Stella Dimoko Nigerian Govt Places Activist Sunday Igboho On Stop List


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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Nigerian Govt Places Activist Sunday Igboho On Stop List



  1. I don't believe in their mumu juju 😏 if truly Igboho has real juju, it would not take him some months to prepare and face this government. I still don't know why he is still hiding despite all his gragra. The best thing he would have thought his followers is to prepare fully for 2023 elections. I don't think any juju can move this government at all, we have to endure till 2023

    1. "I don't think any juju can move this government at all, we have to endure till 2023"

      It is all a ploy to remove a democratically elected government before 2023 but all the strategies y'all keep using keep failing back to back. IPOB, Lekki Insurrection, Sunday Igboho, Fulani Herdsmen propaganda, heightened insecurity etc. They'll keep failing back to back. And guess what, an APC candidate is still gonna continue in 2023. Y'all can't perpetrate all this evil and expect to win in 2023. God is not unjust


    2. I don't believe Nigeria exists. It exists in the minds of those who believe in it. Nigeria is a myth!

  2. Replies
    1. Oni bĂ­ ti network egbe de ni h

  3. Sunday has disappeared or probably still a cat.

    1. Na wa o. Why are you not making jest of him like you did to kanu?

  4. He can't even hide sef. With all those tribal marks on his face. No way to disguise and escape.

  5. But why is he trying to escape tho? Is he trying to be another coward and a deciever like Kanu? His men are in prison and he's trying to escape, escape to where and from what? Hiaan! I just hope this is a mere fabrication from bubu and team.

    1. As much as support activists protecting their followers, I also know there is no advantage to the leader being imprisoned with the captured members. If he doesn't run and he's captured, how does it help the others?
      No, I feel Ojukwu's case was different because he was advised to call a truce earlier, and he killed some of those people calling them traitors. When they eventually came for him, he ran with his Mercedes Benz. Terrible in my opinion.

    2. I like Igboho and his bravery! If you have guts to call out this 'cut and nail' government, I hail you, because most of us have been subdued and we are all living in fear like North Koreans! But Igoho's people spent four years calling Kanu coward because he refused to be slaughtered like a chicken by the coward govt and their soldiers who only shoot unarmed civilians. Now Igboho is on the run which I support, they are no longer calling him a coward! What changed? I still believe that he who defends himself in the face of death is brave, while he who gives himself to death is the coward! In a war, when you are killed, you will no longer fight the opponent, but when you defend yourself, you will always fight them and be their nightmare! In the face of life's struggles, when you kill yourself, you are a coward who is afraid of facing life's challenges!

    3. Anon 20:26, say what you know, Ojukwu was asked to leave by his subordinates for safety. More over, most rebel leaders usually go on exile when they lose the battle! Nobody was chasing him, he comfortably handed the Biafran government over to Effiong his deputy before he went on exile! Please stop saying derogatory things about our leaders, these people sacrificed a lot for us! On that note I want to also correct the impression that Ojukwu caused the war. Ojukwu only intervened when the killings of the easterners (including people of the south) in the North got too much. The killings were as a result of a coup by young eastern (with one westerner) soldiers and a counter coup by some northern soldiers which Ojukwu was not involved in. He only stepped in and said enough of the killings, that he is taking his people with him, that was how the war started. He declared the state of Biafra which comprised of the old eastern region (including the present day south/southern regions), with Effiong an Akwaibom man as his deputy. He only stepped in to defend his people!

  6. Anon 22:09, sorry to burst your bubble." No one was chasing him" ...but he lost the battle. Lol! Why did he have to leave/exile/run in a disguise?
    He would have been killed if he did not leave, but that's not my point. My point is that he was unwilling to end the war when other people's lives were involved, he even killed some of his own soldiers labeling them "traitors", when his own life was in jeopardy he ran.

    He could have ended the war sooner, why do you think he never won a major election thereafter(asides primaries)? why do you think Nnamdi Azikiwe was not on friendly terms with him?

    Some are real freedom fighters, some do it for personal glory. It seems he was the latter. He knew the origin of why his people were being killed, why did he not use alternative means of conflict resolution, instead he chose to "seize his moment" even without adequate resources.

    A British and Nigerian trained soldier/general, his strategic analysis would have told him he did not have the resources to fight the Nigerian state, but he was willing to sacrifice his people and his dad's money, but not himself.

    Mandela had no formal military training, he was a lawyer, he had suffered personally, but still did what was best for his countrymen, he put them first, before his ego. He knew his people couldn't win and called a truce , he could have chosen to be bitter and called for more unrest, the whole world would have understood and sympathized with him, but he put his people first.

  7. Anon 22:09, sorry to burst your bubble." No one was chasing him" ...but he lost the battle. Lol! Why did he have to leave/exile/run in a disguise?
    He would have been killed if he did not leave, but that's not my point. My point is that he was unwilling to end the war when other people's lives were involved, he even killed some of his own soldiers labeling them "traitors", when his own life was in jeopardy he ran.

    He could have ended the war sooner, why do you think he never won a major election thereafter(asides primaries)? why do you think Nnamdi Azikiwe was not on friendly terms with him?

    Some are real freedom fighters, some do it for personal glory. It seems he was the latter. He knew the origin of why his people were being killed, why did he not use alternative means of conflict resolution, instead he chose to "seize his moment" even without adequate resources.

    A British and Nigerian trained soldier/general, his strategic analysis would have told him he did not have the resources to fight the Nigerian state, but he was willing to sacrifice his people and his dad's money, but not himself.

    Mandela had no formal military training, he was a lawyer, he had suffered personally, but still did what was best for his countrymen, he put them first, before his ego. He knew his people couldn't win and called a truce , he could have chosen to be bitter and called for more unrest, the whole world would have understood and sympathized with him, but he put his people first.

  8. Anon 22:09, sorry to burst your bubble." No one was chasing him" ...but he lost the battle. Lol! Why did he have to leave/exile/run in a disguise?
    He would have been killed if he did not leave, but that's not my point. My point is that he was unwilling to end the war when other people's lives were involved, he even killed some of his own soldiers labeling them "traitors", when his own life was in jeopardy he ran.

    He could have ended the war sooner, why do you think he never won a major election thereafter(asides primaries)? why do you think Nnamdi Azikiwe was not on friendly terms with him?

    Some are real freedom fighters, some do it for personal glory. It seems he was the latter. He knew the origin of why his people were being killed, why did he not use alternative means of conflict resolution, instead he chose to "seize his moment" even without adequate resources.

    A British and Nigerian trained soldier/general, his strategic analysis would have told him he did not have the resources to fight the Nigerian state, but he was willing to sacrifice his people and his dad's money, but not himself.

    Mandela had no formal military training, he was a lawyer, he had suffered personally, but still did what was best for his countrymen, he put them first, before his ego. He knew his people couldn't win and called a truce , he could have chosen to be bitter and called for more unrest, the whole world would have understood and sympathized with him, but he put his people first.

  9. According to written accounts, the war started because the northern soldiers were taken for fools, and killed northern superiors due to allegations of "corruption". When it was time for the easterners to kill their own superiors, they backed out. The northerners felt they had been taken for fools and took out their anger on civilian easterners living in the north. It wasn't wrong to ask Igbos to flee the north at the time, what was wrong (in my opinion) was using the situation to declare war, to further his own personal agenda . An issue that could have been resolved within military generals with appropriate compensation for affected civilians. Ojukwu allegedly knew the origin of the massacres way before it was public knowledge, and (in my view) took advantage of the situation.

    Rumors had it that he was born out of wedlock and always wanted to make a name for himself, outside his rich father's shadows. When the opportunity presented itself, he grabbed it.


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