Stella Dimoko Virginity Versus Good Character In Men And Women....


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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Virginity Versus Good Character In Men And Women....

In this post,we will be putting sentiments aside as we sit down to discuss.........

Which do you think is really the pride of a man or woman between being a virgin and having a good character..?
Would you rather want to end up with someone you know is a Virgin or someone you know is not but they have good character ?

Are there any Advantages or disadvantages in being a virgin?


  1. I will go with good character any day. I lost my virginity via rape. So many people lose their virginity unwillingly. It takes a day for virginity to be taken. Character is a life time.

    1. Low expectations....that could be an advantage.

    2. Anon I am so sorry you were raped.

    3. My apologies Anon

      Please TRUE Virginity does portray a certain level of restraint

      A good character plus virginity requires discipline, wisdom and restraint

      Let us fear GOD and Do good!

  2. Men will prefer virgins ,even till tomorrow

    1. If u r a man, then speak for urself and if u're not, then u know nothing..... virgin ko. aye virginity o ni da

    2. The kind of Naija virgin -hymen intact and backdoor like borehole?
      πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ and who licks 🍭🍭🍭 aghara aghara -indiscriminately?
      Them full here ooo

    3. ANG the things you say how do you know about them?

    4. Bitchplis ooo😁...Missed you here bro.

    5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ abeg ask her how she knows 🀣. Radio with satellite.

  3. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'14 November 2019 at 13:06

    If a man got both good and fine, but if left to choose eeehn oboy na 'good character' the man go choose because that goes a long way, virgin with no character is zero for men.

  4. There are virgins with good character and someone with bad character verse versa.
    Virgin or not as long as the person tick your plus. Quick question why are we so concern about female virgins, what about male being virgins. I hear some men saying i want to marry a virgin and am always tempted to ask Mr. are you a virgin too.

  5. In as much as my man needs to have good characters (very important), he shouldn't be an aja igboro. Dassit!

  6. Virginity is important but good character is importanter
    I choose good character over virginity. Virginity will still be lost to consummate the marriage but good character is crucial to sustain the marriage

  7. The pride of every woman is GOOD CHARACTER.
    If you are a virgin and of good character, that’s a plus. But being a virgin without good character, is nothing near pride.
    Nothing beats good character, you find favor in God and man.
    I will prefer a man with good character than a virgin man 😏

    1. @SluttyChikito
      You mean that yahoo dude with "good character," who kills and gives human heads to Satan to make money.
      And if the medium tells him to fork that mad woman in your street, he does not bat an eyelid?
      He lives "you" on the bed and goes out in the night, rapes the mad woman and comes back to pound you like foo foo
      And what's that his good character?
      Of course -money, money, more money, ... he gives you anything money can buy
      isn't it? And what about your soul?
      How about having peace here and in eternity?
      How about the fires of hell and the maggots (worms)?
      That is the ajuju oo, very costly ajuju.
      Think about it.

      Mark 9:48 47And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
      It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye
      than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48where ‘their worm never dies,
      and the fire is never quenched.

      Una think say Jesus dey play okwa ya?

    2. Gbam @your last line. Wetin I wan use virgin man do

  8. the two is a full package but since we'r asked to choose one,character over virginity..a virgin with a bad character will leave people asking who virginity help..

  9. Men would choose the latter. Who needs a virgin that won't give you peace of mind?

  10. Do I have regrets of not marrying as a virgin No!!! The sex I've had excluding my first experience I gave myself because I was so into them which is the only way I can even ve sex. There must be heightened attraction.

    I look back at my exes, they are good men still doing well, I attract better people so when I marry hubby should know he's not my first and I didn't have my other experiences with anyhow men. In fact he should be proud I once had something with people of importance just that it didn't work out lol..
    Who virginity help!!

    Deep down sha, I wish I met the one earlier so he would be my first maybe not middle but definetly last cos we gat reconnect after the middle lol. OK bye.

  11. Wait! People still consider being a virgin a standard/quality of husband/wife material;in 2019?

    This kind of backward mentality is wearing shoe,socks and raincoat sha.

    1. Because you have probably killed a lot and buried in your womb and think that 2019
      being a virgin will not amount to anything?
      Think again.

    2. as shook as you are it should not be under emphasized

    3. Backward mentality dey wear coat n akpolar not suit n shoes!

    4. Anon 13:15 how dare you? You see your kind of head; is what is described as BLOCKED HEAD. Did you have an F in comprehension? I'm responsible for what I write, you are responsible for what you understand by it. Get out of here with your daft and negative energy. Go get some education; especially in comprehension.

    5. Anon 13:53 not 13:15**

  12. Would rather be with someone that has good character that is not a virgin.. Being a virgin is something but having your whole identity wrapped up in being a virgin is nuts. I mean, your worth, value and esteem is not tied to the vagina. Is it?

  13. All i know is asking we religiously hypnotized Nigerians to put sentiment aside is a big task. Being an ill mannered person is in you, being a virgin wont wipe your sins away. Remember there are other listed sin aside fornication. Besides you dont show people you are a virgin, but you show everyone you meet your character.

    Please my opinion.

    1. This caught my attention: " don't show people you are a virgin, but you show everyone you meet your character."

      I'll take Good Character over virginity ANY DAY!

    2. You are correct ma... You indeed don't show everyone that you are a virgin but everyone either they like it or not will meet your character as you interact with them.

  14. Neither.
    What counts is a person's right-standing with God: Talking about salvation. With salvation comes the development of the Character of Christ in a person, the knowledge of God's word and consequently the fear of God.
    Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
    and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
    It is this fear of God that makes a saved soul want to please God thus treat his/her fellow human with kindness.
    1 John 4:20 …19We love because He first loved us. 20If anyone says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone
    who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

    Being a virgin is not just not "having the hymen broken" -it does not fetch anyone heaven. The person might be
    full of lust and other vices.
    If this person is not saved
    and sees a way to kill to make money, he/she will do it.
    But being in Christ makes one to hate fornication/any iniquity that Christ hates. The Spirit of Christ dwells in
    such a one and his character
    effortlessly flows from this being;
    Galatians 5:22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
    faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    When Naija girls talk about a yahoo dude (who kills for money)😊as having "good character," what they mean is that
    he doles money (blood money) to them like ATM.
    "Stella, he is so nice, bought me iphone 50, gave me a car ...the last
    time we forked, he sent 5 million credit alert...even though he forks
    anything on skirt including goats...
    he is a god-fearing man to the core"

    Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

    Na Jesus' ajuju n'ese okwu be that oo


    1. Revelations 14:4 They have kept themselves as pure as virgins, following the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been purchased from among the people on the earth as a special offering to God and to the Lamb. 5And no lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.…

      Do you remember the parable of the five foolish virgins? Matthew 25 from vs. 1... Virgins can be foolish and not prepare for
      eternal life and it cost dearly, they missed heaven.

  15. I choose good character please.
    After marriage virginity will be lost and the only thing that can keep the man or woman in that marriage is his or her character.

  16. Some men prefer virgins, even if its tertiary virgin.

    Again some virgins turn out good, some turn out to be kinto AKA pataego.

    1. Tertiary virgins πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. Let me read comments and learn.
    I don't know anything.....

  18. i prefer good character to a virgin,,what is the essence of having a virgin as a,wife of,girl friend without character?

    is like having a phone without network(life of an airplane mode

  19. Wait until you meet jezebel virgin

  20. i read some days ago or let me say a day ago that "yahoo boys has a good heart"

    if i may ask,,who told you yahoo boy has good heart? someone is who making himself happy in expense of other.

    so,,having a virgin as a woman is not a pride cuz when one is not cultured then that individual is completely finished

  21. i read some days ago or let me say a day ago that "yahoo boys has a good heart"

    if i may ask,,who told you yahoo boy has good heart? someone is who making himself happy in expense of other.

    so,,having a virgin as a woman is not a pride cuz when one is not cultured then that individual is completely finished

    1. Heyyyyy, English no be by force. Abeg type pidgin nau. See me struggling to make some sense out of what you typed πŸ˜„.

    2. Slutty is that you? 18.32

  22. its good when shes a virgin and has good chracter. thats lifetime respect.

  23. What has virginity really got to do with for example being a good spouse or a good business partner? No basis for comparison if you ask me. Except the not being a virgin means you are over sharing your that case that is also bad character ?(lack of common sense...heheheheh) Character all the way...a virgin with bad character....tueh

  24. A good name is better than fine wine.

    My mum married my father a Virgin,after 9yrs of domestic violence and abuse,he abandoned her without unapologetically.

    For me,Good Character over anything.

  25. Ajuju na-ese okwu, Chukwu gozie gi.

  26. Good behavior over virginity please

  27. Who virginity help... does it make any difference in this day and time (boring) find you a woman with good “character” respectful which with u have understanding and live life... regardless of her past, weather a prostitute or something Griever, character, love and understanding leads...

    1. it help me. VIRGIN and PROUD

  28. good character any day anytime, who virginity epp? if a person has good character your relationship will be sweet but if the person is still a virgin with ugly character you will not be able to enjoy the relationship. Character is everything.

  29. Marrying a virgin is not the problem. The problem is what happens after she tastes the rod. She will be imagining what she missed all these years. No experience. No comparison. That is one hell of a cheater loading especially in this WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook era.

    1. The ones running riot nko

      Virginity is good
      Good character good

      Fear of GOD , restraint and the above best

    2. Anon 15:17, PURE LIES!!!!!! I got married as a Virgin and my husband was a virgin as well. I have never ever thought about "the things I missed out on" Heck! I didn't miss out on anything. I have the most amazing husband ( thank you God!!) , We have great sex. It took some months, but we both learnt together and we're doing really good in that area. If I could do this all over, I'll still marry as a virgin and the thought that I'm my husband's first, is simply beautiful. Oh and about good character, if I can say so myself, I have a beautiful character. Thank God! You can be a Virgin and have great character.

  30. Virgin ko Virginia ni... who virgin help?

  31. This comparison is baseless. How can you compare a virgin with bad character? A virgin can have good character, a virgin can have bad character. A non virgin can have good character and a non virgin can have bad character. If you want to be objective, compare marrying a person with bad character to a person with good character. As well, other things being acceptable, you can compare marrying a virgin and marrying a non virgin. You people should stop antagonizing virgins with baseless posts. Non virgins will always feel inferior and always seek for opportunities to glorify themselves by antagonizing virgins.

    1. Thank you

      If you are virgin
      You have shown restraint and I am proud of you

    2. Thank you!! If you're still a Virgin, keep your head up and stay proud. Some of us are virgins and we have amazing characters!!

    3. I am still a virgin at 26 but e never epp me. All the men that I meet are just something else. I am tired.

    4. God bless you.

      Stella be acting like someone cant be both, virgin and good character. Some of us are !!!

      This post is to make non virgins feel good about themselves.

  32. Good character over virginity any day any time.
    Who virgin epp?

    1. Virginity help me!! #proudlyvirgin

  33. Lol..
    Stella, why trying to be politically correct with the topic by including men instead of just writing only women.. you dey fear them Feminist? Lol.. abegi.. make una park well.
    "There is no market or demand for male virgins. That's why a Dick comes with no Hymen and no primitive deity has ever demanded a male virgin as a sacrifice. Male virgins are useless.
    When was the last time you saw women fight over a Chaste Man? Or a male Virgin? But I bet you know lots of women who came to blows over a Player Or some Bad Boy"-ubunja.

    Now to the question, no need trying to be politically correct, if lady with good character would remain a virgin.. abi is it not disobedience that made them lose it in the first place? Abi their mama no advice them to keep it until them marry? But because of their bad character they had to disobey. Teams and conditions apply tho. Also there are exceptions to this rule like rape and other stuffs one couldn't control.

    To those that want to come and shout this is the 21st century under my comment, Nigeria is not yet in the 21st century, if you want to argue, then why are you girls still giving green lights when you see a boy you fancy instead of walking up to him and asking him out,as a 21st century babe is supposed to, abi you na traffic light ni..

    1. "If a lady has good character,she would remain a virgin"... typo errors abeg free me

  34. my man friend married his wife as a virgin, now he's worshipping in my kingdom, he's abandoned madam virgin, he got me a car, I'm already building my own house courtesy of him. he said I should have a baby for him so as to cement our friendship, but I Still dey reason am, so who virgin epp?

    1. And you won?

      He is promiscuous
      You are promiscuous

      Own your rubbish and stop justifying nonsense

    2. Your reward is not now, na for future. Kontinu

    3. And you are proud of it ... Stoopid harlot !!!

    4. You are an example of bad character. The man that chose you is a mumu.

  35. Awon feminists ti take over

  36. I will take Good character any day any time over virgin. Who virgin toto help. There is no pleasure with non experienced toto(Virgin). But there is happiness, no stress, joy and enjoyment with an experienced toto With good character. But make the toto body count no pass 4.


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