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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Chronicles Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....



As a young chap growing up,I was intelligent and full of life till disaster struck one Sunday after playing football.

I had a schizophrenic attack and was just out there behaving strangely, in school the next day I was screaming out loud that the world was coming to an end and every one should repent.

I was then taken to the hospital where I was treated for malaria,that week in the hospital I was super intelligent, I knew almost everything, I even gave an answer to a mathematical calculation a nurse was working on her calculator she was shocked cause the numbers involved was huge.

I was discharged a week later but still not myself, till I was taken to a prayer house , after 3 days of numerous rosaries said I got was something that had never happened before it was so quick.

2 weeks later at home I had another breakdown and I was then taken to see a shrink where I was given drugs which I took religiously for 7 years.

I am ok now but I am not as intelligent as before, my question is even after finishing from college I don't feel fulfilled and I feel I was made for something more ,like I have untapped potentials.

How can I have an i.Q close to what I experienced on my sickbed then?

*Instead of you to be happy that you are better,You want to have an IQ close to what you had when you had this horrible illness?Maybe you should ask someone to give you a good,hard knock (konk) on your medulla oblongata...Good luck *tongue click*


  1. Which untapped potentials? the one dat made you shout "repent for the world is ending"? Or which one are did u discover recently? Take your drugs pls and be thankful you are not dancing azonto on the road.

    1. I don't want to laugh o, my head aches. I need prayers.

      Poster be grateful.

    2. As in ehn, I can't stop laughing aswear.

    3. Hahaha poster you are a comedian abeg.I pray this your post is not as a result of another episode Coming. It's not my wish to you dear but you need to relax your brain and stop thinking unnecessarily oo.

      Less burden to your brain and your whole body!.

    4. Please, what do you want to do with that schizophrenic IQ?
      What are you doing EXCELLENTLY NOW with your present IQ?❗

      What did you achieve THEN with that your past schizophrenic IQ that you want TO GO BACK TO EGYPT? πŸ™„πŸ€¦‍♀️

      LOL @"dancing azonto on the road".🀣🀣🀣

      Be grateful❗

    5. I was having a bad day, let’s just say bad week.. and then I read “dancing azonto on the road” Thank you for putting a smile on my face!

    6. @bb not funny
      You kw nothing

    7. Dearest poster, it's okay to feel the way you do. Some people suffer from temporary mental health problems while some are permanent. I thank God for your life and that you're back to your normal self. If you're feeling unfulfilled in your career or life in general, you could either go back to school, learn a trade or apply for a professional qualification.

      Best wishes

    8. Thank you @Baby for your mature advice. God bless you. Most BVs are so quick to send in harsh comments!Habaa! Guys take it easy. If someone sends in chronicles then he/she needs your help,please don't bash nor mock them,you don't need to comment if you've got nothing intelligent to say.
      People absorb words differently. When will you people understand this! Correct or advise with love and not transfered aggression.
      Be kind with your words.

  2. Are you praying to go back to your old state? And mind you if what you had was schizophrenia, I think you shouldn't stop treatment yet cos it lingers on for a long while.

    If you want to remain intelligent, read unsparingly on vast subjects. Write a lot and pass the knowledge to others.

  3. Generally, to have a high IQ and EQ you have to love reading a lot. Maybe you should try and develop a reading habit. Also have some quiet time to yourself.
    You can also try searching how to have a high IQ online. Goodluck.
    By the way, I think you were a little possesed during that period of your illness. Please move closer to God if you haven't already. May God be with you.

  4. The Original Shugar Girl15 October 2020 at 15:12

    Are you thirsty for skoin skoin or what exactly is the matter?

    Have you thought about how hopeless your family must have felt the other time this happened?

    Yes there's that drive in a sane and productive youth to do so much more which is normal.
    Welcome back to your normal self, go and do exploits.

    1. Thirsty for skoin skoin... BV’s are killing it today

  5. You might not get the answers you need here. I think you should see a professional, to help you through everything you are feeling. Good luck!

  6. Question for the gods.
    We moveeee.

  7. Poster you better face life and thank God you recovered from that illness. So because you answered one mathematical calculation off head you don turn genius bah.#tongueclicks#

  8. Better to be sane and unintelligent than mad and intelligent. What will an insane person use his intelligence for?

  9. Stella advice today be cracking me up. Poster do you wish to go back to being sick with high IQ or what? Iyamnot understanding you.

    Is like you have not fully recovered sef, you need to see that shrink again.

  10. Better accept yourself now and keep being yourself before you lose it completely.
    Last, don't do drugs, youre an intelligent person with a light brain, any external force with mess you up for life.
    I wish you well bro.

    1. DON you are right on point with your second statement.

      Someone like me that just 1% alcohol trips much more a whiff 'charcoal' smoke not cigarette oh!

      Come see how my older siblings will admonish me not to "look at" wine/alcohol each time I go out with friends. 🀣🀣🀣

      Poster, hold your πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚!

  11. Na person wey Dey alive Dey get IQ oh...
    Be grateful you are alive!

  12. Intelligent people tend to overthink. They end up creating problems where there aren't any.
    The extreme intelligence you experienced when u were ill has a name, I dont remember. I think you should speak with a psychiatrist and counsellor.
    You need to identify your talents and hobbies.

  13. Wow I am so happy for you..Please you are in Jerusalem now stop thinking of Babylon as Rastafarians will say..Your IQ can be built on reading healthy books, exercise and hanging out with good and productive people, making new friends...I thank God for your life..Please take your drugs and another one is appreciating nature..Stopping on the way to smell the flowers like surround yourself with nature..All the best darling Kisses

  14. Honey, sorry to break it to’re still schizophrenic. You’ve got delusions of grandeur which is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Keep praying and seeing your shrink and up your meds. You’ll be fine

    1. I’m sorry but I burst out laughing after reading this ‘chronicle’

      On a serious note, poster you most probably have delusions of grandeur as has been mentioned.
      I hope you are actively seeing a psychotherapist while taking the medication given by a psychiatrist?
      For the love of God and your loved ones, please don’t stop taking your meds. This one that you’re exhibiting positive symptoms like this.
      It is well with you

  15. Your brain may have been high functioning induced by schizophrenia. Savants or people with such levels of high IQ are often within the mental disorder spectrum. So it's expected that when you calm down and brain activities regularises, you lose that ability. Chose your poison.. High IQ and schizo or regular brain activity and productive life

  16. What you had was not "Schizophrenia"
    Symptoms of Schizophrenia includes;
    *Hallucination -hearing, feeling or seeing things that others do not experience
    *Delusion (persecutory delusions)
    *paranoia -belief that people are against one etc.
    *Confused thoughts and disorganized speech
    *movement disorders etc.

    So what did you have?
    Good question.
    John 10:10 the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come
    to give you life, and life in abundance.
    Psalms 85:12 Our God gives what is good
    Jesus, the one that created you and died for you, gave you a natural talent
    which is "intelligence."
    Satan, the thief, the enemy of mankind came and stole it through sickness (doctors
    can always give any diagnosis they like). They had treated you for 7 years (more that
    what it takes to study medicine in most schools), yet you didn't get back that gift.
    So how do you get that gift back? Another good question.
    Answer; By surrendering you life totally to Christ. The maker knows what is wrong: The
    deed that the enemy has done. He alone can fix it.
    Listen to him;
    He sent forth his Word and healed them, Psalms 107:19-22. Begin a daily meditation on
    God's Word, and you will be healed.
    God's Grace to you.


    1. Please don’t misdiagnose this person after they have been correctly diagnosed. I beg of you!

    2. ANG, poster did not give all the details experienced except the one of high IQ which he/she wants back.

      Just to say, you cannot categorically say poster didn't have schizophrenia.

      Your advice is good. Poster give all of you to Christ for that abundant life. That's what determines your eternity not high or low IQ. πŸ’ž

    3. Kindly ignore anyone who says you have spiritual attack and not Schizophrenia.

      I have been privileged to be friends with a few people with schizophrenia who are also christians. Their delusions and confused thoughts usually have religious themes.

      “God revealed this and that to me (talking of weird things)”, “God said I should stop going to school” , “God said my mother wants to kill me”, “I am god, I am jesus”, preaching/screaming inappropriately about the coming of Jesus, harassing people with the gospel etc...

      Not to say you shouldn’t pray to be delivered (as I believe that the world is founded on spiritual principles) but please be taking your meds. I know it’s not easy as their side effects sometimes serve as a deterrent to taking them, but work with your treatment team to find a drug that is best for you.

    4. @16:35
      Hight IQ is not one of the symptoms of schizophrenia, is it?
      Go and search for those symptoms in online medical literatures and see.
      Allow the poster to come back and own or disown the symptoms he had and
      do not manufacture phantom symptoms he did not tell us about.

    5. @Ada
      "Harassing people with the gospel..." isn't one of the symptoms of schizophrenia, is it?
      Find another premise to unleash your hatred on Christ and his people and do not base it on
      a phantom diagnosis.
      By the way, anyone that says he or she "is Christ" has failed the basic test of being in Christ.
      Jesus himself said that "false prophets shall arise claiming to be Christ..." (Matthew 24:11).
      It is one of the signs of the end times, showing you that Jesus is coming back shortly.
      Hope you will be ready to meet him? 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    6. HARASSING people with the gospel is something that I have seen a lot of schizophrenics do.
      It is something that you do too and I have sometimes wondered if you are on the spectrum as you remind me so much of a good friend who struggled with schizophrenia.
      You know, the same way you go on and on about ‘f**k’ and ‘fornication’ and sex is the same way my friend did. Was totally lewd and graceless about it.

      You also exhibit delusions of grandeur as everytime someone tries to correct some of the nonsense you say, you tell them they hate God, they hate Jesus, they are attacking Jesus (as you have just said in your reply to me).
      You seem to have this funny notion that everything coming from your mouth is coming directly from the mouth of God, which it isn’t, you just yarn pure Okoto sometimes.

      Anyway, quit trying to diagnose medical illness as ‘spiritual attack’. It is because of people like you that they try to treat mental illness in the church. And when the issue is beyond redemption, they try looking for a medical doctor to perform miracles, when they could have just taken meds/seen a psychotherapist as well as prayed in the beginning.

    7. @Ada,

      Jesus said; in Mathew 9:12 "The sick needs a doctor"
      Anybody that is dissuading people from seeking medical help isn't even
      representing Christ in the first place.
      I have not in anyway said that this poster wasn't sick or shouldn't seek
      medical treatment. He told us that he had sought medial treatment for 7 years
      but still not totally okay with himself. This is where one needs to call upon our
      God, who does the impossible.
      You are telling me not to "diagnose people...," the exact thing you did even prior to making
      that assertion? You diagnosed me as "Schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur (which by the way isn't
      clinically speaking a symptom of schizophrenia)"
      And you mix the entire thing with lots of insults on my person. Take another look at all the comments above you,
      beginning from mine:
      Who has dished out insults here?
      Who has made a diagnosis here?
      Who has used verbal effusions of obscenities about the gospel of
      Christ and Christians?
      Thanks for all your insults. May the Lord bless you and all yours.

  17. Please, you did not give us any symptoms of schizophrenia
    Use google and confirm this assertion.
    You had a spiritual attack and only the father of all spirits -
    God almighty, Jesus can set you free!

    1. The symptoms then
      Fear of the unknown
      Could not control my thought process

      For over 7yrs nothing like that hv happened again

    2. @17:59/poster right?
      That looks like the symptoms of "Mania"
      Check that online and see.

  18. Hm poster this question u are asking shows ur schizophrenia has not gone. Pls start taking ur drugs again I beg u. Thanks

    1. you still have the sign of schizophrenia

  19. Most people with mental disorder tend to have high IQ.

    Before we get to that. Untreated malaria can get to the brain and cause cerebral malaria.

    As i was typing earlier. Most people who pioneered most inventions were rumoured to have mental disorder. They did things in an unconventional manner.

    Are you still taking your drugs?
    Love yourself
    You will always be intelligent. Your brain may not be overactive as it was but thats okay too. Love yourself anyways.

    Take your drugs, sleep , don't overdrive yourself.


  20. The gift and calling of God are irrevocable Romans 11:29
    It is possible that what you had as "high IQ" is a diabolic thing
    and the torments you experienced were cause by that diabolism.
    You should concern yourself with, how it came about and be careful
    not to make a similar mistake again. Take time to seek God in his Word
    and prayers and find out
    what his calling for your life is and follow it.
    Cheers. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  21. Left to me, the poster was getting better until they used medication to finish his life. Well if I am shouting Jesus is coming soon and repent, to me that is not mental illness o. Left to me that high IQ would have benefited this poster in so many ways. Rather they where quick to go use medications to destroy the person. Na now this same person is feeling very low. Hopefully u don’t go into depression. God give u better gift u go use hand scatter am. This poster would have been good at giving lotto numbers o. Mtchwww

    1. No be only lotto number na Naijabet number.See your mouth

  22. This life no just balance at all.. are you sure you are fine?

  23. what is really wrong with this ANG girl self,always fighting and forcing her god not the God I serve on people. This is not how to bring sinners to Christ, ur self righteousness stinks to heaven. Gosh

  24. Stella no go kee me with laugh here🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣...I don laugh tire ooo!!🀣🀣🀣🀣 thank you ooo, Stella

  25. Open a business. If you are able to make it grow into a successful global enterprise then you would have used your untapped potential.


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