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Friday, November 17, 2023


 Thank God Its Friday....

Happy Weekend to you all......

How una dey? The comments inside In house news on Thursday na wah ooooooooooooooo....BV Audu can you send me all the lists that are from 1-10 to my email? Audu always sends me all the correct giveaway list, like he compiles as sends and he does it well...
Audu thanks oh...LOL
Glamourous grandmas 10k for ten people  list will be out on Monday abeg, no in house news on Saturday or Sunday...LOL
Have a beautiful day!!!


Please I need help and honestly answers. I am a Nigerian schooling and studying Mbbs in a medical university in china. I don't want to give up much details because people close to me might be angry. It is the best university in its province.
So, I got admission in 2020, did I yr language in Chinese and I had to stay for the next 3 yrs taking my mbbs online classes because of COVID. 2023, restrictions were lifted and I came to China.

Now on seeing the way foreign students were taught, I'll tell you I am shocked and disappointed. Because I have friends in UI (University of Ibadan) and we discuss the syllabus and honestly, Nigeria is better. The Chinese students are taught better though. Their classes are scheduled as early as 7am but for foreigners classes start at 9:40 am making the students more lazy and complacent. The Chinese students study. 

I mean real study. From 7am to 9:30pm when the lecture hall closes. The foreign students except a few just sleep. I am just in shock because I just arrived a few months ago. This is my first time in a university and I still can't come to terms that it will never look as good as my secondary school  where I had teachers that taught me everything. So having no one explain things to me is weird. But I am adapting.

The other day, my classmates were joking saying they know that they'll not be doctors at the end of the 6yrs. I am just shocked.
I don't gain anything in the class except a few subjects. The school just lost its license to teach in English. But the teachers still teach in the English Language. Sometimes the non fluent, teach in Chinese and we use Baidu to translate. The exams are offered in Chinese and English.

Now, if I continue at this rate, I will come out after 6yrs empty and NEVER QUALIFIED to be a doctor. The Pakistanis in my class basically do self study because they have to take the Pakistani Medical license exams. So basically while the teacher is teaching maybe Pharmacology, they're studying the First Aid textbook because they know the teaching is not quality. Except for a few subjects.
Some Teachers just read directly from the PPT. I want to take the Nigerian Medical license exam. But at this rate, there's no way I'll pass the exams.

I need advice because I am very confused. I don't know if I should continue the mbbs or change to another course that offers job opportunities in china? I pay 20,000 rmb per year which is above 3 million naira. I can't keep paying this and not gain anything. My agents didn't inform me about the quality here. The university is the top in its province. Great quality for Chinese but not great for foreigners.

Also I need advice concerning the Nigerian Medical license exam. Because the statistics show that many Foreign students don't pass this exam. I haven't yet paid this year's tuition. So I can decide my next step. Yes I know I would have lost 3yrs.
So basically should I continue the mbbs and increase my self study or change courses that offer more job opportunities in china? And what courses can I change to?
I need help and counseling as I don't want to make a mistake.
Stella please post.

WHAT!!!!!!... then you would be wasting time...Please move to a plan B at once!



This is BV ********. One of the recipients of 50k giveaway. I am so grateful and fulfilled. Thanks so much. May God continue to bless you abundantly.
Kindly find attached pictures of me and my catfish. I used the money to buy Fresh catfish 50kg and dried it myself. The Oven, is part of the giveaway I received also from you.
My prayer always is for God to give you Long life in good health in Jesus name Amen




  1. Replies
    1. Hello beautiful people 😍
      Thank God it's Friday
      Jummat Mubarak folks

    2. Good afternoon everyone
      Lovely day ahead.

    3. 50k giveaway feedback. May God increase your efforts.

      China student, please go on Twitter and consult people who have gone through China education system and find out what step to take.
      I have 2 people I can refer you, perhaps you can send me a mail.
      May your efforts not be in vain.


    Murder is the act of intentionally killing someone.

    Atimes some people kill in other not to be exposed.
    Some kill to inherit properties and wealth, maybe jealously in other to covet a man or woman to their self etc, out of malice, hatred etc.

    The sin of murder is a wicked thing in the sight of the lord, he considers it an abominaton proverbs 6:16-19 and also a pollution numbers 35:33
    God commanded us not to commit murder Exo 20:13
    When you kill, you not only commit the sin of murder but you also disobey, and disobedience is also a sin.
    Child of God the wages of sin is death, that means whoever murders shall also be murdered Gen 9:6, Exo 21:12 , Exo 23:7
    Every murderer is a child of the devil john 8:44
    Keep away from muder if not you will perish in hell.

    Are you a Ritualist, armed robber, kidnapper,occultic man/woman witch or wizard, Satanist that needs to keep killing in other to be rich or gain more power, listen to me, you will burn in hell if you don't repent and give your life to JESUS CHRIST. don't let the devil fool you with his inferior power, he is promising rulership and all that in his kingdom, i kid you not, satan cannot even safe his own neck when his time comes.
    Give your life to Jesus now and be free from eternal damnation.

    Have you commited murder whether lawful muder(as an officer of the law) self defence murder as an individual please ask God for mercy, because every blood is precious to God
    So that the devil will not accuse you of murder when you are about to enter into God's kingdom.

    You have just been notified that murder is a sin, and it can lead you to hell, so flee from it child of God

  3. Happiness is becoming scarce because of the economy. Regardless, try to make yourself happy.

    Good afternoon beautiful people of SDKville.

  4. I know sure say this year father Christmas go get big bellle sapa don hold father Christmas 😂😂😂😂
    Good afternoon blogfams💝💗❤💜💖💙💟💞💕😘😍

  5. Awwww Giveaway update poster, may God prosper you, Amen.




    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
    Matthew 5:8

    READ: MATTHEW 23:25-33

    25. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.

    26. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

    27. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

    28. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

    29. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,

    30. And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

    31. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

    32. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

    33. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

    Our memory verse today says those that are pure in heart are blessed and they will see God. What this scripture is saying is that if your purity is not on the inside, you cannot make heaven. Some people will probably jump at that and say, "What matters is the inside, not the outside." That is untrue because whatever is on the inside will also show on the outside. When somebody is mad, he is mad on the inside, but the evidence is seen on the outside.

    Many years ago, when we had just started the Redeemed Christian Bible College, I brought some Americans to teach the students, but they began to teach my people that I was too harsh and legalistic. They said God is only interested in what is inside the heart, not outside. When I heard this, I knew I was in trouble and sought the face of God for wisdom to handle the situation. Thankfully, He inspired me to buy two oranges of the same size and present to the students. One was yellow and the other green. I asked them to choose one and they all chose the yellow one. I asked why and they said it would be sweeter than the green one. I asked them how they came to that conclusion as we had not cut it open; they said the outside shows what is inside. The message was passed.

    The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 that in the last days, there will be many people who will have a form of godliness. You may talk and dress like a Christian, but those things don't make you one. Christianity is being like Jesus from the inside out. Your heart must yearn to be more and more like Him. You must avoid sin in order to please God. It is when your heart is aligned with Christ that every other thing on the outside begins to fall in place. You must study God's word daily with the intention of getting to know more and more of Him. Spend quality time with Him in prayers and worship. Tell Him you want to have an intimate relationship with Him that will change you from the inside out and you would see Him reveal Himself to you like never before.

    Your Purity must start from within you, but it should also reflect on the outside.

    Father, please help me to be pure inside and outside.

  7. Good p.m good people of SDK ville 💜

  8. I missed my flight to Abuja.
    I feel like weeping. Infact I'm weeping.😭😭😭😭
    Can anyone recommend a hotel close to the airport in Lagos.
    I no wan cry pass this.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  9. Sometimes, God will push you into your destiny. He loves you too much to let you miss your purpose. What looks like a disappointment, a betrayal, a setback is really God stirring things up to get you in position for something greater.


    It's almost weekend try and rest well. Very important.

    As an adult you need 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep is what's called sleep deprivation.

    Lack of sleep ages your skin and cause dark circle.
    Lack of sleep increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart and blood diseases.

    If lack of sleep starts to affect your daily life then it has become an issue.

    Say NO to poor Healthcare!!

  11. Thanks guys for your kind wishes on my birthday. I appreciate you all.

    1. You're welcome, Miss Aboki.

    2. Hope your wig arrived o.

    3. Belated happy birthday, miss Aboki. May this be ur best year yet

    4. Belated happy birthday Aboki

    5. Thanks guys.
      @Candy, them say na after 7 working days...them no talk that one before i pay ooo

  12. DEAR MEN,


    1. You can be a great man even if you grew up without a father or a good relationship with your father

    2. Your worth as a man is not determined by the money you have but your character

    3. There is always a younger man watching you and how you carry yourself. Be a good example

    4. Wisdom doesn't come with age, but by you fearing God and seeking wisdom

    5. Ego is the man's greatest enemy. Once a man has self-control over his ego he is ready for greatness

    6. Men have emotions too. Be responsible with your emotions and you will be responsible with the emotions of others

    7. The earlier a man finds his vision and purpose in life the better for him

    8. A man who seeks to grow marries a woman who challenges him and grows with him

    9. A grown man not only expects respect, he also respects others



  13. SP Poster, move to plan B, so you don't regret in future. BV selling dried catfish, may God bless, and enlarge your business. Amen. I'm loving the weather. Y'all enjoy the rest of your day. 🤗🤗

  14. Wo, love is not for everybody, be like i go rest, me sef don try 😔

    1. Don't make that mistake again dear..
      Love is for everyone, all you need do is to pray to God .

      Soon, you shall find one..a genuine one

    2. Don't give up on love dear. God will definitely bring you the right person at the right time. Love is a beautiful thing, believe me. 🤗🤗

    3. Love will find you and it’s going to be with an amazing/good person.


    4. Everybody don try for love matter jare but don't give up still

    5. Love is sweet, when you are with the right person. Don't give up on love. 🤗

    6. Love is sweet with the right person, rest and try again.

    7. Love is sweet
      Love is kind
      Love is wonderful
      Love is the best thing that will happen to mankind.

  15. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah

    On this beautiful Friday, I wish you the strenght of Faith, the reality of Hope, the joy of Charity and the contentment of a Happy Heart. May The Almighty-Allah grant u good health,long life and blessings... May Allah reward every little u do in multiples, may all your wishes and desire be accomplished, may all your sins and shortcomings be forgiven, Amin thumma Amin.

  16. Good afternoon all.
    Congratulations BV with the giveaway update, wishing your business a success.

  17. It is well with us oooooo

    Big sis, are you surprised about the comments ni? Don't be.

    The grace, favor and mercy of the Lord upon our live is a magnetism that pulls success, blessings and undiluted testimonies to us all.

    Let's always give thanks to God all the time, no matter the condition.Give thanks always.

    Don't forget that, loving yourself is not vanity but sanity. Be at peace with God and be at peace with yourself in order to to be at peace with others.

    Ire oooo

    1. Why are you calling Stella big sis? You this Pinky u no ever get secret raara. Whatever happens in Rome should remain in Rome but not with u.

  18. To the poster. Please change course you can't be paying for something that's not adding values to you. Switch to a better opportunity, nursing is cool, explore other options
    May your business flourish@bv recipient.
    Good afternoon everyone and God keep blessing you Stella and to our blog Angels. Stella please consider me in the 10k giveaway.many thanks and God bless you

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      ❤️💕 Thanks so much.

    2. I’m still trying to wrap my head around why you went to China to study medicine in comparison to Germany, India and turkey. Please if you can, seek a transfer to another school outside of China. Do not waste time and money and your AGE. Goodluck 🙌🏽

  19. I love dried catfish!
    BV, God bless and grow your business.

    Thanks Stella. Baba God noni!

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much

  20. *cricket sound*

    Kelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  21. Good afternoon y'all


  22. My mind is telling me Ezege zoom that photo to look at something else, instead of catfish..
    Just stop wasting your time in this heavenly race, you no fit enter😂

    1. Boss,

      That one no enter my eye naa. E get the one you go talk I go agree. Even Stella knows the type I can empty my account on. I no get money no be when I see something good and endowed. True true that heavenly race I don give up. These women are making it difficult for me.

      How far about that your research? 😂😂😂

    2. 😂😂😂😂
      You eehh

  23. It’s not just about you; it’s about what God needs you to do. He has people He wants you to impact: people that need your love, people that need your healing. There’s healing in your hands. There’s healing in your words. Sometimes, we’re so caught up in our plans, our dreams, our storm, our bad break that we miss the miracles along the way. It’s a divine detour. You’re not going to understand it, but you have to trust that God knows what He’s doing. He’s ordering your steps. The delays, the detours, things that don’t make sense, you’re not there by accident. Look for opportunities to be good to people. As you help others, that’s a seed God will use to help you.

    Joel Osteen

  24. Good afternoon beautiful people. That chinese student I think you should change to courses that offer more job opportunities over there, am sure you don't want to waste your time and resources and at the end you come out with nothing to show for it , may God help you. Thank God it's Friday guyssss 💃💃💃

  25. Omo the comments choke that yesterday IHN....Poster there is no need travelling on the wrong route, now you have the time; seek the plan B and get value for your investment before you even think of writing exams...

    Smoked fish Vendor More sales for you!!!

  26. Don't be too available for people.
    Long time no see is better than this idiot have come again😀
    Good afternoon everyone 🎉

  27. Aunty in China, don't forget that, for every opening tag, there must be a closing tag.

    Plan B is at this point kponki

  28. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Happy weekend.

  29. Good afternoon
    Congratulations to the bv
    God is faithful

  30. If you are wearing leggings as a lady, kindly wear a top that goes down a bit.
    Help our brothers achieve this heavenly race in peace.

    Ok, bye! 🚶

    1. If only some Warri women will hear

    2. Lol..
      People that want to sell market, how else should they advertise their wares..

      Me, I sha cover my eyes with dark shades and speak in strange tongues whenever I mistakenly sight such..

      I can't be doing celibacy physically and banging in my mind nah.. O wrong.. I have to stay pure in body and mind😌😌

    3. Teacher mi, but we kings didn't send you this message na. We aren't complaining either.

    4. So correct. Some don't even. Wear pant. Everywhere will be dancing.

    5. God bless you my sister

      Will they hear?

    6. @Zaza, which one is everywhere will be dancing? 🙄🤣😂

    7. As in... You just can't say this enough.

      Zaza, wetin na? 😂

  31. SP poster, it's time for change of plan..
    Giveaway poster, you have done well 👍 God bless your hustle.
    Good afternoon everyone

    May God bless you catfish business in Jesus name 🙏

  33. The 50k business giveaway congrats to you. You're doing tremendously well. I pray you increase more than this. Seeing this photo gladden my heart.

    To all the kindhearted and lovely Angels here, may God bless you all and keep you in good health always.

    May your heart desires be granted unto you..

    Stella, you have done very well as well. May God sustain and bless you always. You have a good and a large heart accommodating prople you don't even know. May your dreams come through in life.

    Good Afternoon guys

    1. Amen 🙏🏻 🙌
      Thanks bro.

  34. Children for rent pls (for free)

    Age: 21months and 7months.

    Free meals included.

    Apply within

    1. I'll "rent" your 7month baby. 🤣

    2. Eka, kilode😂😂😂😂

    3. 😂😂
      Eka Joy, Dey play oo
      Na your Cross

    4. Rent kwa?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣, you is not serious Eka, let my cuties be o.

    6. That's the joy of motherhood Eka. Enjoy it now, children grow very fast.

    7. I'm interested. I love babies so much, even in church they will gather me like I'm their mother.
      😘😘😘 for me.

    8. Freshyo, until they are ur responsibility 24/7 oh 😭

  35. Good afternoon everyone 🥰🥰

    1. Eonni 🥰😍
      How's your day going?
      Check out this kdrama series if you haven't
      Love in contract -- Kim Nana
      The secret romantic guests house --epic
      Crash course in romance
      Secret love affair
      World of the married

  36. Congratulations bv. May your business flourish.

    1. Amen 🙏🏻🙌
      Thanks so much

  37. Thank God is Friday. May God bless your business BV catfish seller..

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much ❤️

  38. Spontaneous post BV, is there a counselling unit in the sch? You may want to tell them your concern so that they can advise accordingly. On the other hand, you may just switch courses to a more lucrative one that will get you a wide range of job opportunities as a foreigner in China.

  39. Good Afternoon Beautiful People ♥️ Happy weekend!

  40. Good afternoon people. God bless our hustle today.

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much 💕

  41. Spontaneous post bv,don't be wasting time and money move to plan B .
    Congratulations to business giveaway update,God bless and uplift your business.

    1. Amen 🙏🏻🙌
      Thanks so much 💕

  42. It's obvious nothing good will come out of the teaching as you have seen, if your family in Nigeria can help you get and book an appointment with an online education/career consultant, I think that would help, the consultant should be in good position to answer all your questions, I wish you the best.

    May God enlarge your business @ business giveaway recipient.

    Sign out meme 👌

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much ❤️💕

  43. Good afternoon everyone 🥰
    Bv selling catfish God bless your business 🙏

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much 💞

  44. God bless you SDk and all the angels here. Even those who have the intention of giving but don't have now, may God open doors and windows of blessing upon us. Amen.
    Good day people of SDKSphere!

  45. Onichabor Christopher17 November 2023 at 14:32

    Good day bvs, how u na go dey go. The lady in chinese province university made me speechless, can't you come back to nigeria in a private university to further your course. At last last, you will be better. Thank God for the giveaways people, better luck next time to new folks. Thank you Stella for using to your network to put smiles on people's faces. Enjoy the rest of your day

    1. That's how quacks are breed. God abeg ooooo

    2. @15:24, I can't agree less oh. That's how quacks are breed. I am very honest here. My parents have refused to see reason. Me I am the one in the school seeing the whole mess. If I were dependent on my parents, I'd just switch course immediately.

  46. @chronicle poster,I think it's better you switch now but if you're very passionate about medicine why not come back to Nigeria and study in a top private school.
    May your business continue to flourish @the giveaway feedback.
    The weather is so cool,loving it.

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much ❤️

  47. Spontaneou post bv,the earlier the better,don't waste time at all.
    Catfish seller,more sales in Jesus name.Amen.
    To all the givers,may the Lord enrich your pocket massively.

  48. SP poster, it's better to change course.
    Catfish seller, may your business continue to flourish in Jesus's name, Amen

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much ❤️

  49. Good afternoon, Stella.
    BV in China, thanks for sharing your experience. If you feel you aren't getting value for your money, please leave the program and study something that works best for you. If you're bent on studying medicine, then you need to go to those Chinese students, make friends with any one of them and ask to study with them. You need to be selfish with your goals and be determined on achieving them.

  50. Friday Spontaneous gist poster abeg get out from that school, what type of doctor do you want to end up being? Abi u dey whine me ni, you wan waste precious time? Pls quickly move to your plan B.
    I don't even know why people go to some places to study. This your school must be a substandard school.
    My school mate did masters under scholarship in China, her story was good, according to her Chinese standard is far better cos our course is a practical based one.

    1. The university is Nanchang Medical University. I will be honest. I taking my plan b serious. With what I heard this evening, plan b straight away.

  51. In a town called Barrow in Alaska USA, the sun sets November 18 and rises January 23. Between this period, there is no sunrise for 67 days.

  52. Opportunity come but once pls move to plan b .

  53. Good afternoon brother and sister please keep my husband in your prayers. He's having a hard time finding me . Thank you and God bless

    1. May God direct his footsteps to you before end of the year in Jesus name amen 🙏

    2. Huh! 🙄🙄

    3. He will find you soon in Jesus" name. Amen.

  54. Good afternoon beautiful people

  55. Good afternoon all!! God bless your hustle BV and may God continue to bless all the givers on this blog.

  56. Good afternoon. God bless the work of your hand, SDK has really helped a lot of us, may God continue to bless her and all the angels on this blog.

  57. Good afternoon everyone
    God bless your hustle Bv

    1. Amen 🙏🏻
      Thanks so much ❤️

  58. Congratulations to the BV with Catfish business. Remember to send some to SDK o

  59. God bless your hustle and thanks to Stella and the blog angels for this platform. I pray to be a recipient one day.
    BV studying in China, pls switch to another school or course such as nursing if possible

    1. Amen 🙏🏻🙌
      Thanks so much.

  60. Poster, It's better you switch to plan B
    to avoid unnecessary time wasting.
    And so , this ugly scenario keep playing in my small head.

    Was in a bus yesterday waiting for it take off and this woman across the road selling Boli used her hand to pick her nose and still use same hand to touch and turn the boli she was roasting, yuck 🤮🤢 we dey really chop something... O My !!!

    Cheers everyone as the day progresses 😍

    1. That still doesn't stop us from eating roast corn and boli

  61. BV China stay and graduate. Study well on your own and you will pass.
    Don’t come back to Nigeria oh

  62. Medical student poster, the time to act is now. You can make your findings and switch to a better school.

  63. Wow! it's Friday already....... Christmas is fast approaching..... congrats to the Bv with the giveaway,God bless your Hussle and everyone that have contributed......The Bv studying in china you better change the course............. Josaria

    1. Amen 🙏🏻🙌
      Thanks so much

  64. @Poster ihn, kindly follow Stella's advice.sign out meme is 💯
    Good afternoon and happy weekend everyone.

  65. Christmas don dey reach small small. I'm grateful to God for bringing me this far.

  66. Good evening blog visitors.
    Giveaway update poster, More power to your elbow.


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