Stella Dimoko As Actress Stephanie Okereke Waits.......


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Sunday, January 08, 2012

As Actress Stephanie Okereke Waits.......

Isnt this picture lovely?it just takes my breathe away and i wonder how these couple will look like on the day they finally walk down the aisle?

Dont tell me you cant pick her out...thats actress stephanie okereke and her about-to-be-hubby linus idahosa.....hes hot right?

Okay they are engaged to be married,this isnt news,i just figured we can help her pick a dress that fits her frame before she does a mercy johnson wedding gown shocker on us.please whilst the wait is on,lets suggest dresses for this beautiful couple.

 Hopefully with all this goodwill,their first pikin fit resemble me.looooooooooooooool


  1. Their child to look like you? I've seen your picture, I really hope not

  2. very beautiful picture

  3. hahahahahahah Stella no mind the first mume anonymous

  4. Stella u wanna surrogate for Steph or how her pikin wan take resemble u?....

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