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Friday, April 01, 2022

FRIDAY In House News....

 Hailings and Happy Weekend...........


Hey oh, you dont want what was promised or what? I just dey wait for your akant since....

Wait oh..... BV DRoyalty how far nah.... Last i heard of you ,you have more than one kid now... How are the kids? Chei you worry me inbox sha i no go lie.... I wish you all the best.... I remembered you today cos someone chatted with me on whatsapp and laughed  ''kikikikikikiki'' and i though of you.... God bless!

Anyway how are the rest of you keeping up with the Friday hustle and bustle? I love Fridays and Mondays well well....

In house news will be back on Monday by Gods Grace........

Fish stew and Rice with plantain and corn salad on my mind



One of the most competitive people I've ever met in my life are parents. I never knew how strong the competition could be until I had kids myself. Right from birth or even pregnancy the competition starts.

One of the first sentences I heard was a question about my baby’s birth weight at the post natal clinic and the bragging and comparison started.

Questions like when did your baby start sitting, crawling, walking and talking? would lead to hours of comparing and all manner everywhere mothers are gathered. A lot of mommy shaming, baby shaming would go on. Putting unnecessary pressure on the moms.

I thought it would get better as the kids grow but it’s not true. I still see and hear the “my child can recite 1-100 can your child do so” . If your answer is no, one would get a lot of shaming and advises about changing schools, extra lessons etc from the other parents.

I am tired of hearing my child is this, my child is that. To be truthful a lot of this conversations are not spiteful, just parents who love and are proud of their kids trying to show it but a lot of times it’s comes off has bragging. I used to do this a lot too but I learnt my lessons the day my child was having a melt down in church because he couldn’t take the loud noise anymore.

I have a routine I use to calm him down, learnt from a specialist. The first thing is to try to get him out of there and when I can’t I have a series of activities targeted at calming him down. Before I could say Jack, I had four women sweeping in trying to help, trying to touch my child and that only scared him more.

I know their intentions were good but boundaries have to be respected, I wasn’t happy with the situation at all and as if that wasn’t enough they went on and on about how they handled their kids at that stage. A lot of the conversations were just bragging about how they are better moms and they were condescending too. From insinuations that I was raising a mommy’s boy, to how I needed to pray more for my kids.

No matter what I said, they wouldn’t just leave me alone, as one person was leaving another “older mom" was coming to advise me. What would have taken about twenty minutes to calm my child down ended up in a two hours debacle. All because a child kept begging to go home.

One person even called the pastor to come and pray for my children. She claimed that children with social anxiety disorders actually needed deliverance, my sister was with me in all this and I could see the rage on her face. I just had to keep my calm because I knew the strings she would have pulled to get the pastor to leave the ton of work he had to do immediately after service to come and pray for my kids. The poor man was exhausted and flustered. I couldn’t walk out on him.

My sister kept asking how I managed to keep my cool and I told her the angrier I got, the more I remembered times I had given unsolicited advise, jumped in on helping others with their kids without permission and instead of going crazy, I am determined to never ever forget how I was made to feel at that moment and ensure I never do the same to someone else.

Nice one.. This teaches more than just motherhood...  Can someone tell us what this writeup teaches apart from Motherhood stuff?.... The best will get Data....My PA will choose, make i test her motherhood skills too..Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha




Note: Don't correct my THESE for THIS until you read and comprehend.

The issue in this life we are now, is so much and by the time I'm done with THESE, the only question that will need an answer is What do we do?

FEAR and AGE walks in opposite direction, more reason you see that, old people get scared easily than the young ones(if you know you know). The problems in time like these has made so many individuals to be so calm and also made the calm ones to be wild.

You wake up in the morning, you drive out to your office and a Keke or Okada rider will just over-take you in order to cause accident and will still tell you "se ya wayre ni"?(meaning, are you mad) being a Lagos person, I'm sure you know what I mean. then the spirit will come into you and tell you to drive ahead of the okada man to show him that you are mad truly without thinking twice but the consequences of your actions will then open your blindfolded eyes.

In time like these, you hear and see husband, using his wife for ritual, wife killing her husband and also selling her kids all because of money. In time like these, your children which you thought you have kept the fear of God in them becomes wayward and left you with no options than to cry. In time like these, depression becomes the new diseases and leads to suicide.

In time like this, some individual lives a fake life to deceive you and make you think your effort is worthless but these same people becomes sick everyday and the best doctor in the world can never have solutions to their problem why? because each time you live a fake life, you die every minute with a disease called FEAR of the UNKNOWN.

In time like these, the scripture is not scripted for you to understand without you needing God to interpret and break down his words to you, more reason you see people twist his words to their own selfishness. Read 2Timothy from verse one to the end(let this be read from a simpler version so that you can digest what it means).

In times like these, hunger, poverty, greed to mention but few has taken over the whole place which has led so many individuals into wrong doings and leading some astray but God has always made his mercy and grace available for us in order for us not to be a victim of circumstances.

My question is WHAT DO WE DO?

**Have faith in God..(Hebrew 12v2)

**You must have an Anchor.(someone reliable)luke 22 v 31-32

**Make a new friend everyday and delete the bad ones.( This is a Chinese proverb)

**prayer : this is a key to open all doors that leads to breakthrough and closes doors that leads to problems.

**live a life of holiness: Don't be wicked, love your neighbors, appreciate the little help from people.

**Fear God..Eccl 12v13-14

NOTE: The word I detest is my life is "Heaven helps those who helps themselves"

for the above, you might have a different explanation but wait a bit.....Heaven only help the helpless and not those who has solutions to their problems. God can help you when you allow him fight for you and you make him understand that, you can't do it all alone. How do you expect a father to help someone who has already helped himself? Heaven helps the helpless and that's why the bible said, he didn't come for those of you who believes you are born again and righteous but he came for me and any other individuals who are not righteous and also a sinner like me.

I pray his grace continue to lead us through in Jesus name.

Oga Pinky nice writeup.... The THESE you used fits perfectly so why you dey been wan argue from the beginning?


FROM A CONCERNED BV -  Security tips for your sim card.

If you or your loved one are leaving the country for a long period of time; go to your bank and tell them to remove the number linked to your account and use your email instead.

Reason being that networks recycle sims so if you abandon your sim card it would be recycled and sold to another individual, if that sim is still linked to your bank account, the user of the sim would be getting all the alerts and can easily buy recharge cards or do whatever they like with your money.

I've attended to a customer who came to complain that by the time he came into the country his account was almost empty, someone was just busy buying recharge card from his account and carrying out other transactions from his account.

You can call your network provider to activate KEEP MY NUMBER if you still want to retain the number while abroad.

Wait oh... how would the person that gets the number have the password to the account? Or the phone number is enough access?




  1. What's on my mind!!!!

    Wedding ceremonies are becoming more classy and expensive, sadly the marriage itself is becoming more trashy everyday...
    A very sad thing..

    1. Everybody seeking an Instagrammable occasion instead of a divinely centered union.

  2. Divine Health Confessions!!

    The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. Hallelujah!

  3. Scared of life. My cousin's died last week through car accident, first and second son. Fact that second son who was in front died and first son who sat behind the driver died equally and the driver came out unscathed makes it more intriguing. The fourth person who sat behind the second son survived mystifies the story. It means my cousins who sat diagonally in the Hilux car died and the driver and the other survivor sat diagonally too. Who has mind to kill two brothers from same parents can kill a whole community.

    1. Ahhhhhhh 😭😭😭
      I'm so sorry for your loss 😢😢

    2. Oh dear! I'm so sorry for your loss,kai this is too much..I pray God comfort your family

    3. OMG!!😭😭😭😭
      This is heartbreaking 💔💔
      So sorry dear.

    4. This is so sad,May God comfort the family.

    5. Kai! So sorry for your loss. May their souls rest in peace

    6. Kai! So sorry for your loss. May their souls rest in peace

    7. I'm sure there's a scientific reason for this. I used to watch crash dummies.
      May their souls rest in peace. It's going to be a difficult time for the family.

    8. This same story happened in my village (umunumo) last week. Young energetic from one mother died through motor accident. This life..... Na market.

    9. So sorry. May God comfort you. 🙏🙏

    10. Sorry for your loss, may their souls rest in peace. This is so painful

    11. My condolences dear, may their souls rest in peace and may God comfort their loved ones, amen

    12. OMG!!,this is so heartbreaking
      So sorry for your loss
      May God comfort your family

    13. This is why it surprises me when some women mock other women who do not have kids or who do not have male kids or have only one or two kids
      You don't know tomorrow, you don't know how many of your kids will be left when you are old or if any will be left to replace you. That woman with one or two kids may still have her child born children while you with plenty kids may have none or just one left at old age. That woman with one kid, her kid may make her proud by doing great things in the family while your own plenty kids may turn out useless or one amo g them may bring shame to your family. Hold on tight to God and live a godly life. No one knows tomorrow.
      Rip to the young men.

    14. This is so sad. May their souls rest in peace.

    15. Oh so sorry for the loss

    16. I'm so sorry,may God comfort your family,so sad

    17. My condolences. May God rest their souls and comfort y'all.

    18. I'm sorry Baltika please take heart ❤️

    19. What a loss!
      My condolences ❤️

    20. So sorry for your loss
      Rest in peace to them

    21. So sorry Baltika, may God accept their souls

  4. One by one all your manifestations are manifesting. Happy New Month

  5. Bv Droyalty with ikwakwkakwakwakwakwa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Re:sim card

    I remember receiving bank alerts of another user on a sim card that I bought two years ago, I went to the bank that sent the alerts to complain, they kept telling me to come back tomorrow. I jus broke the sim card and threw it away. I pity the owner of the bank account.

    Our banking system is so inefficient.

    1. You are a good person. You will not suffer for another to eat. God will be kind to you

    2. Very porous banking system. That is why fraudsters reign supreme

  6. TGIF💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

  7. Bv pinky

    *In TIMES like these*

  8. Pls how effective is human right in nigeria? My husband and i are currently seperated as a result of domestic violence on his part, the seperation was his idea. Now he doesnt send upkeep for the kids, i want to take the matter to human right. Has anyone done this before? What would be their verdict? I want to know what my chances are?

    1. Go to the magistrate court at igbosere and make enquiries about Child rights law. It worked for me cos motherfucker thought that he could do me dirty. The court placed both his balls in my hands and gal ama hold 'em tight

    2. go to court and ask for a divorce...let the court mandate him as part of the divorce settlement..

    3. Which State are you residing? National Human Rights Commission(NHRC)is in every state & their services are free. Don't allow anyone or pay any money for handling of your file. Is your ex working? Are you working or doing business because both parents take care of the children. Go there he'll be invited & he will be contributing until the children are above 18 years

  9. The sun and heat is almost unbearable.
    Who opened Hellfire gate biko nụ 😒 😤😤

    1. The sun is on another level 😐😐

      Happy new month Momma ❤️❤️

    2. Where una dey wey una dey complain about sun?
      It's not so hot where I am. Lagos

    3. Anon 15:08 AC to outside will always be different from outside to outside. Don’t invalidate peoples opinions

  10. No one told me relocation would be this challenging😞🤦.

    I left Jos for Asaba since January this year and mehnnnnnnnn its not been easy. Everything is just different; new environment, new friends, new Job, new colleagues, new way of doing everything plus Asaba is soooo expensive compared to Jos. The weather nko??? Jesus Christ! The sun is terribly harsh compared to the cold city of Jos I grew up in.

    Sometime I ask myself if I made the right decision, sometimes I lock myself indoors and just cry 😢.

    Even though I left Jos to asaba for a better life/opportunities, (Jos crisis & all) I sometimes wonder if I should have just stayed.

    Hmmmmmm so many wonders🙁.
    Please those of you that relocated to different places, how did you cope? Help a sista out with useful tips.

    1. Just take things easy, relocation isn't child's play! So give yourself time and things will pick up eventually and you will adapt wella..all the best 💕💕

    2. You will adapt. Asaba is better than Northern crisis ooh.
      Keep keeping on dear

    3. So sorry babe, try joining a unit in your church so you get to meet and make new contacts. It may take a while but all will be well

    4. You will adapt fine
      Just give it time ☺️☺️

    5. take heart dear.. you will soon get used to the weather and all..

    6. Exactly That Northern Guy, life here is totally different from what we're used to inthe north. The greed here is something else,jeezzzzz. Yahoo boys? Prostitution nko? Ha!!! You just spoke my mind. Thanks for understanding and thanks for the kind words Paris, Ada, omeh.

    7. You will be fine. Open your mind and accept the change. Your new environment will ginger you to hurtle better.

    8. Thanks for the tips everyone.

    9. Relocation ain't easy,I left Jos for Lagos in 2010,just try and join a unit in your church group,also do a research on what sells in your new area,may God guide you in all you do

    10. Relocation isn't easy especially adapting to your new environment. My job transferred me to Benin and even though it's my state, I had the most difficult almost 3 years of my life. Like Northern guy said they lack empathy and the wickedness there is on another level. Thankfully, God answered my prayers and now I'm back to my former base.

      Lucky for you, Asaba peeps are more receptive than their Benin counterparts, they are the lesser evil. One thing I'll advice you is don't be quick to make friends even among your colleagues. Choose your friends carefully and wisely!

    11. So sorry dear, you can buy your food items in bulk from Onitsha which is relatively cheaper than What we have around here. Asaba is not a choice town to relocate to except your into showbiz, yahoo or politics..the town is way too expensive for an average family.
      lastly, be careful with making friends around here if your married, so many married hoes even in the churches. Goodluck

  11. Good afternoon everyone. No competition in life. Just do you and be patient

    1. Is there really no competition in life?.

  12. Good afternoon

    We outside ✨✨💃💃🤸🤸🤸🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️

    Enjoy your day dearies

    1. Yes oh Paris 😍😘

      Stella, motherhood means patience. Those who live in glass house should not throw stones💖😍👌

  13. IHN is here.. Good day blogfam ❤️

  14. Friday is here fam. How many ppl got fooled today? Time flies like no tomorrow. Imagine since 2022 entered our lives it's already April. And so much has happened already in this year.

    I am dreaming of the beach, sunshine and virgin piña coladas. I need a vacation on a private island somewhere. Feel free to contact Stella to contribute to my vacation fund😁

  15. LIFE!..
    just as i was about clicking the invite link to join d zoom meeting i received a mail saying..'we regret to inform you that we will not be meeting again and another candidate has been chosen' heart sank and i started shedding tears...after all the preparations for this interview then i get such mail...God only you knows best.
    It is well.

    1. So sorry
      Don't everything will turn out fine, better day's ahead 😊😊😊

    2. Oh my! 😥
      Be encouraged a better offer will come

    3. The best job,with good pay package,good working conditions will locate you,God is working out things for your good.

    4. eeyaa sorry...God will work out everything for your good. life happens and challenges must come. we pray for a better opportunity for you in Jesus name.. big hugs, stay strong

    5. It is well. May another greater door of opportunity open to you and may you be favored

    6. A better one will come, ok. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    7. You are better than the candidate they choose. What you read in preparation for the interview is not a waste because no knowledge is a waste. Keep your hopes alive. Good job will come very soon. Congratulations in advance.

    8. Story of my life, that is how my sister tried to put me up in one job like that, I submitted my cv, did virtual interview and was waiting for a call up, all hopes up only to find out this morning that 2 siblings can not work in the same place, tears welled up in my eyes because I was convinced I have finally found a job, hmmm!, poster you are not alone, I understand exactly how you feel, I believe God has a bigger plan for us.

    9. May God surprise you with a better offer💋😘🫂

    10. Eyaah, it is well. A better job is coming soon. Amen 🙏.

    11. There'd be better opportunities, it might not seem so at the moment but it would happen, I'm really sorry 😐 😔 😞
      All would be well ,please be of good cheer.

    12. Are you me??? something similar happened to me yesterday...I broke down in tears and my kids were consoling can be very is well

    13. God will come through for you because his thoughts for us are always for good.

    14. Thank you all..this is truly a family 💙.

  16. Good afternoon everyone, Happy new month to you all😍💋❤💜💙💕💞💟💚

    1. Happy new month Boo 🎉💐💜

    2. Happy new month Paris Savannah enjoyment minister TGIF💋❤💜💙💕💞💚💚

  17. Hello IHN
    Good afternoon everyone 💕💞

  18. Light issue is now better in Federal Secretariat. Oh boy, the muscles wey don dey grow for my legs because of climbing staircase everyday.

    Thank you God.

  19. Madam Stellz,some people don't activate USSD on their sim,and some banks security check in Nigeria are very porous,wont mention the names for security purpose too..

    But the strong ones with USSD,you must come to the bank to activate;so even when you sim is stolen,the second user can't activate USSD on their own..

    So those abroad with the weak Banks,once their sim is resold,the person simply activates USSD and get the pin..

    Some weak banks too,you can reset their USSD without having an idea of the previous USSD,all you need is the OTP(one time Password) which will be sent to that line once you click on the "RESET PASSWORD" option..

    Story too long,if you care about USSD security protection,you see Fide****,UB* and few others are your best bet..

    The Fi*** bank USSD is the worst in security,I bank with them so if you have patronized me before,you know the bank I'm referring too..

    If your sim or phone no gets to the wrong hand,all your money is gone...

    In summary,a large percentage of Nigerian banks have very porous security system check and easily hackable..


  20. I have had such experience,bought a line from MTN some years ago and after activating it,I was getting someone else's alert from gtbank.i tried recharging recharging my line and I was credited...ah,I used ussd to get the account number and transferred the same amount back to the account and went to GTB the following day to inform the customer care to unlink it.They were surprised.I was broke then but the money in that account wasn't mine.....#saynotostealing#

    1. You will never see shame. God bless you.

  21. When I see people comparing their kids with others, I don't like contributing to their discussions. Mind your business and let me mind mine. Who get time?

    I'm just happy that today is Friday. Make person relax small abeg.

    Una doh o.

  22. Rolling on the bed as the bad sleeper he is, my son fell from the bed. I was deep asleep but you know as a mother u cant sleep deeply especially when kids are around. That was how I heard a loud sound drop on the floor with sharp cry I jumped up from the floor where I was sleeping (I no longer sleep on the bed all thanks no light and am tired of buying fuel as na salary earner I be I no dey thief lol)rushed to pick up my boy in the process had this strong muscle pull on my left thigh it was so painful that I started crying and couldn't lift that leg up. With all this pains I was still trying to pacify my boy who has already slept off and did not act like he fell from the bed or cried. I gently lay him on the pillow on the floor so that I could be able to stand up. It took a while for the muscle pull to stop even now I still limp a little. Omo life of a mother is not easy cha cha. I pray to God to keep all mother's alive to see their children children in good health and sound mind. If to say e pass muscle pull so I don't know how I would have been explaining the accident because even me self confuse. PS my boy is going to be 3 soon and I guide him with pillow but he loves rolling plus sleep rough that he sometimes roll over the pillow self Lol.

    1. Mothers are the best. Sorry for the muscles pull

    2. May Almighty God keep PARENTS alive to see their great great grand children in health and sound mind in Jesus mighty name. Amen

    3. Thank God for your boy. Get someone to massage that place for you. You'll be fine in no time.🫂🫂🫂

    4. Stella eh,motherhood is all about sacrifice.

      Thank God for your son. My kids fell too. I had been sleeping with one eye closed n the other open for years now.

      Pinky u try o.

      May God deliver, protect and favour us this new month. His presence will be with us always. Amen.

  23. Thank you Queens and Kings for your heartfelt birthday messages/prayers. You are my family and I love you.
    God bless y’all. 💛💛

    1. Happy birthday babes. 😘😘😘😘😘

    2. Happy birthday mama 💓💗

    3. Happy birthday beautiful soul. April looks very good already.

    4. Happy birthday baby girl
      God bless you amen

    5. Happy birthday Perxian dear.

    6. Hope you're having a swell time, can't wait to hear all about it 😀 😊 😄 I trust your hubs not to disappoint.

    7. Happy birthday beautiful Perxie

  24. Jummat Mubarak folks
    Thank God it's Friday
    I can't wait for the holidays to come, I need rest!

  25. Unah Good afternoon ooo, I will never forgive that man that pointed at me in the occasion and said , "" this lady has eaten """ ,🙄🙄🙄🙆🙆

    This thing happened since Sunday ooo and it still dey pain me😩

    1. 😅😅😅😅. Party food can cause wahala. No vex.

    2. Meanwhile, you had not eaten. 🤣

      Sorry. Please forgive him.

  26. 🌞 day!
    Have a blissful weekend ahead y'all 🥰😍

  27. It seems as we get older. Days run faster. Like play like play we are in April. April please be kind to me and my SDK bevees

  28. Good afternoon people
    @woman going through motherhood, Stellicoco, the story teaches me to "do me and also mind my business"

  29. One vital moral from The story of Inside the Mind of a Woman Going Through Motherhood is...

    "Do not dish out what you can't take."

    I hope I win😋.

    Happy New Month to you Jeweluchi and all SDkans

    ~BV Chi

  30. That life of a woman going through motherhood story teaches me that sometimes it is good to mind your business. It is not every situation one must contribute or comment on. And some advice given are not needed cos the person already knows what to do.

  31. Good evening all is weekend things

  32. Good Afternoon Beautiful People! This motherhood post teaches alot on motherhood, experience, parenting too,I hate comparison,if you want to see my red eye,just try comparing my kids,I believe every child will do things at their own pace,so many times people ask me when are you going to Barbe your daughter's locks,how is that their business? Body shaming kids reason,most times,I just ignore button,so they get the message. May God continue to strengthen mothers

    1. If your daughter is going about attending school with dada dreadlocks,you're a dirty lousy woman,stop infesting other people's children with lice and bedbugs.

  33. Oh @Pinky, what can we really do but help ourselves..these are really hard times. To be calm and maintain a level of cool headedness in the face of adversities is something I'm learning seriously now. Otherwise ehn...

  34. I don't involve myself when I hear women compare their children, every child is special in their own way.

    Motherhood column teaches me to put my children first.

  35. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs don't pressure yourself and child to perfection, take it a step at a time there's no time frame to achieve excellence because no two child are the same.. There's no one shoe fits all formula to parenting.

    Stop giving parental advice using yourself or your child as a case study which sometimes comes off as bragging thereby downgrading a vulnerable mother's parenting skills.

    I always pity mothers who don't know how to put their foot down whenever they find themselves in such a situation.

  36. I love challenges

    What the Motherhood Column teaches us apart from Motherhood stuff are
    1. Humans like all animals are in constant competition with themselves.
    2. Respect other people's boundaries. Sometimes people are not ready/ don't want to share their struggles.
    3. Do not give unsolicited advise.
    4. If/When people around you don't seem to understand you or your plight, learn to not get upset. Often times, they are only acting based on their knowledge and see that as care.
    5. Almost all bad happenings in Africa are attributed to the Devil.
    6. There is need to enlighten the general public on Child psychology.
    7. Mother's care.

  37. Never draw conclusions based on what you see alone because life has different ways in which everyone learns something new✌️

  38. Motherhood is patience andtolerance, we mothers should not compare our children to other children because this children are unique and special in their ways and acknowledge the fact that not every talk of a child you start comparing just give them space

  39. Who mixes business with sentiment and pleasure? You lose focus to entertain irrelevant drama. What you do with time describes who you are.

    Mr. A wakes up in the morning, goes to the office to attend to his business and clients ,ends up controlling money.

    Mr. B wakes up stays at home ,controlling ideal minds ,encourages hungry tribal agitators, interferes in another man's business and other people's personal lives. He ends a day achieving nothing.

    Group C, lazy Nigerians Youths that spend all day on internet, trolling and pulling others down. At the end they come up with entitlement mentality, looking for 'giveaway.'

    Who spends time wisely?


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