Nigerians are too stubborn!
So despite all the pleas for people to stay home and let peace reign for now (since Bubu's ears are blocked and Sanwoolu is a chicken) some still went out to hold the alleged peaceful protest?
Rapid Response Squad caught some scapegoats already...

They still went despite seeing all the armed men of RRS on ground. Some people like to play kite with their lives Sha.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWahala for Soro Soke Generation.
ReplyDeleteSomeone that has something doing or 2020 dealt with,will not be thinking of protest.
ReplyDeleteIs too early to start a year with protest.
Those who lost their loved ones to the October 2021 and to Sars officials can't stay down. They are hurting and frustrated,some are ready to die sef.
DeleteNo to Lekki Tollgate. It's a Bloodtollgate.
Good for them. These armed men have been there since yesterday, when go there? People sha! Put yourself in danger and start looking for who to blame.
ReplyDeleteEven Mr Macaroni too was arrested,he will probably entertain them in the station for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteDebo Macaroni has been arrested too. What a country
ReplyDeleteStella, Sanwo Olu is not a chicken, because some chickens are brave. Hw's more like a mosquito.
ReplyDeleteR u sure? Ok o. Me tot it was propaganda, I take back my previous comment
ReplyDeleteUseless country, Useless Government, Useless Nigeria.
ReplyDeleteStubborn you say?!!! thats why African will remain the way they are and things will continue to deteriorate! That place our flag was desecrated with Nigerians blood!!! If that picture did not affect your psychy then its a shame!!! In the western world especially in America there would have been an overhaul!!!! Nigerians would have come out enmass to shame the government!!!! Nothing will happen because they too are afraid if we come out so they made that threatening order!That place should be a memorial ground for innocent slain civilians fighting for their right! Infact the government should be begging and not threatening people! The blood of those people that died will haught and destroy those behind the massacre!!! They will all be shamed and disgraced when the time is right!!!
ReplyDeleteExactly. Nigerians fight for you right stop this laid back attitude and prayers.
DeleteAsin! Every freedom fighters were stubborn if not they wouldn't have achieved independence.. since our government are proving stubborn and also turning a blind eye and deaf ear to our plight then what else should we do?
DeleteNigerians adjust and move on too quickly!
DeleteThey'd say "Make we leave am for God to judge" that's the mindset of an average citizen of this country. And you expect things to turn around? You think God had an intervention in the advanced countries?
DeleteAnon 10:26, spot on!🙌🏼
DeleteStella, I am disappointed in your comment. Do we keep hiding while they try every means to choke live out of us? And for how long? We have a right to peaceful protest. A good name is better than riches. These politicians don't know... when their names come up in future, people would spit in disgust.
Nobody is condemning coming out for a peaceful protest but we should apply wisdom. Aside protest, our voting rights and power are part of what could be used to fight and remove these people. We all know what happened in the last protest, and till today nothing tangible has come out of the panel to give justice to the lives killed.
DeleteNa today! Aren’t you a Nigerian again? Does ur vote count? Clearly NO. If u like vote all u want/can, at the end of the day they still put who they want. The vote is only for formality sake. So the only way our voice could be heard is through protests. As far as Nigeria is concern Our votes don’t count. It’s a pity, but that’s the bitter truth. It is what it is.
DeleteWhat vote? Do they not rig election again? We vote but they rig themselves into power. Do you not see the numbers 'reported' from the north, election after election? Even kids voting!!
DeleteLet people that are bold enough to do what is right, do so. If you cannot join your voice to fight for justice and good governance, do not discourage those brave enough to.
Stella your comment is disappointing.
How did slavery end in America? How was disenfranchisement of women and blacks stopped? How was segregation and victimization of blacks stopped in the US? PEOPLE fought for all the things you see them enjoying today...
Preach!!!! Louder!! Louder!!!!
DeleteKeyboard warriors, wetin una dey do here?Na only mouth una get. Why were you missing there? Rubbish.
DeleteSanwoolu, enjoy this tenure of yours as much as you can because it is your last. You will never be forgiven or voted in again for the role you played in this Lekki protest.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely wish this will be his last tenure...Mr Governor no try at all.
DeleteEvery blood shed at the toll gate will not be in vain. It will haunt those responsible for it.
ReplyDeleteThe reason Nigeria remains the same is because we are cowards..
Stella,I am so surprised at that statement of yours.If you can't go,don't discourage those who choose to fight
ReplyDeleteStay at home for what Stella? Stay at home for what? It's easy for you to say. It is a shameful thing that the Nigerians we are fighting for are ungrateful and very very unserious. You all are scared of death that can come on anyone at anytime? Smh. You all can stay at home but if you know you stayed at home don't you ever question why Nigeria is the way it is. For universe sake! Are you guys not tired of being controlled? No right to freedom! Most of you have even accepted "suffering and smiling" as the norms in Nigeria why?! Is it supposed to be so? So if we all stay at home who will give us the better motherland we seek? IT'S OKAY STAY AT HOME IF YOU WISH NO ONE IS FORCING YOU BUT I BET YOU VERY SOON,VERY VERY SOON THEY'D COME TO YOUR HOME TO RAID YOU AND BY THAT TIME YOU CAN'T STAY AT HOME AND YOU CAN'T COME OUT EITHER.
DeleteThat's my astute lioness right there. You couldn't have said it any better.
DeleteSomeone up there is talking about getting PVCs to vote, vote which people out exactly? The same recycled dumb old imps since 1960? Shey you people are ok shaa? When have your votes ever counted in this hellish zoo? Heck our grandparents votes did not even count so what stupid PVC are you people talking about? It's either we all make up our minds to get out there and get our lives and country back from all these old parasites or we all each go our separate ways because nothing has been working since my birth and it gets worse with each passing day. How are the innocent armless citizens fighting for their rights and as well protesting the the killing of their fellow innocent citizens that protested against being being killed by the people meant to protect them stubborn? Nigerians, wake tf up! No one will live forever you know, las las every soul will eventually die so why are we scared of doing the right thing?
Do you understand that they are better ways of achieving things? It not all about anger. As a result of the previous protest and recent events, nothing will come out of this.
DeleteI don’t think Nigerian like results. Our government is wack yes, we need to strategize.
We have been impacted by sars in way or another. I was a victim myself.
Picture G wagon, relax abeg! There are ways to win a battle. This won’t get us anywhere at least for now. The last protest was too recent. We still are waiting for them to acknowledge lives lost.
We are now trying to start another one.
We need people who can lead in the right direction, as the government is determined to drown our voices.
Going there and getting putting in vans is giving them why they want. We need to be wiser. Smh
The war was against police brutality and not LCC. LCC was used.
We need to focus for real
G wagon Are you out there protesting like mr macaroni? ? so kudos if not ..hmmmm..thers no difference btw commenting here only and refusing to go out
DeleteWhat the hell are you talking about 14:10? all these while you've been focusing and strategizing and all how many results have you seen? Since the history of Nigeria have you ever seen Nigerian leaders settle matter arising amicably? Have you? So what are you saying? The war was against police brutality and the only way to get their attention is to poke something dear to their heart which is LCC and the likes that's the only way we can pass a message to them other than that show us another way I beg of you just mention another way! How much focusing do we need? We don't need to focus, the Government should focus on us,hear us and treat us like humans that we are not animals. Did you see the picture of that innocent girl holding the Nigeria flag and crying bitterly because these animals kiiled 2 OF HER BROTHERS now tell me,if it was you would you be talking about anything focus or strategy? My friend sit your cowardly ass some where you have NOTHING TO SAY.
Delete14:10. Thank you for your beautiful input deary and yes, everything is not angry but please can you kindly tell us "the right way" to go about this?
DeleteThank God you admitted that "we are still waiting for them to acknowledge the lives lost" what caused the loss of the lives deary? Were those lives supposed to be lost? Why aren't they acknowledging the lost lives? For how long are we to Waite for them to stop lying about the whole ugly incident?
If what happened at lekki had happened in a civilized country with a working system, do you think that the citizens will fall back? That incident was supposed to even make every living thing to be on every street in the country protesting and demanding justice for the innocent slain citizens. Every citizen has a right to a peaceful protest without being sabotaged by the government if you ask me.
Dear Chissy,I saw the voting comment I just scroll pass because I was already boiling..Nigerians will rig elections the masses will still be saying get your PVC ready! When it's time to vote,this same people will sit at home yet clamour that we have bad rulers. Okay,agreed some people voted,most Nigerian with no directions both literate and illiterates will assit these politicians in rigging elections with just a meagre sum that's all. INDEED THERE WAS A COUNTRY. Secondly,I hate it when people talk about strategy if you want to talk about strategizing give an example don't come and strategize your foolish self on here! Please. Thank you. It will take more than a Messiah to redeem this country and before that Messiah the people of Nigeria must redeem herself first!.
DeleteGwagon, good input. I hope you are at the protest ground though?
DeleteG wagon, I hope you are on the ground protesting? Do you know how many lives and properties were lost when the last protest was hijacked? What exactly will the protest do? Make noise and some idiots will go jack it again?
Delete14:10. Thank you for your input.
For those asking to know since the beginning of this protest up until now I have always been on the protest ground. Why do you think I will be ranting with so much anger in me if I wasn't a witness?
DeleteWere you there today? Were you arrested? Liar liar!!!
Delete...imagine arresting unarmed protesters does it ring well in your ears at all? Of course it would ring pleasant to some Nigerians no wonder your president called you all LAZY NIGERIAN YOUTHS.
ReplyDeleteLol, you wey dey your house. We hear you.
DeleteThe only tool available to the youth/masses is protest. And it's illegal to arrest peaceful protesters... I love their bravery, and wish I was that brave. There is still hope for this nation
ReplyDeleteif Nigerian youth can not come out and fight for their destiny, they still have a lot to suffer, because these uselees leaders are destroying thier future.Now most people can not go to the farm in the south west because of Herdsmen, people are afraiad to travel because of kidnappers, tell me when will the price of food not increase? there is no job when will a man marries? the questions are endless untill our people become stubborn and occupy everywhere then am afraid the future is bleak and mind you western world economy has been badly hit with covid-19, we are we going to run to . The time to fight for your destiny is now, this is not a question of prayer alone, in other countries you will see protesters for weeks on the street despite being repressed.
ReplyDeleteHello Martin don't be Amused by my question 😸. Is possibly to create a Robot Army, maybe not Army.. Like 5,🥺 ..
ReplyDeleteIt might not be as big as Pacific Rim Robots or Transformers but big Enough to with stand any bullet (Strong titanium body).. They will be able to Fight and destroy. They can be Controlled from a distance...😅.how do I start? What is the first thing to buy? Can you Code the program?
Stella mama,haba Mana Do you know that some people lost their loved ones,why should opening of the toll gate be the ultimate thing to do ,while not let justice to prevail, thanks
ReplyDeletePlease let me know how peaceful will the protest be?
ReplyDeletePlease let me know how peaceful will the protest be?