Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


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Sunday, September 06, 2020

Boredom Eliminating Post


  1. Honestly, this is hard, and it depends on the level of disability.

    1. I was told mine wasn’t going to be normal, I desperately cried for a child and took that chance with Blessed Sacrament. Today is one smart kid everyone observes. Everything Dey God hand. Faith works like magic if u blv

  2. I won't keep it

  3. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't keep it because, I can't do that to both myself and my child!
    ANG, you can go ahead and keep yours tho...

    1. @Mama
      ANG hasn't commented when you posted yours and
      you still had to single her out?

    2. @19:33 why are you sounding like you are not ANG?? 😂

  4. God forgive me,i ain't keeping it except i see special signs in my dream.

  5. Will keep the baby.

    Me and my twin bro were kept against all odss,he left at 7 but I'm still here and defeated all predictions.

    Jehova is Rapha!

    1. Wow! Thank God for you

    2. @Xhilted
      That is what the Lord is talking about that I talk about.
      Please tell those that are quick to shed innocent blood
      that the "doctors" do not create lives and they can't just
      have the liberty to ruin it. Your brother is with the Lord
      Jesus. Live for him in Christ so that you will comfortably
      meet him there. strive to enter through that narrow door.

    3. @Xhlrted
      You owe humanity a duty to speak out against abortions.

    4. Awesome testimony you are Xhlrted P. 💞🤗

    5. Haha.
      Thanks guy,I appreciate.
      I do preach against abortion and many vices because God has used Advanced medicine to prove His Awesomeness.
      Many times I went face down,still I rise.

      Once my Dad picks my call,the first thing he says is 'onyili onwu bem how are you today?'hahahahahaha.
      I goeth nowhere.


  6. If it's a severe disability like cerebral palsy, low-functioning autism, Down's syndrome and so on, I wouldn't keep it and I'm not ashamed to admit this. Why would i bring a child into this world knowing it would have to live a less than optimal quality of life and probably go through so much suffering? Plus the mental, financial and emotional drain it'd cause on me and my partner is not worth it.
    No, I'm not ready to go through that. Judge me all you want.😕

  7. No, I wouldn't keep a child that will come to life to suffer.

  8. God forbid, I wont keep it, the child himself will not even be happy to live a disabled life

  9. As much as it pains me, no I will not keep it.

    It's not easy as a parent to see your child suffer and not be able to do anything about it.

    So why bring a child to this world to suffer and you and other house hold will not be left out in the suffering and other fallout.

  10. Honestly I won't, if you know what it means to bring a child to this cruel world, esp Nigeria, with no care for the disability, with that child always feeling different, with that child wishing every time that he/she was different

    Even as a parent, it will really breaks your heart everyday, seeing your child can't do, what he feels he should be doing.

    This made me emotional, e get why

  11. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'6 September 2020 at 18:14

    If I am in that tight corner, God please have mercy on me, People of SDK, I won't because the trauma and imagination alone will leave the baby and I'll feel disabled myself, hmmmmm its a tough one.

  12. Definitely keeping it, my blood is my blood irrespective of anything🤗

  13. Nope

    Paris Savannah

  14. God hates hands that shed innocent blood -Proverbs 6:16-17
    Is that child innocent, is that baby
    in your womb innocent blood?
    YES, I will keep him/her.
    No shedding of innocent blood.
    But our Lord will give what is good Psalms 85:12

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. YES; I will keep HIM.
    I don't like referring to babies as "it"
    That makes us trivialize life and execute unborn babies at random.
    I have read of cases where they told the mother
    of disabilities and eventually the
    babies were born whole and healthy.
    Do not extinguish a life you did not

  17. A life is a life, abortion is murder. It won't be easy but if God willed it then His grace is sufficient.

    1. Such a courage filled comment..... If God willed, His grace is sufficient.
      One of a kind
      I like to surround myself with people like you

    2. @Essa and Jesse
      I like to read from people like you both

  18. I would abort the child. Why would I subject an innocent child to a life of pain and sorrow? Plus one day I will get old and die then who will take care of my disabled child? No I could never knowingly give birth to a disabled child. I cover my womb with the blood of Jesus.

    1. @18:29
      God hates hands that shed the blood of innocent children. Prov. 6:16-17

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Amen... But it's not happening to you jor... You're funny...

  19. Thou shall not kill.
    If a baby is not compatible with life,
    it will be resolved at birth.
    Shed the blood of a human and humans will shed your blood. Gen. 9:6
    Go by the sword and you will die by the sword. Matthew 26:52

  20. Difficult decision but I don't think I will keep the child.

  21. I honestly won't keep it Stella. Disability is a hard thing to deal with. Forget all those American Instagram picture. In real life, it's hard. I'm too emotional, I can't watch my child suffer such fate. It will mess me up.

  22. Kai dis one hard o.. But it depends on the type of disability.. I no fit do suffer head

  23. Will keep the child and drop in front of an orphanage

  24. I won't to save ourselves everlasting stress

  25. Sincerely, I won't. Don't want the child to come and suffer in this world.

  26. It depends on how extreme the disability is. If it was just a deafness or being mute then I would keep the child. It definitely would be based on the severity of the case.

  27. Depends on the situation
    I won't be selfish to bring the child into the world and let him/her live as a dependent all his/her life
    On second thought, if it can be managed fairly ,the child should be given a chance to live
    But never as a dependent


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