Stella Dimoko Wednesday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #womancrushwednesday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #loveyourselfwoman #celebrateyourgender #positivemindset #inspirationaloutlook #motivationalbelief

Good Morning....

Maybe today be positively different....May it be better than Yesterday and let tomorrow be better than it..

I celebrate ya all women on this Blog and everywhere else for being a woman cos its not easy...Abi i lie? men cannot survive being a real woman....The load of a real woman is meant for a real woman alone and no matter how big that load is, God gave real women shoulders and heads to carry it...

Happy Woman crush Wednesday....

Love yourself!


PS- Please send in your Chronicles


  1. Truly, there are destiny helpers. Men and Women that God will position in your life, to make your journey on earth, wholesome!
    God doesn't come down from heaven to bless anyone. He uses people to achieve that purpose.
    As you pray daily, ask that your own helpers locate you. And also position yourself strategically, for helpers to see you. Don't just lazy around and expect help.
    Lastly, no be everytime others go dey help you. You sef, try help others.
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. Yes o Ali, we too need to be other people destiny helpers, correct talk. Good morning

    2. Well said. Amazing morning, bro 💙

    3. Also position yourself too to be a destiny helper. Jesus said there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. We should also form the mindset of being ready to be of help at all times and supplicate God to help us do that. Not always praying to be assisted.
      Like the saying goes, the hand or person that is always receiving is down, but the hand ✋ or person giving is always up.

    4. So True and good morning.

      Amen to the prayers Stella. I celebrate me and the whole woman in me. Thank you Jesus

    5. Ali B and Anon 9:13 - You are right. This destined helper mentality has created a lot of entitlement and selfishness in some people. Instead of actively seeking ways to help themselves and others, they will be fixated on another human being like themselves to help them. It's more blessed to help others than to be the one always receiving. From the little you have, give a fraction out of it, it mustn't be money only, offer services for free, teach people freely, give of your time, talent, resources.

  2. Replies
    1. I greet you, Miss Ess 💚

    2. Hf_beddings 09072300391 (for your duvet set, fiber pillows, original honey, fabrics & tailoring)18 October 2023 at 11:40

      Good morning my people

  3. Be Spiritually Sensitive!!
    1 Peter 5:8.


    "Life is spiritual; everything you can see with your optical eyes and relate physically with, came from the realm of the spirit."

    "It’s essential for you to be spiritually sensitive to discern and decisively deal with the enemy whenever he shows up. Be on the alert. The Lord Jesus warned us to watch and pray (Mark 13:33)."

    "Speak in tongues often, because as you pray in tongues, spiritual realities are unveiled to your spirit and you won’t be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. You’ll see and will be able to relate with the “real” truth concerning any situation."


    I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit the stratagems, schemes, maneuvers and manipulations of the devil. As I speak in tongues, spiritual realities are unveiled to my spirit, and I see and relate with the real truth concerning any situation. Hallelujah!

    Further Study:
    Ephesians 6:10-14; Colossians 1:9; 1 Corinthians 14:2 AMPC.

    1. Lord I will always keep your word in my heart and mouth to distract the maneuver of the devil. Thank you Jesus 👐


    Sodomy is the crime of oral or anal sexual contact or penetration between persons or of sexual intercourse between a person and an animal

    Children of God i want to open your eyes to the reality of life. Modernisation has packaged and modernised sin in such a way that it has been generally endorsed and accepted to be good and ok, Even Christians have been decieved by this demonic agenda and conspiracy. The society is now morally bankrupt. Sin is now globally accepted as wokeness, while hardcore Christianity have been hushed down and forced to be become ancient and archaic, making believers to look like extremists.

    One of the strongest weapon of the devil in this Christianity eradication agenda is the weapon of consistency, when a sin or evil practice is introduced, they keep pushing and churning it down our throats till we get used to it and it becomes a global thing.

    Do not get weak to this evil and luciferian ideology and demonic agenda.

    Homosexualism and lesbianism is a sin in the sight of God. All gays will go to hell if they don't repent.
    God is not changing his principles because of Modernisation. 1cor 6:9 leviticus 20:13 leviticus 18:22

    Even if you started practicing it from a little age, if you don't seek help and come out of it, you will land in hell. Any mother or father accepting this evil ideology is an enabler and you will land in hell for not speaking against it.

    The sin of sodomy is an abomination in the sight of God. Leviticus 18:22

    The world is globally celebrating gays, the anger of the lord is upon this world.
    Judgement day is coming, and it will begin from the house of God.
    Many Christians have compromised in there walk with God. Evil has now been exchanged to good Rom 1:25-27

    If you are gay please do not accept it that you were born that way, you were created in the image and likeness of God, he did not create you to like your fellow gender, when he mandated us to go into the world and multiply, how then would u multiply in that way you are, eve was created for Adam, if God wanted that, he would have created another Adam, Go for counselling and deliverance to be free.
    All you need is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

    Flee from this abomination else you will burn in hell when you die.


    ROM 10:10
    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

    1. Our body is the temple of the most high God. Lord et your mercy prevail .

    2. You needed to see the speed I used in escaping your post. Omo, Okwa vuuum!! But you caught my attention with this very insightful, truthful and aptly post.
      Weldon 🙌🙌👏🙌🌹🌹.

      Who get ear, make e hear. God is not changing his principles because of modernization! ##WORD.

      Please find a way to keep them short, so we go fit to dey read it.

      Thanks for sharing.🙏😍😎

  5. Have a blessed and productive day ahead. Good morning lovelies.

  6. This Wednesday morning, the blessings of God shall locate us from all the four corners of the world, his covenant for us and our household shall be permanent in Jesus name 🙏
    May the power and presence of the most high God make the impossible to happen to us with ease in Jesus name 🙏
    May the power of God open the doors of success, breakthrough, favour, peace, his goodness and blessings to us today in Jesus name 🙏

  7. It's another WCW & I'm crushing on Stella and all my beloved sisters on this ogbonge blog. You all are simply AMAZING 😘😘😘😘😘

  8. War is not good in any way no matter the angle you look at it. If you have not experienced, seen or read about it, it will seem like a solution while it's not and to those it's being fought in their domain, they can never remain the same again. What happened yesterday in Gaza is heart breaking.

    1. I pray everyday not to ever witness or experience war after my parents told me what they went through during the Biafran war. May God help the people of Gaza.

    2. Heavenly father take control.
      Innocent kids are killed. My heart bleeds .


    'Do not be drunk with filled with the Spirit.' Ephesians 5:18 NKJV

    The Christian life isn't only a changed life but an exchanged life. At the moment of conversion, we give our old life to God and he gives us a new life in its place. But he does more; he comes to live within us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Paul made the contrast between being drunk with wine and being filled with the Spirit. One causes you to be out of control; the other enables you to be in control. One is counterproductive; the other is productive. One makes you powerless; the other empowers you. One brings you sorrow; the other brings you joy.

    This Scripture is not a promise or even an option; it's a command: 'Be filled with the Spirit' (Ephesians 5:18 NKJV). Paul gives three evidences of a Spirit-filled life: (1) 'Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord' (Ephesians 5:19 NKJV). This song isn't induced by circumstances but despite them. 'At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God...immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed' (Acts 16:25-26 NKJV). Praising God can open doors and break chains. (2) 'Giving thanks always for all things to God' (Ephesians 5:20 NKJV). Spirit-filled people have troubles like everyone else, but don't focus on their troubles; they count their blessings and stay positive, upbeat and grateful. (3) 'Submitting to one another in the fear of God' (Ephesians 5:21 NKJV). Spirit-filled people are 'others focused'. They know that what you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you (see Ephesians 6:8).
    Word For Today

    ESSA atelier

    1. Profund words👏👏

      Thanks for sharing Sis 💝💜💖❤️

    2. Thanks for sharing and God bless you more 😘💕💜

  10. If your kids have Apollo, do others the favour of not taking them to school to stop the spread.

  11. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Hope everything is fine?

    Thanks to y'all that reached out to me yesterday with your condolences.
    He hasn't been buried yet but that got scheduled for the weekend in Okene and I will most definitely be in attendance.


    1. Good morning & do accept my condolences on the death of your uncle.

    2. Morning milkshakes.
      Accept my condolences.
      May his soul rest in peace.

  12. SDK Psychologist18 October 2023 at 08:09


    "Emotional incest," also known as covert incest, refers to a situation where a parent or guardian relies on their child for emotional support and intimacy in a way that is inappropriate and exceeds typical parent-child boundaries.

    This can involve confiding in the child about adult issues, sharing inappropriate personal details, or seeking comfort and companionship from the child in a manner that should be reserved for adult relationships.

    It can have lasting emotional and psychological effects on the child, impacting their ability to form healthy relationships in the future.

    Emotional incest can occur in relationships regardless of the sexes or genders involved. It's not limited to a specific gender pairing (same-sex or opposite-sex relationships).

    The key defining factor is the inappropriate emotional and boundary violations within the relationship, often involving a parent or guardian and their child.

    The harmful effects of emotional incest can occur in any family dynamic, irrespective of the genders of the individuals involved.

    1. Some mothers do this a lot.. Thanks for sharing

  13. Happy Woman Crush Wednesday to you too stellz and to y'all women of this blog 💋💋

  14. Happy birthday to me,
    Can't thank God enough for all he has done for me.
    First birthday as a mother.
    More Grace to me🙏

    1. Happy birthday dear. Here's wishing you more blissful years to come 🎉

    2. Happy birthday beautiful

    3. Congratulations 🎊 mama

    4. Happy birthday to you.
      God bless your new age. Amen

    5. Happy birthday darling 🥳🎉🎈🎊 it's your season of increase, celebration and abundance 💃 keep shining 🌟 God bless you richly 🙌 have a blast 🥂 lots of love ❤️💖💖❤️

    6. Happy birthday to you, beautiful.
      You're blessed and favoured, in they mighty name of Jesus Christ.🥂🥂🥂

    7. Happy birthday to you, the Lord bless you in Jesus name.

    8. Happy birthday to you,wish wish God's unending blessings now and always 😘💞

    9. Happy birthday to you beautiful ❤️

    10. Happy birthday Sweetie🎉💃🏻 Your New Year is Blessed 🎁

    11. Happy Birthday Dear 🍾 🎂 🥳

      October rocks

  15. Good morning everyone 🤩🤩🤩

    When love visits you again, may it be safe, secure, genuine & reassuring.

    Special shout out to the single, divorced or estranged Women on here. Love will find you again and it will make a beautiful story out of you. Keep the crown on.

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday to all Queens 🥰😍😘

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead💕

  16. Good morning bvs, hope we all slept well.
    Bv Phoenix, pls I hope you see this. You said something about investing idle funds in money market last week.
    Pls, I want to know if it is done in commercial banks and if I can go to my bank and ask the customer care staff about it. Thanks

    1. If it's a substantial amount, why not invest it in buying a land. Land appreciates rapidly. Went for an inspection yesterday, a land I know that was sold for 1.5m in May this year is now going for 5m as at yesterday.

  17. Yesterday's chronicle poster, are you for real? You sat down and wrote a chronicle because a married woman is cheating on her husband? I'm not sure you are okay.
    What is the big deal in cheating? Oh! It is a woman involved. It is a taboo for a married woman to cheat but a married man can cheat and even bring his side chick home to do it without remorse. Not like he married a second wife o, I mean sleeping with a strange woman or women in most cases. Sometimes even the house maids or sales girls of his wife.

    All of una dey craze.

    If all married women decide to write a chronicle each time they catch their horsebands cheating, then we will have hundreds of Chronicles every week here.
    Let me advice you like we advice women, if you cannot condone her cheating, divorce her. If not, face your work and children and ignore her.

    1. Wahala 😲!
      The thing pain you reach this morning? E Pele, dear.😁

    2. No vex..
      Two wrong can't make it right.. If the wife also know she doesn't want the marriage, why not leave too instead of cheating?

  18. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    I celebrate you Stella❤may God keep blessing you

    I celebrate myself💓i💓me💓and all the amazing women❤

  19. I Celebrate Meeee,
    I celebrate Every Woman here
    it's not been easy but we striving daily God is our source and strength 💪
    Happy Woman Crush Wednesday 😍

    Beautiful Blissful Morning

  20. Thank you Jesus for another day 🙏
    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  21. Stella, you so right. We women are built to be able to shoulder all that comes our way. I celebrate all the women here. May God bless us all.

    Have pleasant day people.

    Fidel sis, how are you doing? Please stay strong sis🤗

  22. Happy woman crush Wednesday to me and all d beautiful women in dis space.we are strong and resilient,we are wonderful and dependable,we are let's carry ourselves with ur heads held up high.d world is at a standstill with out us cheers ladies!!!🎉💞🎤

  23. It's another beautiful day,I'm glad to be alive,all women are the MVPS💪💪,may God bless and reward our labour of love.Good morning blogfam,have a swell day,one love❤❤❤

  24. A blessed day to you all. May Jehovah, our ever kind and generous father, open his hands and satisfy your sincere desires

  25. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday.

  26. Good morning and happy woman crush Wednesday to all the women on this space. God bless us all, indeed it's not easy.

    The Israeli war is heartbreaking. I feel for pregnant women and nursing mothers even little children.

    Have a nice day y'all ❣️❤️‍🩹

  27. The way fuel dey burn these days,abi na my car? My fuel just dey do vaaavaavoom, please who else noticed this ? Abi my guage don spoil ni? 20k fuel in a week??

  28. I like the smell of my otu, as I sit now the thing dey breeze into my nostrils,and I dey enjoy the smell 🤣

    1. Bia nwanyi a gbara ogwu gi here😂 kekwa nke bu otu this morning

    2. its a healthy feeling baby, nothing do you. me too

    3. You didn't lie at all!
      Especially when eat fresh cold pineapple mixed with Greek yogurt 🤤🤤 omo, gbasazia okpa gi Ike me sit up and Kel gel exercise inside your sitting room without opante, nwanne, Okwa inukata isi ndu, ikwelu na ona eme.😉😋🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

  29. I have nothing to say today than to say thank you Jesus for his mercy and protection over everyone in here.

    I celebrate all men in here too at least, we be person now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

    I celebrate all the women in here join sef

  30. Full gist
    There is a motel a few blocks from me. Beside me, an elderly woman sells vegetables.
    That Monday evening, the receptionist ran to this mama and told her to come, she asked what happened, the receptionist said a customer is behaving strange, that the woman being an elderly person may know what is wrong . When I heard, I followed the mama to the place. Entering the room we saw the man completely naked sweating and two strong men holding him. The lady he came with was tying bedsheet on her chest and crying. They said according to the lady he started behaving strangely after they started the do. It was her shouting that made the staff to come to the room.
    He was crawling like an animal, they said he crowed like a cock. The old woman asked how many times, they said twice, she now told them that if he crow the third time he will die. She now begged the woman he came with to call her husband and confess so that he can tell her the remedy. She refuse. She said her husband will kill her. The man crow the third time, I mean real crowing like a male fowl. Then he started foaming from his mouth and went silent. They now wear his boxers for him and carried him outside. The police that a staff went to call arrived and took the woman and the man away, he was still breathing. they also arrested the manager and receptionist. What we heard is that the man is a regular customer and will bring different ladies there at least four times in a week, both married and single, old and young. The old woman said what happened is magun, also known as thunderbolt.

    1. Yes it is magun... Sleeping with people wives has brought an end to he's life

    2. Nawaa oo!! Some people are so used to cheating that they now see it as a normal way of life. Imagine sleeping with different women every week. Tufiakwa

    3. God don judge both of them here on Earth. I wish others will learn

    4. When them no go leave people's wife alone.

      Some women na real Akwuna Ike.🥴

  31. Good morning beautiful people.
    May God come through for us all, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰😍😍💙💙💙😎

  32. A blessed Wednesday to everyone..
    Let's thank God for another WCW..
    What else?
    Life is too short to starting thinking bcs of haters..
    Forget haters , ignore them..
    And enjoy everyday like it is Christmas.

  33. Good morning Stella and lovely blogfam. I pray our destiny helpers locate us. May we find favour today.
    I am crushing on all women not relenting in their hustle despite the economic situations in Nigeria.

    1. Trying being a destiny helper for a change.

  34. WINNER, YES I AM!18 October 2023 at 09:50

    Good good morning to everybody

  35. Goodmorning blog family.
    I celebrate all the women here.
    Thank you so much Stella for this platform.
    🍻 👏 ✌️
    Have a nice day

  36. Thank God it's Wednesday
    Good morning everyone

  37. Eka Joy you have been missing in action,hope all is well?

    1. I miss her and her gbas gbose, too.
      Hope she's fine.😎

    2. Eka Joy doesn't give it unless you step on her toes. I like her for being real.

    3. I hope you are not just missing throwing jibes at her?

  38. Good morning.

    Have a productive day

  39. Good morning everyone

  40. Pls what's Palestinian crime with this airraid can this stop this world don tire me bad news everywhere, see women and children crying families in turmoil,I thank God for their medical personnel's they re on their toes attending to the wounded, cleaners very swift with cleaning God bless their hearts as they attend to the wounded, my heart is so broken

    1. This is the handwork of "the Israel. Of God" Pastor E.A Adeboye said you should pray on their behalf


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