Stella Dimoko Media Personality Toke Makinwa Reveals The Deal She Had With God


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Friday, May 03, 2024

Media Personality Toke Makinwa Reveals The Deal She Had With God



  1. nice one ..may the Lord draw her closer everyday

    1. Amin ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  2. Beautiful. I am honestly still struggling with surrendering totally and completely.
    I have prayed and still praying for the help of the Holy Spirit to show and teach me. I get tired sometimes but definitely not giving up.
    I will continue to seek HIM. Some day and soonest too,the walls unintentionally built will be broken.
    May the Holy Spirit continue to help me and everyone else needing his help

    1. Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

    2. Amen. I need His Help

  3. Start a Zoom Meeting Toke, Some of us are not the conventional Sister MaryAmaka๐Ÿ˜ but we love God with everything within us and are convinced he feels the same way.

  4. Thank God for that and He will never disappoint you

  5. Contact us for your cleaning services. 091308011863 May 2024 at 16:28

    Good for you.

  6. Drawing closer to God and having a sweet relationship with Him is everything! Good one Toke.

  7. This is something I struggle with. Lately I have been angry with God. I prayed so hard for something and it didn't happen. Since then, it has been so difficult for me to pray. I hope I can let go and trust that God is working for my good.

    1. Hello Anonymous 17:03, please this message is for you.

      I ended 2023 and entered into 2024 on a very high note, full of faith, love and God! Then, first week of February, I faced double rejection - a Christian brother who I was so sure was interested in me and giving me all the green lights for a relationship leading to marriage suddenly turned cold, and at the same time, a juicy job offer which I had interviewed for was suddenly withdrawn. I was heartbroken and couldn't understand why God hurt me so. For the rest of February and throughout March I couldn't pray, but I was still going to church and serving as an usher, Sunday school teacher, prayer warrior and a Deaconess. Then in April based on inspiration from my friend, I started My Aprilciatetul Challenge (An April full of Gratitude), wherein every single day, I'd put up a WhatsApp status post on one thing I was grateful for. Today, I'm well on my journey to wholeness and back on track with my love relationship with God. I hope this helps you. "Forgive" God, forgive you. As long as you stay mad at God, the devil is happy. I love you.

    2. Hello Anonymous 17:03, please this message is for you.

      I ended 2023 and entered into 2024 on a very high note, full of faith, love and God! Then, first week of February, I faced double rejection - a Christian brother who I was so sure was interested in me and giving me all the green lights for a relationship leading to marriage suddenly turned cold, and at the same time, a juicy job offer which I had interviewed for was suddenly withdrawn. I was heartbroken and couldn't understand why God hurt me so. For the rest of February and throughout March I couldn't pray, but I was still going to church and serving as an usher, Sunday school teacher, prayer warrior and a Deaconess. Then in April based on inspiration from my friend, I started My Aprilciatetul Challenge (An April full of Gratitude), wherein every single day, I'd put up a WhatsApp status post on one thing I was grateful for. Today, I'm well on my journey to wholeness and back on track with my love relationship with God. I hope this helps you. "Forgive" God, forgive you. As long as you stay mad at God, the devil is happy. I love you

    3. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I will try to thank Him more, instead of constantly asking.

    4. What prayer requests can't get you, praises will definitely do it. And you're welcome.

    5. 17.03, I know that feeling too well!
      It's ok to feel that way but let me ask you...
      What if what you were asking God for wasn't for you? What if it wasn't yet time for you to have it? What if it would cause more harm than good if it came? What if he wants you to have something better?

      Don't worry, things will fall in place at the right time, and when it happens, it would appear too good to be true.

      Trust God, He alone knows what you need, He will do it. He never fails, let it be His time and not yours because His timing is always perfect.
      He is merciful and stays true to His words.

      The question we should ask ourselves is do we honour our parents because of what we need from them or because it is the right thing to do and because we truly love them? Do we worship God because we expect favours from Him?

      Whether he answers me or not, I will never leave Him because He is my source. Re dedicate your heart to Him and see your life change for better. I wish you the best in life my dear.

    6. Thank you anon 22:29, you have really put things into perspective for me. I am slowly finding my way back to God.

    7. Thank you anon 22:29, you have really put things into perspective for me. I am slowly finding my way back to God.

  8. That's why they say that there shall be surprises in heaven. The person people judge based on outward appearance may have a more genuine relationship with God than the person people think is 'holy'.

  9. Toke na o je Nike oro, je nile egungun. If you want to be hot, be hot. Stop beating around the bush, young woman


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