Stella Dimoko EX Father In Law To Doc Who Unalifed Himself Makes Several Posts Defending His Daughter


Monday, February 03, 2025

EX Father In Law To Doc Who Unalifed Himself Makes Several Posts Defending His Daughter

Francis Van Lare, the ex father in law of late Dr Ikenna Erinne (a US based cardiologist who shot himself) Made several posts on Facebook to defend his daughter..
He stated the his daughter was not exported to the US..
He stated that his daughter suffered Domestic violence...
He stated that his daighter had never received 15K USD from her late ex.
He stated that his ex son in law was a dead beat Dad.
He stated that his ex son in law killed himself cos he didnt wanna pay the $1900 he was madated to pay...
Read to the end to see his other submissions, some albeit words that should not be.....



  1. Hmmmm, the dead cannot defend himself.

    1. Sometimes silence is GOLDEN!! This man has a family, who are grieving, and you have this to say, just to defend your daughter??? you just made it worst. This shows you never gave him breathing space. We should all be careful the way we treat others, mental health is key and it works in different ways. NOT everyone can stand some challenges, you think $1,900 is a challenge for a doctor abroad?? Common there is more to this than said here. You should have just shut up and allowed your daughter to carry her cross, you will leave her in this world one day, then you will come from the grave and defend her??? They have children together meaning they had been lovers one time, and you think she is happy about all this and you coming to the public to make it worst for her? PEOPLE COMMON, WHERE IS THE PLACE FOR EMPATHY??? YOU JUST WANT TO DEFEND YOURSELF!!! Tears rolling down my eyes, I don’t know this man but this you did here, it is killing me already!!!

    2. We know him on Facebook.
      Useless heartless man.
      5 times married.
      They killed Ikenna.

    3. Even if is $1 they ask the man to pay! is his him and his daughter that killed Ikenna! And they will know peace! when your daughter reported him and they ceased all his practicing licence ! It will never be good for you and your daughter!
      See, if any sibling is going through this kind of nonsense with any man or woman! Pray them out of the marriage!
      Our case ; it was the demon that used her hand to pursue herself! No one answered her physically!!! Now Ikenna family is grieving! And this idiot can't keep his diseased mouth shut!

    4. Anon hugs to you. You a complete stranger feels this way imagine the grieving family. May swift karma befall this man and his daughter amen

    5. Do you really expect a father to leave his child to "carry her cross" while strangers weep without information, heaping blame on his daughter? So she would harm herself too? She should not suffer for her father's display of foolishness online.

      Who started the 15k narrative to assassinate his daughter's character by the way? Who promoted the narrative of the daughter being rescued from Nigeria by the doctor such that those who have not traveled within Nigeria by aeroplane were advising unwise people that since the advisers own mothers had no loyalty, the men should destroy their marriages themselves by denying their children opportunities and a balanced upbringing because of a system they know nothing about?

      One death is enough in this situation. She has two children to raise including one with special needs. His family did not deny the alleged gun-involved hostage situation, just that he pulled the trigger of a GUN at home.

      The women thrown out of their homes all across Africa everyday have accepted their fate and our toiling in penury with their children with no one to weep for them or help them recover what they built with their husbands and the opportunity cost. There's no excuse for this man to have been behind on his payments, causing a backlog. No matter how his wife threatened to finish him, who got a gun? Who pulled the trigger? Who is no longer here for himself and those that love him? Will a woman toy allege promised to destroy you weep? No, that's for your mother to do now. A o ni ku fun ota yo.

      Jesus should be the centre of every life and marriage as he founded the institution. He is the expert in saving people where money, education, power and fame fail. Thankfully, his spirit is the expert comforter. May he comfort all who are hurt.

  2. Na the person that killed himself lose.
    Now, he cannot defend himself.💔

  3. Of course he can talk anything just to defend his family and his daughter too Mana ya diba

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just saw this comment from yesterday's post 👇👇. Read and understand the story better.

    Anonymous2 February 2025 at 20:57
    Let me break this down for you guys. Child support in the USA, is based on income. Regular child support for 3 children is about 30% of income. If the man was still married & had the kids in their house. It is expected that he would spend 30% of his income on his children. Now the average annual income of a cardiologist is $525,000. His initial child support was $6k a month. What a sweetheart deal!!!, a little more than 10% of his monthly income. Which is the norm for individuals that make a lot of money. This man chose to ignore court orders & did not pay child support in 2023 & 2024. So his medical license was suspended. That is the law in USA. Disobey court orders/child support orders. You risk having your drivers license, passport suspended & if you work in a licensed profession (MD, RN, Pharm., Law, even barber), your professional license will be suspended, till you pay your debts). You are actually given a lot of notice & time to pay up, before the suspension takes effect. This man refused to pay, constantly disobeying court orders. The $15k a month was a “catch up” child support orders. The regular $6k a month plus, the debts from 2023 & 2024. When he pays off the debts, the child support goes back to $6k a month. Halle Berry pays $$$$ to her 2 baby daddies & she has never taken a gun to hold the men & her children hostage, like this man did. This man is clearly a sociopath as seen by his disregard for court orders. & pointing a gun on his innocent children, then killing himself in front of the innocent children. NBA player Jimmy Butler is paying $55k a month for 3 children because he makes almost $49 million a year, not including money from other endorsements. And his ex wants to increase it to $65k a month. Yet Jimmy Butler is not holding anyone hostage with a gun, rather got a lawyer to appeal & show that what he is current paying is more than enough to maintain his children’s lifestyle. Let’s stop excusing men that want to avoid being financially responsible for their children, just because they are no longer in a relationship with the mother.

    1. This should belong to the anon writing trash all over.
      Which cardiologist makes $525k per annum.
      Highest is $142k per annum.
      I am a medical doctor in this same USA.

    2. Haha. 142k Bawo,m? Cardiologists make way more than that. Some of them that work for celebrities make even more than that 500k. Pls say what you know only Mr doctor

    3. Good. Facts over sentiment .

    4. 13:23, I was thinking the same thing. Family physicians even make more than the 142k. I am thinking a cardiologist working in practice alone is earning somewhere in the 500k-1million mark. And they can earn more writing books, consulting, teaching at universities and what not. There are cardiologists who are earning 5 million yearly.

    5. No USA salary is on $525k per year
      It is not Naira

    6. Abeg o!!!! Cardiologists make upwards of 400-600K in the USA! Where do doctors earn 142? I’ll burn my degree. I’m
      Making 250K as an MD

  6. All these talks for dead🤷🏿‍♀️. May his soul rest in peace.

    Is this the guy that was married to Angela Nwosu before?

    1. He is the man , very nonsense man.

    2. He is the man , very nonsense man.

  7. Igbo men?
    Fear them, especially if they have smlal change.
    He carried his stubbornness to America. He thought it was Nigeria.

  8. Some fellow misogynists were saying yesterday that he married the wife in Nigeria and took her to America.
    Very local daft men, like there are no Nigerian American single ladies living and working in America. They must be married and shipped there from Nigeria. Educated illiterates!

    1. Inferior insecure men

    2. You both are majoring on the minor in this sad story.

      You are focused only on some commenters' minor misunderstanding of the clear settled facts of this case or their reference to unstated facts, which are accepted by even Nigerian women.

      You are therefore not better than the "insecure men" because the other side of misogyny is misandry.

  9. Well, I like the woman’s father, he ain’t gonna let them ruin her name and he is protecting his family to the end.

    Court records can be attained. The deceased could have been mentally unstable, just because he is a doctor doesn’t mean he is perfect. There are documented cases where doctors have killed their spouses and there are also documented cases where doctors were convicted of domestic violence right in the US.

    1. Look up the depression & suicide rate for doctors in the USA, very high. People say the most hurtful stuff to each other during a divorce & custody battle. Yet many move on, without hurting each other. A parent is still financially responsible for their child(ren) even after a separation/divorce. A cardiologist will pay a higher amount compared to a teacher. If he was barred from seeing his children, then it was likely from a proven domestic violence case.

    2. What name does Mr. Van Lare have?

      If he was featured in a post on this blog that he was about to do his 6th marriage, what would the female Bvs here say of him and, as almost usual, of Nigerian men generally?

      Until a man or woman's brother is made to pay for the care of children he cannot have physical contact with or access to, the man or woman treats the travails of the burden bearer as trivial.

  10. He was this, he was that, I womder why all these were not said when he was alive.

  11. Ex Father in law brought court documents & bank statements. Yet his friends are still running with the narrative, he was asked to pay $15000 and his wife was the abuser in the marriage. Yet it was the deceased that held a gun to the innocent children’s head. In bitter divorce/child custody cases, there are usually 3 sides to the story. Nigerians are reading about the alleged child support amount & running with the narrative that the ex wife was the evil one. Men & yes women too are paying child support to their ex’s without holding anyone hostage or taking themselves out.

    1. As sensitive as the situation is, I am with the father here. If you going to blow fire and sell a narrative then do it right, don't sell falseness for sentiments. This is the year of the snake, so if you're going to come for someone be ready to feel the bite and venom. I don't think that man would have said shyt if they hadn't come for his daughter underhandedly. He is her father, she came out of his testicles, so he has every right to defend her and protect her name while telling the gospel truth. She obviously ain't no average woman, and is a well accomplished person in her own right, and absolutely gorgeous on top of it. That's a damn good father!

      I hope after this everyone can settle down and proceed with their grieving.

    2. The bank statements alone contradicts Mr. Van Lare's post hence he asserted some payments were arrears. Mind you in his first post, he appeared to have accepted the $15k assertion. Clearly, he is posting as his daughter is updating him. Where is her full bank statements? If he want to rely on documents, he should come with the full documents.

      As to who is the abuser in a marriage, the courts/police act on "evidence". But note that a female slap may not leave tell tale evidence as a male retaliatory punch on the face would. Usually, the presumption is against the man who is believed to be stronger generally. This is why the video wen viral of a man being slapped about and just not doing or providing any evidence of DV on the slapping wife. It was on this blog we read a woman's chronicle of her she jacked her husband shirt. When the police was called, she was winning the DV case until the husband played back the CCTV recording of an earlier assault by her which made the police to cite her for a binding over proceeding.

      Between couples, only God knows the truth.

  12. Dear singles, please do not be blind to the red family flags. Very wicked man with no empathy or tact.

  13. This young man's death is very painful and avoidable. This grandpa thrives in controversy and very shameless. 😔😔😔

  14. This isn’t necessary now, the families of the late Dr are still mourning

    1. His own child is also traumatised. As a father, he will want to avoid another death. His daughter's character shouldn't not be assassinated by strangers because the family of the person who terrorised them is mourning.

      The father is an Internet pariah but so far, he has been presenting evidence which the other side has not, relying only on sentiments and conjecture.

      No mater how unlikable the father of the ex wife is, his claims have yet to be voided.

  15. The doctor must have been going through a lot before he chose to go that way. Depression is real, suicide is not a solution to problems.
    Francis van-lare should behave like an elder and know when to keep quiet. The man is already dead .

    1. So let’s say he’s right (I’m not saying he is), he should keep quiet while his own child is being bashed and judged and lied against by everyone? I’m struggling to understand!

    2. Eka so it's ok him name calling the deceased young man abi

    3. Mr. Van Lare should not keep quiet. He should keep talking. In the multitude of his words, his truth or untruth will be established. Above all he would finally seal or reverse the public perception of his depth as a person. There is so much to gain from his vociferousness. His assertion that the gone man held his family hostage at gunpoint has already been challenged. The tenor of his second post or series of second posts contradicts his first post. How should a man who makes apparent or latent inconsistent statements be judged? Do the bank statements support his assertion that only $1900 was ordered. Or are the above $1900 payments in the bank statement fully explained by his assertion of arrears owed?

      While people may be blogging lies against his daughter, can such “lies” not be replied by a dignified simple statement that the allegations are not the facts and by a simple request to let the families, yes, both families, grieve and mourn in peace and privacy? Must all matters be handled the “Bole ka ja” way with a “Face me, I slap” compound mentality – the “bull dozer” mentality?

      It has been asked: If he and his Dr. Daughter could easily take care of the children, why did the man and Dr. Daughter go through a rancorous divorce. Why did Mr. Van Lare and Dr. Daughter not tell the gone man to keep his money and let Dr. Daughter care for the children with negotiated visiting rights and let Dr. Daughter have her peace?

    4. No matter how comfortable your wife is, do not join the Fred Amatas of this world who will be pricing their children's care to hurt the wife but paying their lawyer market rate. You are the father so father your child jeez!!!!

    5. Exactly 💯.. @19:00!why didn't him and his evil daughter allow him 😕 have peace! That's why I must stay abroad leads to death is very bad! Ikenna's family would have just organised for his move to another country!
      They should go and drag him from mortuary to come and pay child support! Them never enter marriage; them go dey born like rabbit!

  16. i blame the dead, he would have carried out murder su1cde, himself and the daughter so the man can feel what the family of the dead is feeling right now...

    1. Tufiakwa gi

    2. See them, so the children will become orphans over money. Poverty & scarcity mindset is horrible. Murder and suicide over money to take care of your own children. These are the kind of men that want women & their children to suffer after a divorce.

    3. And God said NO your evil wishes shall never be🎺

    4. Wicked and destructive thing
      Selfish and evil creature

  17. Lagos Mainland Girl3 February 2025 at 14:51

    This matter ehn

    Let me not say what I don't know or pick sides
    May God comfort his family


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