Stella Dimoko Tuesday In House News...


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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday In House News...

 Tantalising Tuesday hailings!!


I salute oooooooooooh...



Women Na Their Own Enemy
I greet una ooooo, I miss una so bad but thank God for the gift of life shaaa.
I don't know why people(women to be precise) love to be an enemy to one another?

There is a lady(say Bose), she was assisted by her friend(Say Tola). Tola is married with two handsome boys. She met her friend Bose somewhere around Akure in a very bad condition, then she decided to help her by taking her home. Tola spoke to her husband about her friend and everything was settled. Bose became part of their family member.

She stayed with them for a very long time but something happened along the line(say after 2years). Bose, stylishly tricked her friend's husband to having fun with her and things began to change for the couple. Tola began to have issues with her husband. The husband himself doesn't know he has being jazzed. He became so wicked and hostile to his wife Tola. Recently when I traveled to their area, I met with Bose and we exchanged pleasantries. I asked her about her friend Tola and she began to tell me about how Tola snatched her husband from her , this that.

I was confused because I was aware the day her friend Tola decided to accommodate her.(May be she thought I wasn't aware). So, she was trying to paint the situation for me.

Note: Tola called me when she was planning to help her friend Bose then and I warned her about her decision stating several instances but she was so adamant. Also, Tola is just like a younger sister to me and she married at a very tender age(say 23years). Tola and Bose are friends right from secondary school. Just trying to let you guys know who Tola is to me.

When Bose explained how Tola snatched her husband to me, I just smiled and took her back to the past. I wouldn't have done that though but because she lied and was trying to paint her friend bad. I told her the exact date her friend called to seek for my advice if she could help her or not , I also asked her ,how possible was it for Tola to snatch her husband with the following facts:

Your friend Tola got married before you.
She got married in 2010 and you guys reconnected in 2014.
She accommodated you April 22, 2014.
You as a person got impregnated by her husband in 2017.

So, how do you mean by saying my sister snatched your husband? She was surprised because I gave her fact with dates and had to search through my memory card and showed her few screen shots that I saved.

On getting to Owo(Before Ikare), I went to see Tola at home and slept over till the next day. We didn't sleep all through with her husband. What baffles me was when her husband said and I quote "The day my wife traveled and her friend served me food. After the dinner, that was the last thing I remembered until after 4years that alot has happened and things has fallen apart"

I could remember how rich the husband was then but now, he is back to square one and infact, he regretted his actions. I asked his wife if he has forgiven her husband and was so happy with her response. She said, she caused it herself and she could remember I warned her and some other family members also warned her but she was deaf then. She said, when she finally regained her home with the help of God, she saw alot of things in the room they gave Bose to stay in and since then, she has vowed never to trust anyone.

I asked the husband when we both went to a joint for to flex a bit. I asked him what he tend doing to the child Bose had for him? He said, nothing for now and he is not even ready to spend anything on the child though his wife begged him to at least take responsibility of the child but he as a person is not ready because the lady made him went through alot.

He lost his job, sold most of his properties and alot like that. Funny enough, he is only left with that same house they are presently and thank God for his younger ones he assisted that are out of this country, else, he would have poisoned himself since all her Jazz expired and he realized all has gone.
My question is, why do people love to take what is not their own? Why do people pay back with evil?.

Funny enough, this Bose of a lady is not even looking nice any longer, she is older than her age and sells food along the express at one motor park.

I feel so sad for Tola because she failed to listen to my words. I could remember I even told her to help her with cash if she has than taking her in but Que Sera Sera.
e shora oooooooo
ema finu wenu

This story turn my eyes abeg


Good day Stella,  it's a beautiful day,  may Godly blessings know you by name today...Amen.

There's this happy couple that lives around me, this people will make you love love, they do everything together,  they live in a 3bedroom apartment with their beautiful daughters.

Sometime earlier this year,  the man's mom called that she's very sick, she said she doesn't want to go to any hospital around her, that she wants to come to their place so she can recover fully, the son was not okay with it but the wife insisted. 
Mama came to the house,  though she looked okay but they suggested home rest for her, so the man begged his wife to retire from her job cos she can't be taking care of their kids,  mama, the home front and her job too, she will break down.
So she quit her job and started staying at home. 
It's been 7months since mama came but a lot has changed in that home,  the man started keeping late nights, from one quarrel to another, according to the woman,  they have never slept over an issue before but nowadays, they can stay weeks without talking to each other. 

One day the man came back in the afternoon,  rushed into the bedroom,  met the wife sleeping,  he didn't talk to her,  turned back and left, later the wife saw her husband and his mom arguing about something, though she didn't know what it was all about but mama came and told her that she was telling him to increase their feeding allowance, she believed mama.

Recently a charm was found in her bag, how it got there, she didn't know, the husband beat her blue black to the extent their last daughter started convulsing cos the child has never seen anything of sort, once a happy home now became a war zone.

So the woman went back to God,  joined Pst Jerry's NSPPD, one day her case was announced,  prayers were made and just yesterday Mama started to confess, she said she married her son in the coven and cannot watch him marry another, besides that the woman has been birthing only girls yet her son loves her so much instead of throwing her out with her daughters,  also,  that the son took care of his family too much more than her so it will be over her dead body to see them happy, the husband said his mom told him that his wife always goes out to meet men, that she will come home and gift her a gift to shut her up, she even showed him many gifts mama bought for herself and claimed it was her DIL that gave her.

 it was  mama that placed the charm in the woman's  bag, sent her son to go and check the bag to see the new phone his wife's  lover gifted to her, na there the man see the charm, na so them call taxi, them come carry mama and her evil put for motor face her village road,  the man has been begging,  the woman told him not to beg that the battle has been won cos what God cannot do,  does not exist,  this morning i saw them looking all happy and together .

Evil does exist and the heart of man is desperately evil, sometimes talk to your partner,  gist them about those things you heard about them,  give them the space to defend themselves,  trust them enough,  believe them, believe in them.... 
Love is a beautiful thing  

WOOOOOW God is awesome!



  1. Replies
    1. Some friends are devil incarnate.

      Indeed what God cannot do does not exist.

      God bless the givers and bless our hustles.

    2. Indeed talking to your partner is essential instead of drawing conclusions

      Good afternoon everyone


  2. Good afternoon everyone!

    We welcome IHN!


    This is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.

    People commit suicide as a result of extreme depression and heavy problem of which they think they need to go and rest instead of continuing living and hoping tirelessly for a change which they are not willingly to wait for.

    Now here is the shocking bombshell, your problem greatly intensifys the moment u commit suicide. The rest you think you are going to have is fallacy because when u commit suicide you sin against God and as a result you will land sharply in hell where u will
    be heavily tormented.

    God clearly stated in the bible Matt:5-21, Mark 10:19, luke:18:20 do not murder, but when we do that we disobey God and end up taking a life we did not create.

    No matter how pressing and ugly the situation you find yourself PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE.
    You will greatly regret it, because you will suddenly realise that there is life after earth, and when you cannot make heaven you will go straight to hell, where your soul will languish FOREVER AND EVER.

    The utmost solution is JESUS CHRIST, he might not answer you speedily the way you want, but he will surely deliver you.
    All u need to do call upon him Rom 10:13-15 and plead for his mercy, i beth you, our lord Jesus will show up for you.

    He might lay your problem in the mind of people far or near, and use them as a vessel to deliver you.

    If you feel you have people to talk to, please do after calling on God. You can also ask him to direct you on who to talk to, because if you open p to the wrong person, satan will use that person as a vessel to drive you into murder.
    Call upon the one true God that will never fail you, his name is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

    Dear brother or sister, please do not commit suicide
    Come to Jesus today, he will give you rest.

    Matt 11:28-30, Joel 2:32 isai 41:10

  4. Replies
    1. Hmmm "one side expectation can destroy you" very true..

  5. Some workers at government facility who are supposed to render FREE service as the drugs was donated by intl organizations and Nigeria government will still find a way to charge you.

    They charge you according to your appearance.
    If you look well fed and dressed, they charge you higher.

    I entered a health center 2weeks ago to receive TT booster. The main Matron told me ₦200.i accepted. The nurse to administer the injection was upset and was telling her that it should be ₦500. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
    She had to give me the injection for 200n while the Matron was telling me that price has increased.

    I went for my FP clinic yesterday. The lady checking vitals decided to collect money. She was charging others between ₦100 _200.
    She told me to drop money. I brought out ₦200. She refused and demanded for ₦500.😐
    I didn't want to start an argument. I gave her the money.
    She claimed that it was for  the materials they will use on me. 🀦‍♂️

    When she left the post, others after me didn't pay as the person that took over was not collecting money.

    Corruption everywhere.

    1. I thought Catholics are against family planning.
      I went to a Catholic hospital to complain about the fp pills I was taking and they collected it and threw it away and told me it was a sin.

    2. Corruption has eaten so deep into Nigerians, God will save us

    3. @Official Prestige my case is not different from yours, it's just that my is antenatal, I thought they said antenatal is free in any public health center, like you ain't suppose to pay shishi?
      The money isn't my problem oh, paying #700 for every of my monthly appointment in order to administer drugs, and the drugs won't even take three weeks it's finished. Once you don't pay the #700 no drugs for you for that month.
      It's only God that will help our public sector.
      @Pinky this life ehn one has to be very careful for choices of friends oh.
      Reason why I don't blame married folks for cutting their female friends off after wedding.

  6. Indeed what God cannot do does not exist. Mother from put of hell. Thank God for his intervention.

    1. You see evil wicked hearts,their conscience is dead. Many are possessed by evil spirit that all they think and do is evil,nothing but evil. If they haven't done it ,the spirit won't let them rest. Dark souls..

  7. Hello lovely people.
    Slaying Tuesday. I feel good.

  8. Hmmnn..what God cannot do does not exist.

  9. Good afternoon everyone

    Pinky, bose is a very wicked lady.

    Gist of What God cannot do does not exist, When we run to God he rescues us. God fights our battles when we go to him in prayers. Evil mother in law.

  10. Do people really get blessed when they're greeted or told "God bless you?" Or is it a mere greeting? Some churches encourage their members to greet themselves with the line but one keeps wondering if it's just the literary meaning. Sure, blessings are not only monetary but "God bless you" comes out from some of the mouths of wicked, sarcastic and vengeful people. Again, can anyone kindly tell me if one gets blessed when greeted in that way?

    1. I think its mere greetings and positive affirmation

    2. Hmmmm

      Let me come.imbere a bit..It depends on who ever you greeted. Saying God bless you when you greet me is a kind of Godly gesture towards ur kind lovely and respectable manner.

      But note: Don't joke with a prayer most especially when someone you don't know say to you "God bless you".

      No one, I mean, even ur pastor, does not know when God is about making such words happen in your life reason they say in my village that, you should always be very smart.

      When someone says "God punish you", won't you reject it? Why not say amen?.

      In everything we do, wisdom is profitable

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Baltika, this your comment Reminds me of when I was invited to one new generation church, I wore a long flowing bubu with high heels slippers, I now carried one fine bag like that, after closing, I wanted to buy a book written by the general overseer, the bookstore was around where the car park was, as I catwalked towards there, some youths stood at the entrance of the car park and one of them said to me "bless you ma, your car has been washed"
      I smiled and said "thank you".

      Me that doesn't own a bicycle tyre. I said "Amen" in my heart.

    5. Pinky, when people say "God punish you", do people get punished by God? Just wondering

  11. Greetings to us all. May God save us from wicked people.

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    Pls BVs, put me in ur prayers😭😭, I am d anonymous dat posted on Friday Anonymous Post about being pregnant and seeing clot...I went to d hospital and was referred to do a scan... d scan result was " inevitable miscarriage"..I was later advised to go for evacuation..

    I have been so down and sad...but I believe my joy is coming back in double folds..

    1. Oh chim.. may the good lord re write your story.. have faith everything will turn out well for you

    2. Oh dear! So sorry about the evacuation. May God grant you double for your loss

    3. May the Lord perfect all that concerns you.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. God will give you double in Jesus mighty name Amen πŸ™.
      Stay strong and believe

    5. wow, I'm so sorry about that. If it's evacuation, please, do it fast, don't let it stay long because of sepsis. The God who did this one for you will miraculously bless you with twins.

    6. May the Lord come through for you . Be strong, please.

    7. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ»

    8. So so sorry about this's painful, I can feel ur pain.

      The Lord in his mercy will surprise you soon again in Jesus name

    9. I'm sorry sisπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— the Lord will bless you with your own rainbow babies soonπŸ™Œ sending you loads of hugs and strength πŸ€— πŸ€— πŸ€—❤️


    10. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know this can be so disconcerting.
      Please get the evacuation done quickly. Your life is in the line. God will give you double for your trouble!

    11. So sorry dear, God will bring back your happiness.

    12. So sorry dear, God will bring back your happiness.

    13. So sorry sisπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—.
      The Lord will bless you with beautiful babies soon.

    14. Oh my! Sorry about that, may God give you your desired blessings.

    15. So sorry for your loss. When you are pregnant know your body. The fact that you see some pregnant woman carrying 20 logs of wood on their head, or driving trailer over mountain, doesn't mean you should jump and do the same.
      Know your body, treat your body carefully, ignore people who will say you are lazy because you are not forming Hercules during pregnancy.
      They will not be there for the ride or after.
      Study your body and treat it extra carefully those 9 months.
      May God give you everything you ask for and the means to take care of it(them.)

    16. Take it as the will of God. He knows what is best for you and will not allow you suffer in vain.
      May God grant you strength in this trying time.

    17. Oh dear,may God give you double blessings for all your trouble,all will be well.

    18. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
      Be strong, God will restore

    19. It is well dear πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
      May God give you double for you loss.

    20. Jehovah God will restore you by His Mercy.




    But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
    Psalms 3:3

    READ: 1 Samuel 2:7 -9

    7 The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

    8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

    9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

    Jesus is The Way upward. He said nine John 12:32: "And l, if l be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.' Jesus is always drawing people upward. Believe me honestly, the only person who can truly promote you is Jesus Christ. If you don't believe me, read Psalm 75:6-7:

    For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But Gd is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

    God is the promoter. If man lifts you, man will bring you down. In any case, man is limited in many ways. A man may want to lift you with his position, but what if he gets fired before he fulfills his promise? Who even told you that the fellow would be alive by the time you need his help? The only One who can guarantee your upward movement is God. That is why He is the only real way upward.

    When l was to turn 40 years old, l had a vision where God showed me two graphs. In mathemathics, we call hem parabolas. One was a heads-up parabola, and the other was a head-down parabola. At he turning point of each of these parabolas was written 40, l knew clearly that this was referring to my 40th birthday. The Lord then asked me, "Which of these graphs do you prefer? I chose the head-down parabola because it meant that at 40 years old, l would be at my lowest point and from there on, it would be upward movement as opposed to the other graph, which implied that l was at my highest point at 40. The Lord then said that if l wanted Him to keep promoting me, l had to let go of all my big titles and simply be addressed as 'Pastor'. True to His word, since then, l have been going upwards.

    Humility is the key for anyone who wants Jesus to lift him or her higher. The Bible says:

    Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:6

    If you want God to promote you beyond your peers, you must surrender your life to Jesus Christ and emulate His humility.

    Jesus is the way upward, but He only lift the humble.

    1. Thanks Bro K. God bless you.




    But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
    Psalms 3:3

    READ: 1 Samuel 2:7 -9

    7 The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

    8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

    9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

    Jesus is The Way upward. He said nine John 12:32: "And l, if l be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.' Jesus is always drawing people upward. Believe me honestly, the only person who can truly promote you is Jesus Christ. If you don't believe me, read Psalm 75:6-7:

    For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But Gd is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

    God is the promoter. If man lifts you, man will bring you down. In any case, man is limited in many ways. A man may want to lift you with his position, but what if he gets fired before he fulfills his promise? Who even told you that the fellow would be alive by the time you need his help? The only One who can guarantee your upward movement is God. That is why He is the only real way upward.

    When l was to turn 40 years old, l had a vision where God showed me two graphs. In mathemathics, we call hem parabolas. One was a heads-up parabola, and the other was a head-down parabola. At he turning point of each of these parabolas was written 40, l knew clearly that this was referring to my 40th birthday. The Lord then asked me, "Which of these graphs do you prefer? I chose the head-down parabola because it meant that at 40 years old, l would be at my lowest point and from there on, it would be upward movement as opposed to the other graph, which implied that l was at my highest point at 40. The Lord then said that if l wanted Him to keep promoting me, l had to let go of all my big titles and simply be addressed as 'Pastor'. True to His word, since then, l have been going upwards.

    Humility is the key for anyone who wants Jesus to lift him or her higher. The Bible says:

    Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:6

    If you want God to promote you beyond your peers, you must surrender your life to Jesus Christ and emulate His humility.

    Jesus is the way upward, but He only lift the humble.

  15. God is the Author. He breathed life into you. He chose you to be here. He gave you a purpose, an assignment, something to accomplish.

    Joel Osteen

  16. Wow! Good afternoon everyone
    Nawao evil people dey ooh

  17. Ihn don land eeeeh
    Unu good afternoon o how the go dey go


  18. IHN
    The heart of man is deep
    Wicked Friend and wicked mother-in-law

  19. Good afternoon bvs
    Friend turn enemy...d more reason I don't keep friends...not with what a friend did to me before I got married..Abeg let's continue talking on phone..

    Pls BVs, I need recommendation of a good praying church I can worship with around kubwa...It's like I have not been doing enough...I am a Muslim but prefer going to church...I need psalms dat I can use in praying against battles...Dis life is full of battles

    1. wow! God bless you. Just have a lone quiet time to commune with God. seek him earnestly and tell him to lead you to a church around where you can always worship and feel his presence. He will answer you. Jesus is so very real. He will show up for you kkk. Mattew 7:7, Revelation 3:20 sums it up. e-hug

    2. Hello CharleyAlade,
      You can check for Dunamis, MFM or better still google Dunamis Kubwa to check for the address.

      For Psalms, Psalm 42,43, 46, 51, 52, 54, 56, 35, 45, 91, 60, 61.

    3. A life without friends is a lonely, empty life.
      You will not understand till you grow older.
      If you bought a bag of rice and found out it is spoilt, would that stop you from buying rice for the rest of your life?
      C'mon now, you guys should think objectively.
      As for church, if its God you seek, he is not inside any particular church.
      Pick a Bible, or if it is not permissible, Google Psalms online and pray with that.
      I'm not saying you shouldn't go to church o, I'm saying you should know God for yourself, so that it is not influenced by any church or pastor

    4. Psalm 18,35,91,115.
      Search through the holy book. So many deeds of God in the past you can use for prayer point.
      The foundation is to have a personal relationship with God. Trust, hope and love God with all your heart. Keep his law and don't be unkind to your fellow human being. Download praise and worship songs and always play it.

      May holy spirit direct you. 🌹

    5. 15:37, you are right about friends. I don't have any friend here and I don't like how I feel sometimes. I don't even know how to get one as I'm the quiet introvert type. Let me just keep hoping that I will still get one good one.

    6. Mostly imaginary and non existing enemies. Free your mind of thoughts of enemies, so that you don't end up with HBP

    7. If you ever want a friend,choose them wisely. Friends you will be proud to call friends. Beware,not everyone you talk to is a friend. Know what friendship means.

    8. @ Mercy. You can join a club, organisation, group, religious body etc.
      There are good people every where.
      Awon 'I don't have friends', are you the only good people on earth? These groups cover 1000s of interests from book reading, travel, mountain climbing etc. Make friends o. Hmmm. I know what I am saying. When I'm feeling a bit better I will share my story.

  20. Gen Z dey ask me who is Mary J Blige, my chest😱😱😱

    1. Sure, from where will they know? You forgot that Nicodemus said if you don't teach him, how will he know? They know Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne etc. Don't blame the Gen Z. Find a way to explain. Some of them don't even know Tupac.

    2. Why act surprised? How do you expect Gen Z to know Mary J Blige? Haba


    3. 14:26, It's the same way I'll open mouth waaaaaa when you say you don't know Gerald Levert or Meatloaf. 🀷‍♀️
      Abeg ease off on Gen Z biko, have they finished listening to Sza, Justin Beiber and Megan The Stallion?

    4. Someone who was reigning in the early 90s when they were not even born? This one no follow.

  21. Greetings house.. network been disturbing

  22. Good afternoon everyone ☺️
    This war na wahπŸ˜”

  23. Why would a full grown married woman bring her friend into her matrimonial home hmm it is well.

    1. Where do you want a 'fully grown married woman 'to entertain her friends?
      At the bustop?
      Abi am i missing something here?

    2. 15:43, bring here means accommodating her in her matrimonial home, not in the context you see it.

    3. So because she is married she should not interact or help a friend?

    4. Ah tor Mercy I no dey ever read all the tori on top because it always sounds 'manufactured ' if you get what I mean.... thank you for clarifying.

  24. It is well with me. Amen.πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸ˜Ž

  25. God is great and He answers our prayers if we turn away from sin. Mama will go and intensify her powers. The couple should buckle up their prayer life too.

    Good day to us all

  26. It is so wrong to house a grown-up friend for two full years. To be honest, I can't. I will rather assist in the little way I can rather than bringing her to live with me mba. The heart of man is indeed desperately wicked and full of evil. God save us from Devil in human flesh. Truely what God cannot do does not exist.

  27. Good afternoon SDK and BVs.

  28. Make God help us for this life..Strange things dey sele..

    My eyes saw alot and my ears sef dey pain me but make we just dey pray to God for mercy and also pray that God should keep us away from evil friend.

  29. Lord have mercy! So a mother can marry her son, is that why some mother's are jealous of their daughters-in-law? Hmm... What God cannot do doesn't exist.

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars10 October 2023 at 22:05

      Married in the spirit.

  30. Thank you Jesus!!! Indeed what God cannot do does not exist.
    What a wicked world. A mother exhibiting pure witchcraft on her own son and the family. Things dey occur

  31. The storm of distraction is getting over . When you think this ,they think that . You wanna go right, they wanna go left. You think forward, they think backward. You like it positive,they like it negative. You wanna do it right, they wanna get it wrong. ....... Las las what goes around comes around

  32. The storm of distraction is getting over . When you think this ,they think that . You wanna go right, they wanna go left. You think forward, they think backward. You like it positive,they like it negative. You wanna do it right, they wanna get it wrong. ....... Las las what goes around comes around

    1. This Anon, I pray for healing and God's mercy in whatever you are going through. I do see your cryptic posts on SP too.
      It is well.

  33. I've been hearing about this NSPPD. What is it really about? How do i join?

    1. You don't know what it is about and you want to join?

    2. It holds every day, monday to Friday, 7am. You can stream it on Facebook, youtube and other social media platforms. Just search streams of Joy International on FB, 7am, it will bring up NSPPD live prayer with pastor Jerry Eze. Connect. come thank me later

      audio streaming link is

    3. Omooooo Stella, you see this NSPPD, oh my world, God’s grace and hands are upon those pastors especially pastor Jerry. Stellaaaaaa, I will send in my testimonies ooooooo. Truly what God cannot do, does not exist oooooo. Heyyyyyy heyyyyyy heyyyyyy.

  34. Good Afternoon bv Phoenix. Pls you wrote on yesterday sp about how to invest with money market.
    I want to ask if I can walk into my bank and ask the customer care officer about how to open the account. ..Thanks

    1. Wow just seeing this. You can visit the blue and white bank, they will direct on what to do, speak with their customer service.

  35. I totally disagree with your sign out meme… from the beginning of time Men and women have never been equal especially when it comes to financial issues, God made Adam and gave him wealth before the woman was specifically created to support the man ‘ more emotionally’ because he was alone. No matter how this generation wants to twist it around, A man’s pride is his wealth and taking care of a family including his woman. Society has made it a competition but it can never be, a man’s money is pride and joy but a woman’s money is just a support system that is why. When we women start giving money to a man sooner or later we become resentful not because we want to but it is nature to want to be with a man who is capable of taking care of you, hardworking and able to command respect without saying a word.

    1. Very true. A woman is to complement the man and not compete with the man. It is a God assigned role to man to care for their household, the wife inclusive 1st Timothy 5:8.
      The sin out meme is coming from irresponsible, lazy men who just want to abdicate their God assigned role to the woman, and some low self-esteem women enable th in this.

  36. Good afternoon good people of this blog.
    Pls what kind of toy can I get for my one year old son to keep him occupied, the guy can worry me abeg.
    Something to keep him busy (budget friendly pls) so I can do something with myself.

    1. Get him bricks and blocks to be arranging and building house all day
      A big toy car or bike that he can sit in and rock around
      Piano that uses battery which he will be pressing

    2. Budget friendly is subjective.
      A toy 15k can be cheap for me.
      Get him the children's preinstalled iPad that has blinking lights, sings, tells stories, calls out numbers, alphabets, animals etc.
      Or kuku buy him a ball, children never get tired of balls.

  37. Hello everybody πŸ‘‹
    Hope you're feeling fine? πŸ˜ƒ
    Hope you're feeling feeling feeling feeling fine? πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  38. Pinky, I'm happy that Tola still has her life and that of her loved ones intact after the whole saga. Some women lost their lives or that of their kid(s) or even the husband during the period of such evil. I hope some women learnt one or two things from it.

  39. ***Experts have confirmed that orgasm can trigger cardiac arrest or stroke***

    Before you cum , go and check your blood pressure o. You might be going when you think you are cumming.


    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Praise, I have not laughed since morning. Thanks for making me laugh

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  40. These narratives up there sound like Nollywood scripts. God is really at work o.
    May God heal every broken home out there and restore peace

  41. Thank God for that family the plan of the wicked one shall not come to pass in our lives amen. Mc pinky obirin ni ota obirin if they see you are doing better than them they will want to bring you down at any slightest provocation

  42. Pinky the Pinky, she didn't know that you be ancestor that has the right advice always. The poor child is now suffering for their mistakes and wickedness.

  43. There's so much evil in this world but God's power reigns supreme.In all your getting,get WISDOM!E get why.Enjoy the rest of the day folks.

  44. Mosquitoes are attracted to certain people more than others due to factors like blood type, body heat and chemicals emitted in sweat. For example, people with type "O" blood are more likely to be bitten.

  45. Good afternoon Stella Jeweluchi nwanyioma and people of SDK. Thank God for rescuing that family from evil mother in-law. And some people will say there is nothing like spiritual problems, she should check what she is doing wrong, dress well, smell nice, cook good food, respect her mother in-law bla bla bla and peace will return. Mtcheeeew! it is well.

  46. I have firsthand experience on the what God cannot do does not exist testimony, my grandma has never like my mum but since she doesn't live with us it wasn't an issue until her house got burnt and she had to move in with us that was when it became an issue.
    She lived with us for the next seven years and created serious problems between my dad and my mum, from one complaint to another, she'll say we give her bone to eat, my dad even slapped my mum once because of her that was when my mum threatened that she'll move out of the house and start sleeping in her school before my dad calmed down. At Shiloh 2014 my prayer point was her leaving our house, I came home and poured anointing oil in every room of the house and that was how she left to the village.
    They brought her back in August because of the flood in that usually comes this period, when she came and found out that my mum wasn't in the country when my dad isn't around she'll start making statement that my mum won't come back to the house, that period my mum started dreaming of her late parents and uncles, we all prayed over it and my sister had to tell my dad and my dad shouted at her to stop all her evil pronouncements. My mum is back now and my grandma is keeping to herself, she hardly leaves her room, she eats very little always complaining that the food doesn't have tasted. Last month that I went home I saw that she has reduced drastically.

    1. So how is God involved in this?
      Grandma is still in your house living under your roof indefinitely.
      She is not eating, obviously malnourished.
      She keeps to herself and does not interact.
      If anything happen, ofcourse she will point fingers at you lot.
      You have been going through this since 2007 we are now a few days from 2024.
      I suggest you check for onset psychosis and schizophrenia though.
      It is well with us all.

    2. Anon she's been gone since 2015, she came back this year because of the village flood of which she'll be going back by December hopefully next year there won't be flood so she'll not have reason to come back to lagos.
      God is involved because all the evil she wished on my mum and my siblings never come to pass.

  47. Wow
    What God cannot do doesn't exist
    Evil people everywhere, may God continue to guard our home πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    Good afternoon Sdkers
    Sign out meme so true!!!

  48. Indeed what God cannot do doesn't exist o.
    I thank God for this miracle.
    Some mothers and village people be causing havoc, witchcraft is real.
    Pinky that your sister na learner.
    Who takes a friend to live in her matrimonial home?
    Before you try that you have to be double sure.
    But these days I can vouch for myself and my sisters alone

  49. Beautiful day
    Good afternoon πŸ’•

  50. Indeed women are so wicked to their fellow women, May God continue to guide and intervene in all our matters in Jesus mighty name Amen. Good afternoon Stella and bvs

  51. "Tantalising Tuesday Hailings" ke..
    What in the 'Milkshake' is that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..

  52. Good Evening Neighbour's ✌🏻 πŸ‘ ✌🏻 πŸ‘

  53. Good afternoon beautiful people of God. Truly what God cannot do doesn't exist.

  54. While prayer move mountains and conquers all evil. We should be careful too. Reason why Bible says, watch and pray.

  55. Ihn..... Una doo o
    What God cannot do does not exist, many wasters and destroyers trying to ruin people but God pass them.
    Pinky and gist, who dey your side go dey enjoy gist back to back.

  56. The heart of man is desperately wicked. May God deliver us from unfriendly friends.


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