Stella Dimoko Celeb Wife Simi Esiri Goes On A Baby Diet Before Their Patter Of Tiny Feet Arrives...


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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Celeb Wife Simi Esiri Goes On A Baby Diet Before Their Patter Of Tiny Feet Arrives...

Simi Esiri, celebrity wife of Mavin Records Act, Dr Sid, says she is getting set to welcome their second baby, and has gone on a diet in a bid to drop some weight...

She looks great the way she is......
Is diet when pregnant good?never heard of it before....hope she will be fine!


  1. Hian! Better hunger never catch am

    1. Baby might be getting too big, hence the diet.

    2. Left for me,its better she leave the dieting until she put to bed.

    3. Could also be a diabetic pregnancy. You need to be on a specifier with that.

  2. Never heard of diet during pregnancy
    Enjoy your fat and werk it out after delivery

    1. Yes you can diet during pregnancy.

      I'm very sure she consulted her doctor before going on this diet

      I will start dieting in my 3rd trimester. To loose fat after delivery no easy.

  3. She had better not kill herself because she needs food. When she drops the baby then she can go on a diet.

    1. I don't believe everything I read on social media, she may devour 2 wraps of semovita after this her post 😀😁😀😎😎😎

  4. Its usually women with gestational diabetes that are put on a no sugar, low carb meal plan. You are not meant to be on any diet when pregnant. You will still be fat till you deliver the baby so dont even bother.

    1. Not everyone puts on weight with pregnancy please.

  5. So far she's using her folate and B complex + ferrous. A diet maybe advisable if you have gestational diabetes risks. I have a neighbour who used to have high BP during pregnancy but didn't have during the last 2 because she was fasting during Ramadan then. High BP during pregnancy can lead to pre-eclampsia which is a leading cause of death during child birth.

    Ps.. I am not a medical personnel, please consult your doctor before you get on any diet.

  6. My neighbour did diet during pregnancy. Until 8 months you will never know she's pregnant and she returned to her normal size just after birth but she was looking pale. The baby came out healthy but I can never try that personally, my baby is so important to me.

  7. Is possible Stella. I did it when Doctor said my baby's weight was too much. I ate plantain instead of yam, plantain swallow instead of garri, vegetable soup no other soup, etc. The baby weight dropped.

  8. Odiegwu!me wey dey chop fufu morning,afternoon and night when I'm pregnant! Goodluck with that o....

  9. You can reduce alil of your caloric intake from pastries,drinks and fries but not an adequate meal especially in the third trimester .Helped me during my second pregnancy,was able to manage my post-pregnancy weight.Strict dieting ain't advisable like the pic above unless you want to collapse

  10. We buy bad/condemned solar inverter battery contact us 081413951139 October 2018 at 09:43

    Her problem

  11. Some women even take lipton towards the end, I don't know how safe that is though. I could never.

    Carrot is healthy and does wonders on your baby’s skin. After my previous experience, I started running from Fufu with all my strength😢😢😢 Kai, akpu is life jare.
    If you can resist the urge to consume a lot of meals, it will do you and the baby lots of good.
    Even though having very big babies depends a lot on genetics, eating some certain food increases your chances.
    So yes, she is on the right path. Who says we can’t have healthy kids and still look out for ourselves?😁 80kg is a goal.

    1. It's (carrot) also high in vitamin A which can cause harm to your baby's developing brain when taken to much. So be careful....

    2. Akpu is life 😂. You can said that again iphie.

    3. Hey God🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️ I took a lot of carrots this last time ooh. OSNAC!!!!😳😳😳

  12. Reducing starch intake is for general well being of everyone. Lately I started feeling heaviness and slight pains at my left breast bone. For two days now during the office hours, I have been on garden eggs, apple cucumber and groundnuts. Then at night small morsel of garri and vegetable soup. I have forgotten I planned to see a DOCTOR.

    1. You shouldn't be eating heavy food at night especially if you don't digest food easily.
      Light meal is the best e.g. Ogi/Akamu, Cod fish/chicken (without the skin) peppersoup, smoothie (which isn't too concentrated) etc . Not EBA, fufu and pounded yam(calorie is much)!

  13. Na she sabi. I was 86kg on my day of delivery and was down to 69kg by the time baby was 6wks old. I tried to eat clean(no junk or dizzy drinks) when pregnant but did not go on any diet.

  14. Me that is weighing 100kg and still not close to due date? Abeg make Una leave me. I want to go and eat indomie now sef..I can't die. How do I lose weight after childbirth? Any one?

    1. Haha haha 😀😁😀,Biko birth your baby ,then plan on losing weight later.

    2. Check your calorie intake against your weight plan.

      Check your BMI, have a clean eating time table, exclusively breastfeed(helps in weight reduction), no late night snacking, eat proportionally, take more of fibre, fruits and veggies against starch, carbs and fat.

      Exercise, sleep very well and be determined.

      Check for food calories.

      These helped me shed 21kg in the space of 6 months

    3. Hahhaahaha. This was how i used to console myself when i chopped my akpu

    4. Lmao. Na fat you fat,you no kill anybody

    5. Biko enjoy sisterly 😂😂😂

  15. Probably Doctor's orders, the baby is probably big and she's trying to avoid CS.
    I have a friend who even exercised throughout, she was on the treadmill everyday till delivery, I prefer walks though, even if its 30mins daily and avoiding sugars, but I cant feed on carrots.

    1. No one knows the struggles. Big babies are high risk on its own.
      Hello Bed and Roses♥️

  16. A friend of my mine starts dieting from 7months to reduce the baby's weight and it works for her.

    1. What does she eat? Tell me please

  17. Diet after delivery is OK, I don't know of dieting during pregnancy, anyway good for her. I wish her safe delivery.

  18. I reduced my intake from day one and it makes it easier to loose the fat osisoooo. If you don't lose the fat and get preggy again, you might look like Gbogbo big gals no shape with big tummy.

  19. My elder sister did it n it worked for her....boil lime n Lipton the baby’s weight will drop.

  20. Blood of the lame!!! Like lime and lipton? And it didn't cause her inflammation and increased her prostaglandins levels? Na wa o!
    I will never trade my baby's health for anything in this earth.

    When I was pregnant I tried to make sure I eat only organic food, local chicken, no older fishes cause of high level of mecury, lots of avocado and veggies. Fresh fish oil for omega 3 for her healthy and smart brain, lots of fresh water, folic acid, well balanced diet, less red meat and milk two glasses per week cos of artificial hormones etc.

    I did exclusive and didn't introduce sugar and salt to her till 1yr old.
    Today she doesn't take anything too sugary and eats mostly local foods for her age at 6....
    Today I don't regreat anything I did for her cos oh my God!!!

    I thank God for it all.

    1. She won't look like ajebutter if you continue with local good...I give my kids junks because I want the butty look not ajepako look like local fowl

    2. Lol! At Anon 14:53, you think local God given foods free of radical and and preservatives and rich with nutrients is what makes a child look local? HahahahhahHa.

      Please be careful so your child don't end up with adulthood diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer cos of high estrogen caused by all the artificial stuffs you pumped into he or she.

      You need to see my cutie, you won't believe she is 6, beautiful, strong, smart oh! My God! I'm so grateful....

    3. Anon, why do you think local foods are so expensive? Go price a rubber of odudu or akidi don't know what they are called in English and a rubber of beans too so yo see the difference. Price local orange and the fertilizer ones too.
      Then you go know say our papa and mama for villa dey enjoy, reason they are so strong and healthy.

      And make I add for you too say na abakiliki rice I eat all through my pregnancy lol........

  21. Nawa oo! I think it's great to eat healthy during pregnancy and all, but I don't approve of dieting. At all. Leave that ish for after you have the baby. Your pregnancy weight has nothing to do with your baby's size. I gained 35lbs with my first pregnancy but my baby was only 7lbs. Meanwhile, my friend literally had no bump till her third trimester and yet she still had an assisted birth because her baby was well over 9lbs.

  22. Wassap+23470834415469 October 2018 at 15:32

    Safe delivery

  23. @dammiebcakesnconfections Whatsapp 080808278299 October 2018 at 17:56

    Safe delivery ma'am.


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