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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Driver Confirms Killing CBN Staff ,His Wife And Only Son Because They Did Not Increase His Salary..

The police in Ogun State have paraded the suspected killers of former Central Bank of Nigeria staff, Kehinde Fatinoye, his wife, Bukola Fatinoye and their only son, Oreoluwa Fatinoye.

The suspects were paraded on Friday at the Ogun State Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

During the parade, the Ogun State Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, disclosed that Lekan Adekanbi the driver of the deceased had confessed to having hired the other two men to help him in collecting money from his boss.
He said when they were with the victims, they had demanded a cash transfer and on receiving the alert, the suspects knew they could be tracked and decided to kill the couple.

According to Oyeyemi, the driver, who on January 2 escaped from police custody, was traced to his elder brother in Iseyin, Oyo State, but he had left the place before the arrival of the police.
The police teams, he explained, further intensified efforts and Adekanbi was apprehended in his hideout somewhere in Abeokuta on January 21.

During interrogation, Adekanbi, who had been driving the victims since 2018, “confessed to being the mastermind of the dastardly act.”

Oyeyemi said: “He invited the other two suspects Ahmed Odetola (aka Akamo) and Waheed Adeniyi (aka Koffi) to join him to rob the couple.
“He confessed further that he took the step because the couple refused to increase his salary, and that he approached them for a loan to buy a motorcycle, but they didn’t oblige him.”
He told the police that he and his ‘hired killers’ waited for the couple to return from the New Year Crossover Service because he had access to the house, saying they “pounced on them immediately they entered the house.”

He added that the Alsatian dog in the house did not attack him because the dog was very familiar with him because he used to feed it.
from Daily post


  1. Replies
    1. I don’t understand the heart of those who kill, look at this cursed driver… okay you wanted them to increase your salary, how does killing them get your wish granted?
      If you felt the job was beneath your worth, you should have simply resigned

      Even if you stole his entire property, the money would eventually run out.

      Push up (original)

    2. At Anon 11.29. I’m right there with you on that point.

  2. This is what entitlement mentality degenerate to.
    God help us ooo. Deliver us from evil people

  3. Nigeria police work when they wanted to work, wicked man

  4. Good morning Stella and bvs, happy beautiful weekend to everyone, I received my Data with joy, thank you madam Stella, thank you madam Waju, SDK May you never lack any thing throughout your life time Amen, God bless everyone

  5. what manner of wickedness is this? These type of animals deserved jungle justice... nonsense.

  6. On yesterday's teacher eating children food post, a Bv said she/he treats domestic staff well because Oga's life dey gateman's hand. Another Bv replied to treat people right irrespective of status.

    This post confirm that both Bvs are right.

    It is good to treat people right irrespective of status. But you see those who work with us on a personal level, we must treat them beyond their entitlement, status and legal rights. That, I believe, was the angle Stella looked at the matter from. When such people err, we must drop them down lightly like a crate of fresh eggs.

    I work in the legal services sector. This morning, I was just thinking of using this type of rampant insiders' attacks on families to illustrate my comments on yesterday's post when I open the blog to see this news.

    The attack had the MO of a cult attack. People had commented that maybe the son was a cultist. Now it is the driver who is the cultist. They wanted to disguise it as a cult revenge. Thank God the greed, which led to the crime, caught them in its web.

    Lesson for all evil inclined people (especially personal care staff). There is no perfect murder or crime.


    1. Thank very much my learned colleague.
      You write very well 😍

    2. I have heard of cases where the bosses were even good to their employees, yet killed by them. Who go wicked go wicked. But it is best to treat your employees well. When they see you living large compared to the paltry way they are being treated, this can cause a lot of anger and resentment. However, nothing justifies any crime, once it was not committed in self defense.

    3. @ Legal trainee, there are people who get treated right and "dropped lightly like a crate of eggs" when they misbehave and they still turn around to do their worst. That man up there is wicked and an embodiment of evil, and this has nothing whatsoever do with treating people well. If we all went around killing people who wronged us, nobody, including you will be left on earth. Also, there is EVERYTHING wrong with a teacher eating a child's food and such an unprofessional behavior must not be excused or justified. That child was entrusted in the teacher's care. Adding extra or an additional pack is enabling her irresponsible and "longer throat behavior". "Treating the teacher well" should mean appreciating and encouraging her verbally and with gifts when you can. If I were the child's parent, I will take my observations to the teacher's notice without accusations but will definitely take my child to another school.

    4. 12:13
      Thanks. I admire some good writers here like Ronalda and more. They emboldened me to start commenting.

      Thanks. Nothing justifies crime except self defence. However, as you said, it is good to be good so as not to give the Devil that small window to put bad thoughts through into the heart of a wicked person. That's why sometimes, a person should run even though strong enough for a fight. You explained what I had in mind better.

      Thanks. Points well made and taken. I will be the last person to encourage the devilish wickedness of this man. If you read under, you will see the story of a Bv's encounter with his type. How long suffering the Bv was to escape the wrath of the evil of a man. A coin has three sides hence I said do good because it is good, do good to ward off evil, and when it comes despite all, handle it well.
      Well for the teacher maybe to withdraw your child from the school after speaking with the teacher only because of other children.
      Yesterday, a Bv commented that it may be better to speak with the teacher one on one by just mentioning observations to her without direct accusation because children eat other children food, she may not be the person eating the food, but another person she is covering for, etc.
      Well may be finding out whether the teacher is a plain glutton or is in financial dire straits, doing whatever you can if you want to
      Well may be counseling her/him directly or indirectly about the health hazards of the act to self and each child under her/his care without any accusation.

      All said, if that teacher or any adult is eating the children's food or is allowing other children to eat a child's food, it is wrong conduct all round - health wise, professionally and behaviourally.

      Thanks all.

    5. Entitlement mentality and ojukokoro cannot be cured by treating them like a crate of egg. I know a family whose only child was kidnapped. It was the driver who orchestrated the kidnapping that was negotiating with the kidnappers on the parent's behalf. The girl called him uncle and people thought he was the man's brother because of how close the two families were. She treated his kids like her siblings and would make her parents buy same stuff for them. They paid for his kids school fees etc. They were shocked when police investigation unveiled him as the mastermind after the ransom was paid.
      A greedy person would want more, no matter how much you give. Some justified the teacher eating the pupil's food and starving the child in the other chronicle. It is such mentality that breed evil thoughts that you deserve your needs to be met regardless of the cost to the person you are taking from. Killing his employers for not giving him loan screams entitlement.

  7. What kind of wickedness is this?😭😭😭

  8. Let's hope Justice gets done. The murders were truly heinous. They slaughtered the man, used a sledge hammer against the wife and then killed the son.
    If you are not smart enough to make a living decently, you definitely aren't smart enough to make a living as a criminal. Imagine them realizing that they could be traced only after the money had entered their account. They never planned on killing the family. But since they were born to a life of failure, after failing in everything else, they still failed at crime. They should part with this asLet's hope Justice gets done. The murders were truly heinous. They slaughtered the man, used a sledge hammer against the wife and then killed the son.
    If you are not smart enough to make a living decently, you definitely aren't smart enough to make a living as a criminal. Imagine them realizing that they could be traced only after the money had entered their account. They never planned on killing the family. But since they were born to a life of failure, after failing in everything else, they still failed at crime. They should part with this assurance, the hangman doesn't fail. surance, the hangman doesn't fail.

    1. The part of not planning to kill the man is full BS story. So many of this kind story.

  9. Dear Lord! Have mercy! So.much wickedness in this world

  10. I know people who are rich but will never bring a poorer person around their circle. They will tell you poor people have serious entitlement mentality. This driver did not tell us all the good things this man has done for him. . To be very close to the dog means the man gave him free access to his house. What a wicked world.

    1. Those rich people were right. That's why if you become more successful than your circle of friends, it's best to reduce the association or limit what you tell them. Many times, people around you become envious, especially if things are not working out for them, and once envy sets it, it can result in more bad things.

    2. Anon what of the ones who are perceived to be better than you but are still envious and jealous of you, afraid you might not only get to their level but may surpass them in life? Witchcraft get levels sha.

    3. Being nice to them does not in any way keep you safe. They want to enjoy the same thing in life you enjoy and as long as you are not giving them the same benefits you enjoy in an equal measure no matter how much you try they can still hate you.

      I have experienced this with workers and friends before and at this point, I think the best thing is to only move with people in your circle. No matter how much you give it can never be enough for them. They want the dividends of your success in equal measure to what you sweated, groaned suffered and laboured and had sleepless nights for on a platter.

      I had a friend from a humble background if I buy anything for myself I must buy her own be it shoes or bags i.e we both going to a party and they pick traditional wear in the group and she wants to go too. Sometimes I give her money and buy her foodstuff. I will lie to her that I don't want to go shopping alone just so she can follow me and I use that opportunity to buy things for her.
      Not all people from humble homes are like this but how do you know who is who?

      I even had a friend that was doing better than me. Age-wise she had achieved so much that I didn't achieve at her age. But her second name was envy. The day she found I was promoted she did not even greet me with congratulations and for those that congratulated in her presence she shouted at them to come and focus on their work. And it was lunch hour o

      The day I did not have enough money to buy for two or she sees me a new dress or shoe she will keep malice with me throughout that day. It took me a while to realise the cause of the unnecessary malice and I ran away from her.

      What about My friend's gateman whom he did everything for? When his father was sick he footed the hospital bill and gave them money. he even got the gateman's brother a driver's license because he wanted to get a job as a driver. he gives the gateman money, food, and gifts. This man stole his phone, some of the se workers receive more than their salary but at the end of the day, they get extremely entitled.

    4. May GOD protect us from the evil minded people

    5. Even if someone mistreats you, you have no right to kill them.

  11. What stopped ds demon from resigning & go look for another job? Tomorrow , u will hear that they jailed him , instead of hanging him to hell.

    1. He will be condemned to death if he lives long through the period of trial and period of being used in appeals by lawyers seeking SANship. But Governors no longer sign death warrants because of human rights campaigners and politics. So, he may rot in Condemned Inmates Cell custody.


  12. This could have been me but I found a way to manage it.

    I realized I hired an evil driver 2 weeks after he resumed work.This driver X showed me shege. 2 weeks after resumption my Mobile was stolen. My husband wanted to serve him hell but I held him back.

    He unravelled further during the year, stole jewellery from a bag I left in my car, my leg chain, belly chain all disappeared into thin air.

    Next was white gold, my husband's Mobile which he forgot in my car , each time my husband would want to vent I held him back because I knew someone like driver X could kill but my husband laughed this off.

    I once gave X free financial aid in from of a cheque what I got in return was OTP notifications a clear indication that someone was clearly trying to access the cheque account. I promptly gave instructions to move all the money in the account. Remember he still had my previous mobile and probably kept the siim and was hoping he sim would be active.

    X was given softloans which was never fully paid back X was given Christmas bonuses and a huge gift pack every year. X was also given clothing bonuses that were outside his payment agreement yet it didn't deter him from stealing frequently till I learnt not to leave ANYTHING of value in my vehicle

    X would disappear hours on end with the vehicle till God created a scenario where he was indirectly forced to exit the job

    Point Is you could be kind , treat people well, speak to them respectfully yet the EVIL LURKING WITHIN THEM WOULD STILL MANIFEST.

    This couple did no wrong they jus were unfortunate to hire a demon from the pit of hell .RIP

    My greatest joy was we never allowed X into our home and he created the scenario that warranted his exit.

    If we pushed him out venting and angry and cursing. This may have been us in one way or another.

    Thank you Jesus

    1. Wow! I thank God for you. If I was the one and I noticed any strange behavior from my staff, I won't waste time to lay them off.

      Please be carefull and watchful cos you may never know. He might come back to look for what he didn't keep

    2. You should have told him you’re japa ing. You took huge risk

  13. The moment you sense a spirit of entitlement in your employees, it's best you let them go. Being nice to people has never stopped wicked people from perpetuating wicked deeds since the days of Cain and Abel. Even the devil turned God who is the very personification of goodness. Let that sink in.

  14. Wickedness doesn't need your kind behaviour it is their trait evil doing the worst have happened even if they kill them what justice will the death get may god deliver us from evil people,if God bless you more than your friends change your circle of friends ,poor always think rich are their problem

  15. He could have easily tried to find other work and quit. Why did he feel he couldn't leave that job and had to take such drastic steps. They can't even enjoy the money and its a death sentence for them so what was it all for. No job is too good to leave and if you are not being paid a livable income, please leave and go elsewhere. No need to harrass or beg an employer for anything, no need to turn to crime. Just leave their work. This is one thing I love about millenials they feel no loyalty to nobody's job, they don't like it they move on with a quickness and go find something else.

    None of this had to happen. Everybody is free to leave any work and go elsewhere. Stop killing ppl over jobs you don't like, nobody is forcing you to stay, just leave. Even if you only worked one day, if you not feeling the vibe leave.

  16. Them give you work you kill them, you will nt see peace


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