Stella Dimoko Actress Chuzzy Alichi Reveals One Of The Reasons She Likes Being Married


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Friday, May 24, 2024

Actress Chuzzy Alichi Reveals One Of The Reasons She Likes Being Married

Nollywood actress Chizzy Alichi is definitely pressing the neck of singles with her recent Instagram post, after she revealed the perks of being married.

In a video posted on her Instagram page, she revealed she was craving eggs at 1:59 am, and when she told her husband, he went to the kitchen to help her fry the eggs.
Excited with her husbands gesture, she stated that one good thing about being married is having a partner in crime.
In her words:
"So guys, let me tell you one beautiful thing about being Married.
Its 1:59am in the morning and I just casually said; 'I feel like eating fried eggs' and my husband just said 'why not, let's go make fried eggs'.
Like I was expecting him to say, 'ehh, Nooo, it's late'.
That's one good thing about being married because you have a partner in crime.
Right now, my husband is in the kitchen frying eggs, let me show you guys(proceeds to the kitchen)
So this is him in the kitchen Making fried eggs and it's now your husband is your partner in crime''


  1. You are lucky. Not the ones that will be pressing your neck like that Police man

  2. Marriage is a beautiful thing when you marry your friend.

  3. I thought this woman's seasonal "brain-touch" left her?

    Cries and runs away in singlehood.

  4. Chizzy please press our necks harder๐Ÿ˜‚, loveet!

  5. Enjoy your marriage, Chizzy.

  6. Marriage is good but has ups and downs like all hustles in life

  7. Enjoy ur marriage

  8. How many kids now?

  9. Chika+hello iya boys)24 May 2024 at 19:29

    It's okay nahh

  10. Marriage is good when you are with the right person.

  11. Leave your family out of social media.E get why.


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