Stella Dimoko HarrySongGATE- Singer's Wife Makes New Post Amidst Marital Crisis


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

HarrySongGATE- Singer's Wife Makes New Post Amidst Marital Crisis


  1. It's now officially GATE!
    GOD help both parties too.
    This marriage institution has no manual honestly!
    GOD is our strength 💪

    1. What is wrong with marriage of this generation for Christ sake?

      Una no dey PRAY?
      Couple of these days just marry and abandon prayer. They don't know the devil is going after marriages like his life depends on it?

      Where is the aspect of prayer in marriages?
      Is it that this generation don't attend marriage class again or their pastors did do a proper job by teaching them the right thing

      My God!

    2. My dear Crystal it is well oooo. Divorce left right and centre. Everyone is just after the glam to answer Mrs.
      It is well

  2. I feel somethings should be kept of the Internet tbh...

    1. No let her continue ranting on social media, any misunderstanding between couples must get to the internet like we have solution to their problem.
      Hello madam we don't care, we only need something to gist about and yours is made available by you.

    2. Ehya🤪


  3. May God see you through and give you peace

  4. Tell that to your family members.


  5. When you open your eyes and marry a cheat because of any reason, be ready to see shege banza in the marriage.
    Imagine telling his wife that oloshos bwess are firmer and their tohtoh are tighter.
    I pray she doesn't go back to him and that she marries a good man next time.

    1. How can he even say that.he has problems jo.and they should go off SM and finish their finish.we weren't there wen they started na .

    2. E open korokoro eye marry thus kind person .
      What exactly was she expecting?

  6. God abeg o, divorce everywhere nawao, what's going on

  7. What really went wrong? Not good at all

  8. Chika(hello iya boys)23 January 2024 at 09:04

    Done Keee

    She No Marry Again?

    It is well ooooo

  9. So the marriage is over like this🤷🏻‍♀️. Na wah o.

  10. Anything that gives both of you peace.
    This generation no wan gree for anybody

  11. Couple divorcing each other is too much , O God fix marriage institution again.

  12. It is well with them both. Wishing them well in their future endeavour.

  13. What some we women go through in the marriage is enough to make us ran mad but for me am standing tall. How can a man tell his wife and mother of his kids to go to for abortion bcos of gender issue between them. Is he God that gives children. I beg me I no want to rise my blood pressure because of their matter. That marriage is long dead..

    1. That in itself is a reason to divorce the man, women have your own money, I cant keep saying this but please teach your daughters from an early age to make, save and invest money.
      That way when bullshit talks, money walks.
      Ladies as long as you have money, there will always be men whether you are 16 or 60.
      Enough of these men thinking they are something because of the small change they have.
      I hope she did not abort that child but itself packed her and her children's things and moved out off his house and into hers, or better still kicked him out like Funke.

    2. When the that child he demanded she kill as if na fish becomes a great person in future, it will gallop back demanding car, house, phones, money end granting interviews upandan when it did not get it.
      Entitled waste products.
      Nigerian has the worst of everything.
      Most of all its men.

    3. Does Nigeria have the worst women too? Take it easy with the bile biko

    4. So where does forgiveness comes in?
      If he's remorseful and asked for forgiveness why can't she forgive and forget? Why bring everything online forgetting he is still the father of her beautiful girls.

      Except she never loved the man from the beginning, she was after the glam.

      I dont get..
      Their pastor really has a whole lot of work to do.

  14. Hahahahaha na una sabi,when you both don't fear God,what to expect

  15. God will save marriages, that's all I can say because divorce here and there is making me feel that most men enter marriages, not because of love but because of the benefits, like: giving birth to kids especially male ones to keep their ego and make them feel like a man, cooking, taking care of their mess and cleaning after them while most women enter because of societal pressure and to bear Mrs, some of them because of money and fame.
    No more for companionship or love.

    1. Love? Buahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    2. I read something recently that struck a chord. It said that there is nothing like unconditional love, thst people love for what they can gain. I am beginning to think it is true. I had what I thought was unconditional love but it turned out to be that when he wasn't getting benefits from me anymore, he made a complete 180 degree turn, meanwhile I was there loving unconditionally.
      Women who are married to men who truly love them, una hit jackpot... How does it feel to be God's favorite?

  16. E for better to just be baby mama than to enter marriage with rubbish.

  17. Divorce no dey everywhere as the social media couples make it look.

    She is not done officially until she returns bride price. The people holding or who eat her bride price are the people she should have gone to long ago to resolve the matter. But she chose SM.

    It is not done officially until she gets the order absolute from Court.

    Apparently, she meant no more interest in the marriage.

    This Saturday, couples will still marry. And the marriages will last.

    1. Divorce dey everywhere..Stop living in denial..I am not a celeb but my own just ended..I have so many friends and distant friends wjose marriages have ended too..My son's classmate told him last week that his mother packed out of their house since last year and have filed for divorced too...
      Many marriages are ending and they are not on social media..Don't be deluded..

      That Harrisong wife hasn't returned bride price doesn't mean she is still in the marriage...I haven't returned mine bcos my ex refused to come and collect it and soon,I will return it to him by fire by force..

      The same way couple are getting married every weekend is the same way they are leaving the marriage...

    2. Amen, people will get married and it will last.

  18. Have always looked at this Harrysong like one weyrey/wicked/selfish entity

  19. He will now leave her with the 2 kids and go look for another woman's life to make a mess of.

    1. That it is why I'm praying she stays there abeg🙏 this one will now go out to destroy another innocent woman's life.
      Sister manage abeg.
      Dem say all Nigerian men are like this.

  20. God will help you my sister.
    Husband that tells his wife to abort pregnancy cause she's carrying a female, husband that tells his wife that his ahewo babes are better than her is a good forbid something.

  21. When Harry married this woman, he went about saying he couldn’t marry Nigerian women and Nigerian women are bla bla bla. I was like: who asked you? Is your mother not a Nigerian woman?

    Now listen to me: ANY Nigerian man who berates Nigerian women does so because we understand ourselves and he knows that a typical Nigerian woman won’t take his rubbish. It is different when you see a man who loves ALL women and decided to marry someone he fell in love with. But when you see someone say they want to marry this and not that, they have deep seated issues.

    Do not applaud such because in due time, when you figure them out you’d be the hated and berated one. People always show us who they are; we just need to look closely.


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