.

    3. May he continue to rest in peace...

      The Lord is your strength...

      Good morning everyone


    4. So sorry. May he continue to rest in peace.
      God, the husband of widows will continue to be with us all and our children.

    5. *07/12/2017*

    6. This had me in tears
      Sometimes I wish death exists not.
      Its hurtful it's sad it is a very terrible thing .

      May the peace of God fill your heart.
      It's been 6 years since I lost my brother but the pain is fresh.

      I'm so sorry and I pray God Blesses you with everything you need.

    7. Sorry for your loss! It is well with you.

    8. It is well with you and all those he left behind.

    9. sorry for ur loss. But do make up ur mind and remarry my dear. My elder sister is suffering now as she refused to remarry after 10yrs cos she vowed only one man would sleep with her in this life.
      Even to feed, is a huge problem. She owes debts and lie a lot now that we are now ashamed of her cunny ways.

    10. It's well. He will continue to rest in peace.

    11. May his soul rest in peace. It's well with you sis.


    12. It is well. God will continue to comfort you and send helpers your way.

    13. Sorry for your loss may his soul rest in peace. Amen

    14. So sorry for your lost. May God come through for you

  24. Thank God for the weekend. I need it so much!

    Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day.

  25. Good morning everyone. So I just found out that my boyfriend is unable to perform whenever we want to have sex. We looked it up and saw that he has erectile dysfunction. Please what can we do about it because he's embarrassed to go to the hospital about it. Thanks

    1. His only solution for now, is going to the hospital.
      There's no need to be embarrassed. A lot of workaholic men have ED why some other men have it because of what they mostly consume

    2. erectile dysfunction is Gods punishment to your boyfriend for engaging in premarital sauce

    3. How can he be embarrassed to go to the hospital?
      So he wants to treat it using the advice you'll get from Stella's blog?

    4. 😂😂😂😂😂 9:08
      You took me from 😭 to 😂

      Lmao premarital sauce indeed lol

  26. SDK thank you for your kindness. I will mail your PA now with my details and comment. Pls SDK announce the names of beneficiaries so I will know when u send the giveaway or give my acc to someone, I don't receive alert on my phone because of my in-law who uses my phone sometimes. If she see I have little change, she will start borrowing without paying back and she knows my condition

    1. Who is this one abeg? Who are u to tell Stella what to do sef. You are even under anonymous typing trash.

    2. Anon 09.09, get lost abeg. Why didn't you use your own ID too?

      Wait, what is your business with my comment? Are you Stella's PA or mouthpiece? Ewu.
      Beg in peace and let me beg in peace too.

    3. Who knows the mail of the blog pa

    4. Stella will not announced any names here bcos of trolls.
      Always check your acc Bal with your bank. Pls bear with her.
      Thank you!

    5. Kwakwakwakwakwa @ beg in peace let me beg in peace too.
      Stella's bvs will not kill me. Two anons fighting
      Anytime there is giveaway, you people must fight senseless fight.

    6. The fight has started loool

    7. Na wa!!!
      Two bloated, obviously entitled creatins.
      If you used this much energy arguing about how people should spend and apportion their own assets that they sweated for to build your own lives, I'm sure you wouldn't be here sweating and begging like pigs.

    8. Anon 8.27 wetin concern us and Stella with your family wahala. Send the goddamed mail to her PA or forever remain silent.

    9. But you are under anonymous. How do we know your condition. I wanted to send you some cash.

    10. Anonymous 10.21 you are a fool.

    11. Y'all take it easy. Santa will get to all of you.


    12. Enter your reply...

      Stella will announce the names if she likes, trolls or no trolls, is it today that trolls exist on the blog?
      The ideal thing is to even announce the names of beneficiaries like it is done in other giveaways. What is there to hide while collecting gift? Except the beneficiary is a serial beggar like Whiteberry, that is when there will be trouble when the name is mentioned.

  27. Harmattan has come with full force. Now I can smell Christmas.

  28. Lol I actually slept when planet shakers were performing, I woke up when Donnie Mcklukin hope I got the spelling was performing I just turned of my TV and went to sleep biko I needed to sleep.

    1. 😂😂😂😂 i waited for mercy chinwo that no gree come until sleep carry me

    2. Same here, I waited for mercy Chinwo, till I slept off. Them go show am again sha.

  29. Goodmorning everyone. Yesterday I slept around 3 am and I woke up this morning at 8 am. I am so tired. Never again will I go to bed so late. I felt since is was Friday I could stay awake much longer but after11 PM when I decided to sleep I couldn't sleep anymore. Anyways thank God for allowing us to see another beautiful day. From the look of things it will rain here in Torino today. Thank God I don't have to go anywhere today. After breakfast I plan to sleep in a little. Today will be a wonderful day filled with blessings. I claim it in Jesus Name.

  30. Am interested in in Santa giveaway but how will I get the comment I made 3months ago? How will I even compose the message?
    Let me breastfeed my son first and think how to go about it and pray I get my first ever freebie online and on this blog 🚶🚶🚶🚶

    1. Google "Chi aju Mbaise September/ August 2019 SDK blog".

    2. You are not the only one in this boat poop have been thinking of how to go about it myself.

  31. Good morning beautiful people of SDK blog!

    Santa is calling my name too😊😊😊😊

    Ha Ms. Tee, you live in Kaduna state...💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 I've officially added Kaduna on my list of States to visit. Is there a train 🚆 from Abuja or Ibadan to Kaduna/Jos?
    Eesah, you've moved to Kaduna or its just a temporary move...

    It is the most beautiful, most busy time of the year.
    Stay off argument or any form of quarrel. Don't stay around where people are arguing.
    If you're in a circle, and you noticed that the people you're with are starting to behave out of order, speak gently to them and if they refuse to comply, leave and go home. Don't get intoxicated with alcohol or weed or any other form of drugs. Don't do drugs, don't do weed.
    Stay out of trouble.
    Don't make trouble with the market women or men, if they don't agree with price, go somewhere else or buy as your pocket reach.
    Don't forget, the celebration is mostly for a day or two and life continues afterwards.
    Y'all have a peaceful day.

    1. Thanks Ms. A. How's the little prince. God keep him.
      Stella, how are your Bambinos... Send our regards
      Hi Olori
      Hi Prudent Tabitha
      @Princess Intelligentsia
      @Lucille Coconut oil
      Y'all have a very merry Xmas

  32. Has anyone used dried okra to cook before? Any tips, please?

    1. Hi, Mystique. Add it when you are about to add your leaves and set the soup down immediately.

    2. Mix it with cold water , then pour it in the boiling water or already boiling soup if you are not cooking it separately. Turn it very well as you are pouring it. If you are cooking it separately to mix with stew, add potash to the water like in ewedu's case. Then when pouring it in, use the broom that they use for ewedu to mix it so it won't have lumps.

    3. Thank you so much, Perxian and Courage. i appreciate your help.😊

  33. Yaaaaay Santa clause is cominggggg to town....💃💃💃. God bless Stella and her santas.

    Yesterday watching the experience, I couldn't go past 10pm 🤣😭 after all my ginger chai.

    Survived a near fatal accident, a trailer destroyed the back of my car, literally almost halved it... I'm ok, not a scratch just a small bump on my head where I hit it when the trailer hit my car. My time is not up yet, I give God all the glory. 🙌🙌🙌 I'm still shaken but I'll get over the trauma I'm sure.

    1. Wow! Thank God for your life, may His name be praised.

    2. Wow! Thank God for your life. Accident that totaled your car and you don't have a single scratch is a miracle. 🙏

    3. Thank God for you. You won't experience any again

    4. Pele. Thank God for life.

      I watched till 12am. I slept jare. Body no be firewood

    5. Thank God for you are alive

    6. We bless God for preserving your life. Thank God
      Please go to the hospital for a check on the head.
      You will not leave this planet (earth) even a day before your time🙏

    7. I thank God for your life Cyclone... His banner over you is love and care.

    8. Congratulations cyclone. Thank God for you.


    9. Thank you guys.🤗🤗 @survivor already went to the hospital, all is fine. 🙏🙏

    10. Glory to God. We shall see the end of this year and beyond in Jesus Name.

    11. Thank you Lord for saving her life.

  34. adire_classic 081711733887 December 2019 at 08:46

    Good morning. Happy weekend. Who missed me yesterday?

  35. Hmmm. I am just looking at all these self made/God came through for babes on Cardi B's insta story...😆😆😆

  36. Good morning una dey?
    Wish everyone a nice day

    1. This one have resurrected this her/his beggy beggy blog ID to beg for Santa giveaway. Pidgin writer kor, mama blog pikin ni

    2. anon 9:31 NASA for u oo..I didn't resurrect my blog I'd oo ,I dey always comment but with plastic I'd .I just got my I'd back 2 days ago o. make u leave me alone

    3. Anon 9.31 you know this? She ressurected on the first week of Dec. She will disappear again in the first week of January. Pidgin writer how's that your pikin again. He or she should be a year old now. I remember how we were counting your imaginary pregnancy every month for u. Hahahaha

  37. Good morning everyone, harmattan is gradually creeping in,I smell Christmas.
    Grateful for the gift of life and loved ones

  38. Today is my birthday am 36 not yet married please say a word of prayer for me

    1. May God grant your heart desires. AMEN

    2. You will be gloriously married in the first quarter of 2020, believe and it shall be according to your faith. Amen

    3. Happy birthday to you. God in his infinite mercies will show up for you. Amen.

    4. Happy Birthday Anonymous... May God grant your heart desires.

      Good morning lovelies 😍
      ThankGod for another weekend.

    5. At God's appointed TIME, the RIGHT man shall find you in Jesus name,🙏

    6. Happy Birthday to you, may God's grace and mercies abide with you, your heart desires shall be granted and you will be celebrated, many happy returns of this day. Congratulations!!!

    7. Good morning and a beautiful Saturday to us all.
      To God be the glory forevermore.

    8. Happy birthday dear. Cheer up and enjoy your day. Your better Half will come knocking soon.


    9. Happy birthday to you dear! May all that God has in stock for you come to manifestation in your life.
      You will possess your possession in the land of the living.

      God is in control dear. Sending you lots of love and hugs 🤗💖🧁

    10. Happy birthday to you. You will celebrate your next birthday in your husband's house. Amen

    11. Happy birthday to you. Don't fret I also celebrated my birthday this month. God will answer all our hearts desire according to his will to the glory of his name alone. Amen.

    12. Happy birthday dear,may God almighty grant you a martial breakthrough

  39. Plssss oooh I want to ask about Naija Ludo hope it's not a demon I'm playing with? Because the way that hand plays eeh, I'll just be wondering who really am i playing with? I'll even dream bad dreams after playing and sleep off at night.

    1. Then stop it. Not good having bad dreams

    2. I hope you're joking right? Cos this is ridiculous it's just a mare game.

  40. Food morning everyone
    Busy Saturday here. I'm in the bus on my way to market. Traffic have started small small.
    God bless you Stella .

  41. Is it that you people just like to be annoying on this blog or that you dont have anything else to do with your time? I may not comment for one whole year. The second I finally comment on one post, a swarm of bees will line up as if they dont have anything else to live for. What's how you people try to control everyone's comments on this blog and make some people pretend so you can line up and stupidly praise them. The day they forget and bring out their true colours, you start acting as if you saw ghost in the comment section. Les miserables!

    If you are new go and ask. I will put down my responsible hat and we drag ourselves here. Be bold enough to use your ID, let's have a show down before the year runs out. Its been a while I gave you people madness here and frankly speaking, I'm bored.

    As for that one that was shouting 'shut up' upandan, go and take your reply. And just incase you missed it, you are an ordained BLOG PIG. 🥇🥈🥉

    Have a nice Saturday cos you can bet I'm enjoying mine. Ciao!!

    P.S: I will be back to read comments later in the day and insult back as I dim fit.

    1. Pls who can direct me to the genesis of this drama pls. Chikito which post did they insult u ? Tell me let me go deal with them. Them dey maddddd? Since you were nominated some idiots have been angry. Idiaaats!

    2. Too many pretenders on the's best to look away most of the time but for how long? Some act like the blog is their private property, they try to bully you into silence.
      Most of the anons cussing out bvs are the active ones with IDs, making the innocent anons look bad.
      May God help some of you heal.


    3. 10.52 this your amebo no get part 2, anyway I'll help you out.

    4. I thought they would be here.

      They really know that when I'm ready for it I'm on standby.

      Nonsense and Ingredient! Small CHIKITO making all of you lose sleep at night. Ignorant ignoramus. If you know why you cant you say yours let me say mine? Is it not a free comment space for everyone?? Must I share your opinion or do I force you to share mine?? Useless lot! If you have better things to do with your time you will read comments and pass. Bunch of narrow-minded crabfeet.

    5. 12.29 tank you. Chikito my love i say calm down,calm down baby. Make i go read the post first.

  42. Wonder working God thank you.
    My God that turned water into wine, I greet You.
    The One who divided the Red Sea, I greet You.
    The Miracle that God is about to do in my life is going to be too big, AMEN. I can feel it Lord. Thank you Jesus.

  43. The Lord is my strength this weekend...

    Good morning everyone

  44. I've been advised to reduce my carbohydrate, and take more of protein. The issue now is, beans gives me heartburn, vegetables amakes me purge, milk makes me throw up. Please help a sister, what other food can I be eating. Thanks.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. So my boyfriend broke up with me on Thursday morning and it felt like a part of me went missing. I cried my eyes out on Thursday and Friday and now all I want to do is just go get ice cream

    1. It is well with you. Na boyfriend not fiance. I know it is painful when you allowed him free access to chop.

      Sorry, for now don't look for a rebound. Get yourself up and a good guy is somewhere waiting for you

    2. You will be fine soon. Better things lined up for you. Take care of you.


    3. Just relax. I think he will come back when Christmas is over
      As for the ice cream, go get it and make yourself happy.

  47. Good morning Everyone. I'm just grateful to God for his mercies upon my unborn baby, thank God i didn't terminate as I planned. I did another Scan in another hospital was referred to and no abnormalities in my baby and the condition was not as bad i thought ( Double bubble sign of duodenal obstruction.). thank God that the organs are normal.pls put my baby in prayer so he won't require any surgery when he's born.happy weekend.

    1. Thank God. may God perfect everything that concerns the baby in Jesus name.

  48. Good morning everyone

  49. Does anyone know where I can buy an electric cooker in Abuja? Fairly used or brand new.

    1. Which part of Abuja are you at? Lemme know where to direct you to.

  50. Woke up so hungry this morning.
    Up and thankful

  51. Anonymous at 36 years, God will give you your own husband. Don't give up

  52. Happy weekend all. Woke up tired. Yesterday was the school's Christmas party. I was supposed to wash today but I got a more important job.
    God bless all the santas on this blog including SDK herself

  53. Awesome time in God's presence.
    Thank you Father.

  54. That bv that wanted to go for a teaching job interview sometime ago that I advised on one IHN like that, I have forgotten her blog ID, how far? Did you get the job? If not, try again, by next week, start going round all big schools in your neighbourhood to submit your CV or wait till January after new year celebration. Most schools will have vacant positions by January as some people will leave .

  55. Good morning to you all... Just finished 1st paper, am waiting for the second one. God na your hand we deyoo...

  56. Good afternoon everyone. Still onto experience14. #Gidovereverything# #Testimonyissure#

  57. Thanks alot @ parxian. I do appreciate. 😘

  58. @chikito what would you advised on a boss who doesn't see a need to increase pay. Always talking about inflow matching outflow.

    And at thesame is hinting he wouldn't like you to leave.

    I've applied but none is forthcoming now.

    Don't want to invest too many years as I don't see a future.

    Worked 3yrs with him already.


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