My father in-law disappointed me.
My mother in-law is late so I usually cook food and visit him with my husband. Few weeks ago I took food to him, this time without my husband. His help went on a leave so I was left with him alone.
This man started praising my beauty and told me if I put my boob in his mouth that he will be a happy man. I pretended I didn't hear him then next he tapped my butt and I told him I don't like it, and I will never come again if he tries it again.
He apologized and pleaded I shouldn't tell my husband.
I did not tell my husband up till now cos I know the kind of person he is, he will go and cause trouble. A part of me still feels I should tell him.
I have decided never to visit the man alone again....
YOUR FATHER IN LAW DID THIS? What a nasty thing to do.....
A part of you feels that you should tell your husband? Do you have proof? And even if you do have proof, do you know the kind of problems that will come from your telling him?You will wish that you managed it without telling him oh...Please manage the old man well and dont ever visit him alone again.....Did you observe if he has mental health issues? Or is he a paedo?
Na wah oh!!!
That man at Old age still behaves this way?
ReplyDeleteOh! my Lord.
Please keep evidence backing your claim(s) when next you pays him a visit.
Don't tell your husband but don't visit him alone ,na all the wanabe yoyo old men but if he tries it again pls let your husband knows ,then it won't be a mistake but an intentional ,thoughtful act.Forgive him for this one.
ReplyDeleteI’m already pitying the help that works for him because if he can act like this towards his son’s wife, imagine what the help is going through.
ReplyDeleteI can’t even advise you to inform your husband because honestly, I don’t think I’d have the mind to do so if I were in ur shoes.
He fall your hand as a father -in -law. Why not him get a woman or remarry than this kind of a mess.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell your husband to avoid family issues. Just start avoiding him and don't go there alone. Hope his help is safe too.
Comment like a Werey Queen:
ReplyDelete"Eyah he is probably dealing with old age sickness, he doesn't know what he is doing, why would you go and be seducing such a vulnerable man naw, haba"..
If na mother in-law do this trash, this is the kind of comment that'll be scattered here, excuses and justification for the act.. so you go take this one hold too..
Let's all be biased and be doing like werey
Father in-law from the pit of hell, you should have recorded him a little, if I were you, I would never visit him again whether alone or in company of person/s.
ReplyDeleteThis one is surprising, never heard this type before
DeletePls don’t tell your husband and don’t visit him alone again. Make sure you never allow your daughter(s) to stay in his house for weekends or holidays, and watch them like a hawk if he comes to visit/ stay at your place, even if he’s ill.
ReplyDeleteA man who can sexually harass his daughter (yes, you are his daughter now) would do same with his granddaughters.
He’s just a pervert, a horrible one at that but pls forgive him and care for him the way you’ve been doing.
DeleteI don’t know why I also feel you should let your husband know, the next time he tries it, you may not be opportune to defend yourself and it will become ‘he said, she said’ situation.
What a randy old man . Don't tell your husband. Avoid him like a plague. 😳😳😳😠
ReplyDeleteMan without principles. If he did that to you his son’s wife, imagine what he does to the househelp that is not related to him.
ReplyDeleteThis is so disturbing. Please, if you have daughters do not let them around him.
I don’t know if he is old old or just in his 50s or 60s. If he is still of an age where he can date then tell your husband to encourage him to seek another wife for companionship. Not everyone can be alone, and he appears to be one such person. Better he remarries than be a nuisance to family members and strange women out there.
My mother in-law told me when she was alive that her husband was a chronic cheat when he was younger. Now he’s in his late 70s. Poster
Delete17:20, some women only get a husband at home when he is in his 70s or when nobody is interested in him anymore. By that time there is nothing to offer the wife who suffered in silence with him, most just end up becoming a caregiver. And imagine those who suffered and still lose everything because his family comes and cart off everything upon his death. Some of them are so wicked they don’t even set things in place to protect their wives, just slinging dack up and down as though there is no tomorrow.
DeleteThings like this need evidence else he will deny it or even lie you're the one seducing him to his son. I think he's sex starved. He should look for an older woman and wifed her or even friend than disgracing himself this way.
ReplyDeleteFrom your statement, it seems you were polite with him when he touched you and made that statement to you. You should have angrily warned him never in his life try such nonsense again else his son your husband will hear it. You put fear in him. Never handle such nonsense lightly.
Very shameless old man that wants to eat his son's 'food'
I don't know if you should tell or not. What I know is that, you need to keep your daughters far away from the man if you have any. Infact, keep all your children away from him.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine what the house help is going through if he can do this to his son's wife wow
ReplyDeletePlease avoid this man and don't tell your husband
All those suggesting they find him an old woman don't know these awful men. He is not a man I would wish on any older woman. Poster do not visit him again. Even accompanied. We look after old men like these in care homes and they are still strong and violent when they sexually harass women. Plus although it's your word against his, so tell your husband ASAP. He will notice you are no longer visiting his dad and it's better he hears it from you.
ReplyDeleteYes, men can be quite strong even into old age. God bless those with the spirit to care for them in those homes. The sexual harassers are still harassing and the racists are still racist. Old age doesn’t necessarily make one a better person.
DeleteWhat do you mean don't tell your husband? He deserves to know that his father is a pervert. If it's Dementia then they should take him for treatment. If in his right senses then he should be shunned for life
ReplyDeleteTake the help aside and with wisdom ask if the old man has been inappropriate with her. If yes, tell your husband about what transpired between you and his father top and what the help told you and ask for the help to be removed for her own safety and sanity and an older male help be brought in. Help the current help to find another safer job before you send her away.
ReplyDeletePoster don't take this advice .let it go but don't ever go there alone again. If you try it you'll forever regret it I promise you.
DeletePoster forgive him please, maybe loneliness, already you know the implications so don't tell your hubby.dont go visiting him alone again
ReplyDeletePlease, don’t tell your husband and make sure you never go there alone again. Just keep him at arm length.
ReplyDeleteI am frankly amazed at the way we generally view things in Nigeria. Maybe because I’ve been out for so long. The househelp is being victimized and you need to help her if you can. I don’t know how but this IS NOT only about you, but your children, the househelp and other relatives. Why do we care more about the image and feelings of the victimizer more than the victims or potential victims in the society? Evil thrives in secrecy that is why secret societies and indeed many societal ills associated with evil are secret. This poster’s story is why generational abuse went down in many families with many pefophikes roaming around like normal people.
ReplyDeleteDo not go there alone but talk to the maid if she is a minor to get some evidence to corroborate what God just revealed to you. There is a reason it was exposed to you. Once you have evidence, talk to your husband about it, get him help or involve law enforcement if a crime has been taking place and help the maid resettle & get him a male help. The maid too is someone’s child. May God give you wisdom.
I like that statement 'there is a reason it was exposed to you'
DeleteOld habits they say never dies, even in his old age that perverted spirit is still in him. Poster, avoid him by all means
ReplyDeleteChai, Nne may God fix it for you dear
ReplyDeleteFather in-law that craves for his son's food, shameless tuee😳
Don't tell your hubby just use your head to control things ok
Such a traumatizing experience. Please keep it to yourself else you would be accused to trying to ruin the family. When he's old and dies, you can tell your husband. He's probably lonely
ReplyDeleteI swear to God if I was the one this thing happened to, I will woose the old fool very hot slap! This is sexual harassment and I hate it no matter where it's coming from. Oya tell your son I slapped you and I will also tell him how you attempted to rape me.
ReplyDeleteWomen been accepting all sots of disrespectful attitudes just to stay married. Today Father in-law touch your bum you keep quiet,tomorrow brother in-law touch your breasts mcheeeww .
ReplyDeleteThat man is an insult, you want to sleep with your son's wife.....God have mercy 🙏
ReplyDeleteSome people have no limit to their STUPIDITY...